How to train between meets

Yes, I would say the actual performance was very similar. I actually PBed in the 200m the day after the slower race. Not sure if strength is an issue in my case. I have deadlifted 3x bodyweight, deep squatted 2.5x body weight and benched almost 2x bodyweight.

Yeah, if you PBed, the day after, I doubt you’re body crashed or anything like that. So in your case it seems pretty clear wind was the only factor. And, well, you sure are very strong. Maybe there are other factors that affect how much one is affected by wind, besides strength.

Thank you for sharing your case.

List the dates…

Don’t get so caught up in one performance, that’s the beauty with athletics - you can look like shit one meet and Pd the next.

I would probably train right through this next meet and back off slightly for your last 2-3…

My plan for meet dates are 6/22 (Wed), 7/13 (Wed) and 7/17 (Sun)… I don’t think I’ll be able to make 6/18.

I thought that when you get better through improvement, peaking or combination of both, it usually happens in a trendline-like manner, where one would gradually improve…People always talk about early season meets not being fast, peaking for the most important meets and all, and how they get worried for certain athlete when the athlete hits really fast times too early in the season, for concern of burning out for most important meets later on. That’s why I thought once one’s trendline-like progression crashes with even one bad performance, that one bad performance starts downward trendline of performance, resulting in a series of poor times in subsequent competitions until starting another periodization cycle. Is it not always the case? Am I misunderstanding?

When you said to train through the next meet, are you suggesting that I train all out like 2-3 days before the meet and go in all zapped, or do you suggest having shorter “taper” than usual, say like 4,5 days instead of 7 or 10 in a full taper?

Thank you.


13: 3x30+3x60
14: 2x5x100
15: 2x40+200-180-150 rest 20-18-15etc
16: 2x5x100
17: 2x30+2(60/80)
18: 2x3x200
19: REST
20: 3x30+1x60-80 submax
21: Warmup
22: 100/200 post race 2x30+1x150

So I see that volume is only high on the 15th. All other days are around 300m, which is significantly lower than my non-competition training phase volume (which is usually around 600m). For the 17th, when you say 60/80 is it like a split 60s where you do 60 and then take like 1 minute break and then right into 80? If so, its 13th speed, 15th SE, 17th SE, 20th speed.

Thank you.

Don’t look at volume the intensity of Monday should be higher then Wednesday sessions. No split runs - str sprints - run 60 rest8 mins run 80 rest 10mins repeat. That could be your problem too much volume, at your level 300m of speed work is plenty. FYI - the workouts above are only samples pay attention to the daily focus of each session (speed/SE)

Thanks for the clarification on day 17. Though, if, as you said, 300m should be plenty for lower level sprinters like me, what should I do instead to build myself up? I’ll do anything. I’m doing tempos ranging from 1200-2000 a day on non-speed days and doing core workouts as well (all speed days and tempo days except on meet day and about 2 days before meet days). I do about 360 reps of core exercises (excluding leg raise type ones because I tend to get tight hip flexor easily) shown in CF videos and 3 sets of planks and side planks on tempo days, and planks and side planks only on speed days. I’m very passionate and willing to do a lot to improve, as I’m not as fortunate with natural gifts.

One thing that is very clear is that although everything about me is lacking (strength, rate of force development, technique, balance, top speed, etc) my endurance is particularly very weak. I can say that although I’m very weak and slow by track standards, I’m a lot stronger and faster than an AVERAGE person. However, my endurance is weaker than an average person that doesn’t even work out (I can only run 14:53 2 mile while average sedentary young male can run about 14:30. Even though it’s not specific to sprinting, it says something about how weak my general fitness is). Also, my 200m is about 0.8 slower than x2 of my 100m. Even though novices tend to slow down more towards the end and tend to do worse on longer events, that seems to be a large discrepancy.

If you have Charlie gpp/spp graphs you will see the volumes are higher but the intensity will be lower using the intensity limits etc. I’m not saying you can’t do more then 300m of speed esp in gpp/spp but at this point in the season 300m is plenty esp if the quality is high.

Ohh ok. I though since you said to train through the 6/22 meet, I thought you were suggesting that I train with higher volumes like around 600m like I did during SPPs before competition phase. So now it’s more clear. Train through with COMPETITION PHASE type of volume, not preparatory phase volume.

Thank you.

Yes sir…

Maybe you can use these next outdoor season, the workouts below really helped my 100-200m from june-aug. I would also perform tons of hurdle hops over 10 hurdles.

2x40+200 180 150 20 18 15
2x40+180 150 120 18 15 12
2x40+150 120 100 15 12 10

So this is workout for in-season, since you said jun-aug? So the workout is doing 2 sets of 40s and then doing SEs getting shorter in distance? would you use intensity limits? Would this be done mon, wed, fri or something of that sort, making 3 SE days a week, and 4 if there’s a meet that week??

If I have no hurdles, would tuck jumping forward work?

Thank you.

Depends. It was late spring-early summer for myself. I was on a s2l program and wasn’t ready for that type of work yet. 2x40 block starts, i didn’t use any int limit it was full go time… If i remember correctly it was done just like i mention earlier - mon 30/60, wed 200 180 150, fri starts+60/80.

You should start a fall gpp journal that’s when most of your changes/results will be made.

Two things i highly recommend for low level sprinters and something i will spend a lot of time on if i ever sprint again…

1: General fitness - year round - hit it hard!!! Not just tempo but abs, circuits, bb circuits, mb etc. I also like to use a HR monitor on these days for record keeping.
2: Acceleration - lots of it… If i ever sprint again i will focus purely on acceleration for the first 3-4 months. Sleds, hills, contrast sprints, various pos starts. You should see improvement in your 30m every 4th week!!!

So 2x40+200 180 150 20 18 15
2x40+180 150 120 18 15 12
2x40+150 120 100 15 12 10
was your week to week or month to month progression of your Wednesday SE days. That makes more sense, 2 speed, 1 SE a week. and this was your SPP in preparation of competition phase, right?

I do a lot of tempo and abs (IMO), will probably get a mb soon and start that as well. What is bb circuit? basketball? bodybuilding?

I’m planning to start GPP based on my understanding of GPP essentials video. Probably will get an isorobic exercise as a hill alternative. Would you say for novices a lot of acceleration work can enhance top speed as well? Knowing that one’s acceleration capacity really is limited by top speed…

thank you.

I don’t have much time now but i could dig through my notes and give exactly what i did. i do know those workouts were done between my spring and summer outdoor season (prep for summer track after completing spring outdoor). Those workouts were the final hard SE sessions - i think i also done 2x200 that summer for a couple sessions.

BB circuits - aux weight circuits. Great work in GPP.

Ex: 2 sets for 30sec
Shoulder press
Russ twist
Lat pd
W lunge
Hang leg raises

I would say yes.

Tossing out various ideas…

4 weeks - high volume hill work - very similar to gpp dvd.
4 weeks - sled work over 10-30m
4 weeks - contrast acc work 2x20 hill,2x20 face down starts, 2x30 sled,2x30 pushup 3pt 2x40 hill,2x40 3pt

Mb throws and hops uphill and various box jumps.

Don’t have my notes with me but i didn’t something similar years back with successful.

So it’s better to do more volume like 600 a day with intensity limits during gpp/spps while for competitive phase doing more like 300m a day without intensity limits is ideal?

Thank you.

Great ideas, but I haven’t found any hills to train on, so I’ll have to make adjustments. Probably do all isorobic or something.

For contrasts I think I’ll only be able to use isorobic on grass, so I might have to do unresisted starts on grass as well…Hope it still gets the job done.