I am late responding to this thread but would like to share my thoughts since I had success with planning summer track workouts…
4 race
5: rest
6: 4x20-30 and 1x150 submax (hard for 30 - maintain 120) squats/bench and any other aux lifts
7: 2x5x100 tempo on grass
8: 4x20-30 and 1x60 submax (hard for 30 - maintain 30) bench/jump squat and any other aux lifts
9: rest
10: 2x20-30 starts, ohb+blf x3, hurdle hops 2x5
11: race 100/200
12-13: rest
14: 3x30+3x60 (4-5mins on 30’s and 7-8 on 60’s) squat/bench and others
15: 2x5x100 tempo
16: 3-4x30+2x150 (rest 20mins)
17: 2x3x200
18: 4x30+1x60 (hard 30 - maintain 30) bench/jump squat and others
19: 2x3x100 tempo
20: rest
21: 2x20-30 starts, ohb+blf x3, hurdle hops 2x5
22: race 100-200
The tempo volume is only there for guidelines because I’m not sure how much volume you have worked up to. I prefer performing a neural day before race day esp if it’s a final only race.