Jay Shroeder Audio Interview

I’m sure a lot of members are testing their human performance abilities (i.e. grip strength) by themselves in front of their internet terminal. :eek:

Oh, sure, one upped by Number Two! Haha! :cool:

The intro sums it up “it’s been awhile”…

i tried listening to it - after at least 1min of pure rambling by some guy, im looking for the fast forward button… there was none to be seen! Simply had to shut the site down, just couldnt handle the torture.

For those unfortunate to not have see the Zohan yet, witness the Arm Free push ups here

Regarding the audio clip, I did not listen to the entire piece; however, I made it to the point where they discuss the 100m.

As a result, while he has brought up certain points that have caught my attention in the past, I don’t think I’d be willing to listen to anything Schroeder says from this point forward.

You don’t like it when Europeans use all their limbs to propel themselves down the track to traverse 100m in 8 seconds? I think there is a reason why there is no rewind/fast-forward button…

Thanks! Cannot wait to listen to this when I have some time tomarrow.

If I used emoticons I’d insert one that depicted someone pissing all over themselves in a fit of laughter.

Well among all the gibberish, he may be right on a couple of things: both orgasmic and sport responses release endorphines in the blood stream, and that’s why people in general feel good after practicing sport, or why some others seem hooked on it.

Oh boy…
Is there a way to save this to listen to it on your Ipod or skip through. I got to the part where he said something along the lines of increasing someones bench press 100 pounds in the matter of hours and added 6 inches to someones vertical jump in 3-8 mins. I then paused it and wanted to go back but it started from the begining. How much did I miss and is there a way to skip through it?

Thats odd Quik, I was able to pause it several times without it going back to the beginning! I’ll check and let you know what I find out.

Yea I could pause it but I tried to rewind a few seconds so I could hear again what he said but that wasn’t possible.

Seems as though that everyone that reads the old eastern bloc training manuals thinks they’re guru’s all of a sudden. Such old news at this point in time.

Favorite quote: " We all know that the left triceps stimulates the right hamstring"

No wait
“You must never, ever, ever train someone for softball or power hitting. You must train people as human beings”

I just can’t choose.

Well, if MLB is an indication…

S&C is rocket science, didn’t anyone tell you that?

"I opt to speak intelligently; in a fashion that reads well to an informed international audience.

I am fortunate to have developed correspondences from the former Soviet Union and Eastern bloc Europe who have forgotten more than most westerners will ever know about sport science and its practical applications and our writing is very familiar to one another.

Regarding the way in which I articulate myself is interpreted by the plethora of keyboard warriors who hail from the lazy west- I can only find amusement as I have so little interest in what most of my western counterparts have to offer that the degree to which we appeal or understand one another has perhaps only enough meaning for me to take the 5-10 minutes I’ve already blown by typing this message."


I can only find amusement as I have so little interest in what most of my western counterparts have to offer that the degree to which we appeal or understand one another has perhaps only enough meaning for me to take the 5-10 minutes I’ve already blown by typing this message."

In your case I’ll make an exception.

That sentence took me about 10sec to formulate and type.

Off you go now.

k (0.05s) ’

Touche, well done.

Well in all your 25 posts here you’ve dedicated at least 2 to me.

A true fan.

Alternatively, your words have so accurately validated my criticisms of the opinionated amateurs who comprise such a large percentage of the western sport training industry. It’s curious how so many of you are so confident in speaking out of turn when it’s clear that you have the practical experience of novice.



Perhaps you might consider dedicating more scrutiny to what you post for the world to see.

While it’s difficult enough to take your words seriously, you’ve thrown all hope out the window with your childish behavior on camera.

I benched what you squat when I was 18 years old weighing 175lbs right after I got done squatting 315 for sets of 10.

But if it makes you feel better I have a 155lb running back who just benched 275lb.

Here’s some free advice from someone whose been training since before you were conceived I imagine: take a 5-10 year hiatus from the internet and go accomplish something half-way respectable in the form of strength preparation before you attempt to have a voice in the community.

You’re embarrassing yourself Andrew.

You’re barely old enough to drink legally, read a few books, accomplished jack in the form of training, and thinks he knows something.

The Internets finest. A true martyr.

I know you probably didn’t mean to but I have to thank you for proving my point beyond compare.

wow… wasn’t expecting this wonderful post from such a wonderful guy.

let me clarify my situation real quick, since i have the need to defend myself from a douchebag such as yourself… hopefully you read it, if you don’t whatever, (too harsh for internet - censored).

  1. My 285 x 1 @ 165 lb. squat PR after ~1.5 years of squatting, yes, I know that is horrible to most people on this forum, but lets consider a few things:
  • 2 years into college, I naturally had the genetics to only hit ~25" or so off a running jump.

  • I ran a 4:32 mile while boxing @ 147 lb.

  • I have a disorder in my sacral spine which affects my squatting, and have been injured my entire life.

Ok, so what part of going from 27" to 39-40" running vert in the last two years from age 25-27 is pathetic?

I don’t care what you bench at 18… I don’t care that you were a naturally stronger kid than me… I can say, did you ever break 5 in a mile? Did you ever go eight 3 minute rounds in boxing versus pros? Have you ever hit 39-40" running vertical?

I saw your 35" standing vert video, and I won’t even comment on it… with your short arms for jumping but long arms for benching, how cute ;d

pick one, inflate ;d

I’ve hit 1.8 x BW on squat, and I’m damn proud of it… How many “marathon runners genetics individuals” do you get who have jumped 39-40" off a run?

I’ve had plenty of success training many athletes, without advanced super complex omg easternbloc nut suckery… I’ve put a few on my youtube… your fascination which russia, disrespect for “the west”, and downright douchebaggery is annoying.

If my own individual journey in performance is based upon my “weight room numbers”, then ya it’s pretty embarrassing. Performance on the field/court/track is not dictated by weightroom numbers, so get a clue.


ps: i love alot of what has come out of the east… none of which includes james smith or jay schroeder… jay schroeder actually has some nice ideas though, it’s just that his 151 lb. on his bench press claims in 34 hours etc ruin him a bit.

btw, to listen to the mp3 and navigate it faster, use this link:

