Anyone tried this. Brang new snac
na, but I would save my cash for something else… But hay if you got the money give it a shot and post a review!
nothanks. I wait for someone else to try it
I might give it a go. I’ve used the Aerobitine with great success. Is there much of a difference between the two?
What did you get from aerobitine?
Perhaps he got the warm satisfaction of giving one of the biggest conmen in recent history his hard-earned money.
Really, the guy who invented zma is hardly a conman.
Lyle. You loose credibility with me when, first you tell me that you can’t ever taste B12 (something athletes have reported to me for decades- and no doubt many on the site have experienced) and now this “studied analysis” of a product…
call Conti a con man. If he did nothing other than ZMA, his contribution to the world of supplements blows away 90% of the crap on the market today. I am open minded and would try anything once. Personally, I felt nothing from NO Explode, but plenty of people love it so who am I to judge.
It largely depends on your diet. Remember, its a Supplement. The better your diet is, the less a Supplement will have a noticeable impact.
Even though John Berardi designed Surge, he even feels there is too much reliance on “potions, pills, and powders”. Eating a healthy, well rounded diet goes a long way to building a healthy athlete.
Don’t they promote it by saying it’s impossible to overtrain if you take surge 3x/day?
Whats the fine print? Eat these 3x day and dont train more than 30min per day…
He designed Surge, Biotest sells it. In my opinion, the only supplements I advise my athletes to take is a really good vitamin with an array of anti oxidants, omega 3 and 6, ZMA, Whey Isolate, some form of rapid carb delivery, and creatine. I dont know if Conti’s new supplement is good or not, I just don’t summarily dismiss things without my own experience telling me it doesn’t work.
Relly?! let me ask you (and others) this, are there any companies that make food just for athletes? I mean high end super food organically grown and maybe even fortified.
Really, if I could eat at a super food cafeteria I would much rather do that then take tons of supplements except for pre race only.
As far as “superfood” this is the only company that I know of… They make food (shakes) for people who are recovering in a hospital among many other things.
I think it is just the base needs covered. Nothing exotic. It’s a perfect world scenario. Not financially feasible for all. I think most people who have a great deal of experience in athletic prep would agree that you need to do what is needed to steepen the recovery curve. I think any coach who doesn’t advise his athletes to use recovery drinks(creatine, glutamine, whey, carb polymer) and anti-oxidants, is doing his athletes a disservice. ZMA has given 80% of my athletes deeper sleep. I have trained athletes for 20 yrs and have helped produce hundreds of scholarship athletes in a variety of sports. Not tooting my own horn, but I feel it is just proper nutritional advice.
I tried using creatine but my muscles get all tight and I feel as if I’m about to pull something. I can’t use that stuff while I’m sprinting. Now, if I want to look buff for the chicks, it’s fair game, that stuff makes my muscles look pumped up.
Wow he did? That guy is brilliant and his products get great reviews.
As far as his comment, he must be playing dumb a good diet can only take you so far.
Don’t want to derail your thread but I have tried this.
lol, I got some free samples at a fitness expo in Los angles and I just packed it away in some bags. Well last nite I was cleaning my $$$$t out and I found the pills. Well I used them today (only 3 pills) in the gym and blasted through the workout to the point where I just had to quit MENTALLY to keep me from training too hard because my body kept going; if that makes sense.
Did about 11+sets of 3 reps with the 100 dumbbells (2 weeks ago I could only do 1 set of 3 reps with the 100s and the rest of the sets with 95lbs). Could have kept going but I just stopped because my problems is that I tend to focus on lifting too much (I love it!!). Would have used the 105 but they did not go up that high at this gym.
I will admit though I did just have a B complex shot a week or so ago, so I got to factor that boost in as well. I must have been deficient based on my immediate response from the shot.