Oh right. I assumed ball practice in the fall.
Supersetting the stuff doesn’t really provide that much of an advantage imo, it’ll just tire you out much quicker. The only time I’ve seen advantagous supersetting is for stimulus changes in bodybuilding. If you need to get the workout done because of time constraints then do it to get it in by all means, just make sure your getting proper recovery obviously.
Holy hell this became a long thread fast. I have used speed partial deadlifts (top end) in the past (2x20 reps 20% max). I’m a big fan of Caster’s stuff.
About the gpp. I would keep the squats lower reps (<12) and just do more sets to get your total load.
Because it is completely different…in the jerks you use your legs…in MP arms and shoulders…was reffering to the exercise itself…not just lifting the highest…example compare benche press to 5 board press, not to lunges…
Jerks allow you to lift more weight so technically thats finding an advantagous position…
5board press to bench press is completely different though. 5board is to build top portion of the lift its not a substitute for an actual bench press. Are you talking about using partials opposed to full on deadlifts? Things like that? If that’s what your talking about I completely agree but something like not using a trap bar becuase its advantagous over straight…that we will continue to debate lol.