Is this overtraining or weakness on my part?

Hi, I’m new to this forum, and maybe some of you can help me.

My boyfriend is a huge fan of Charlie Francis, and he has pretty much taken over my training regimen.
I’m 35, and I’m a semi-pro athlete who plays a sport that requires lost of mid-distance running and tackling (Australian Rules Football).
I’m not in the running shape that I used to be in, but I’m trying to get back.
My bf has me doing a workout that consists of conditioning one day and performance the next. Conditions is basically, sprint workouts totalling 2000 meters (e.g. 10 -200s or 20 -100s). Then the next day is performance training (sprint as fast as you can and lift). The next day is back to conditioning (sprint workout). I get one day off a week.

I’m finding that my legs constantly ache and are tired. I want to incorporate some long distance runs –which has caused some arguments with my bf. He things that long distance runs are a waste of time, and that if I’m going to do it, I should only do it one day a week on conditioning days.
The problem is that I stopped long distance running for 2 months and gained like 10 lbs. When I tried to get back in it, it seemed impossible. s I feel like I’m mentally and even physically incapable of anything over 2 mi [at the pace I used to], and my legs always hurt when I do. This used to be no problem at all. I have begun to lose weight, and tone down, but it is taking forever and I have to be in “fighting” shape this year for my sport.
I’m at the point where I’m sick of running altogether, and have started doing long distance walks to lose the weight as every run seems like a never-ending siege.
Does anyone have any advice? Am I overtraining or just being a baby?
I’m just trying to find the most efficient and fastest way to get back into top shape.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


Thanks for the reply.

I say mid-distance because my coach tests our fitness by giving us timed 2 mile runs [which I hate]. The anxiety over being timed in 2 miles is debilitating at times, and I just want to get to the point that I’m not nervous about it anymore.However, you’re right. In AFL, the “actual” sprints to go over 50-100m. Then a tackle, then I need to quickly recover and be able to jog over to the next scramble for the ball.

On low days, I probably could lower the intensity. We’re doing timed 60m sprints, so I’m going all out and perhaps shouldn’t?
My diet is good, but I’m thinking of incorporating a carb curfew. Plus, he eats late at night, and can get away with burning it off. I can’t so I’m planning to stop eating by 7pm. He also has like 6 eggs for breakfast for protein. I believe that is too much for me. I’m thinking it’s my portion size and time of day that I’m having carbs. I have lots of muscle, so it’s really about toning for me.

Thanks again.


See you got some help now you can delete the other threads you created and keep this one.

If you still want some help, It would be wise to do so…

I will delete the threads. I’ve never been on a forum before.

The diet is not “bs”. I think the portions I’m having are though. I eat when I’m hungry, but I think I need portion control. As for quality, I don’t eat fried. I shop the perimeter of the supermarket. I don’t drink sodas or sweet drinks. I do like red meat though and probably need to cut back.
And I do like carbs (e.g. rice with dinner, bread, sandwiches, etc), but I know it is sabatoging me because when I don’t eat them…I feel lighter during workouts.
I think you’re right about 60m runs and the intensity. It was getting to the point that I dreaded performance days more than conditioning days.
So I take it that you think long walks are a waste of time if you think long runs are a waste too?
Also, I’ve stopped drinking “Muscle Milks”. He likes them because they have a lot of protein and are good for recovery. I don’t drink them anymore because they have hidden sugars -I believe.

Gets some Bcaa’s for recovery.

Well, thanks, Chris. I’ll try that.

Ok. Thanks for the advice Adonail. I’ll look into “Zone”.
I noticed you questioned 100s and 200s. Do you think this is a good distance for sprint/conditioning, or should I lenghthen or shorten?
I sometimes do 5 -400 m or 7-300s.

It would depend on your caracter. For example If I give 100m for tempo to my hockey player, they want to go all out all the time.

For some 300m with good technique is a hard thing to do (for non-sprinter athletes).

200m is often a good middle ground.

For 400m, I would prescribe only if I know you have perfect technique, but even It’s too long.

200-200-200 (2min rest between reps / 5min rest between sets)

progress to

4-5 x 200m (2min rest between reps)

Basically, the run plan:

Sunday: Performance day
Warm up-strides
60 m buildups (generally 4-5).

Monday: conditioning
Warm up -strides
10-200m at about 65-80%
Pushups and situps and then 3-5min rest in between

Tuesday-Friday: Repeat sequence.
Saturday: off

Oh. Ok. I’m good at going all out if it’s 200m or less. Once you hit 300m, I begin to “pace” myself.

No practice…???

When do you play games?

Are you in off-season?

What’s the rest for build-up?

10-200m for tempo WTF??? must be 100-200m

Also I want to see a picture of you in the team

My pic at URL below. Yes. We practice, but I’m in the off season now.
Spring season begins in February. This means 1 game a week.
We practice Thursdays and Saturdays when the season begins.
This continues through summer (I might play rugby sevens as well) with tournments happening 2x a month. This means about 4 games a month.
Then preparation for Nationals begins in August/September.

Nationals happens second weekend in October.
Four games in two days.

So really, the off - season is in the Winter and fall.

I meant (ten) 200 m and (twenty) 100 m.
Sorry. I try to total 2000m…so it could be (five) 400m.

My picture is at:

I’m the only African-American in the pic.

Also at:

merci!, tes informations sur facebook son en français, alors je prends la liberté de t’écrire en français. Ton volume pour le tempo me semble o.k. Souvient toi que la théorie ne gagnera jamais sur la réalité, si tu es fatigué, diminue le volume et/ou fréquence.

Bonne chance

Ok. I don’t understand french, but I know enough spanish to get that my FB info was in French. I don’t know how that is as I just cut and pasted the url.
I’ll put a pic in my profle here and see if that gives you an idea. I take it you need the pic to get a better idea of what type of physique that I have? Most tell me that I’m built like Serena Williams if that helps.

also got that the tempo is ok, but for my recovery, diminish the frequency/intensity?