gpp/spp strength training

about speed dl

Did anyone else catch that posting about that DiGiorgio youngster, and his use of a stiff-legged deadlift, performed in a fast manner? While the posting indicated that he does no O/L, take note of this deadlift. While he may be doing it simply because he CAN, I think perhaps there are some potential benefits there. Many of the Westside Barbell lifters perform a very similar movement as an adjunct to squat training. They call it a high-rep partial deadlift. It is done anywhere from once to four times a week, it utilizes relatively light weights (usually 25-40% of your typical max deadlift-I suggest staying closer to the 25% number), and is executed for 2 to 3 sets of 15-25 reps. However, the knees are bent. Exact execution is as follows: using an overhand grip (not an alternating one) and a shoulder-width stance, stand erect with the weight as you normally do when deadlifting. Now, from this position, lower the weight to a point about 2" below the bottom of the kneecap-and pull it back up to a lockout position as fast as you humanly can. When lowering the weight, let it essentially free-fall-and when it gets to that below-the- kneecap position, drive it back up IMMEDIATELY. Be sure to keep the back flat, head facing forward, and the butt pushed to the rear on the descent. If you use a belt, consciously push your abdominals against the belt. This is a very good habit to get into whenever doing any training of a squat or deadlift-oriented nature. After a very serious training injury, Westside’s Matt Dimel used this movement four times a week to help re-strengthen his body. Matt used 225 lbs in this exercise, and he was capable of an 821 deadlift. Much like a reverse hyper, this movement can be used more than once a week because of the weight involved and the high reps. A side effect of this training that we did not realize until later on down the line was-it increases your short sprint speed. Try it out, once a week initially, and go 3 sets of 20 reps. You will get a good training effect from the top of your traps to your calves, especially if you have a decent strength base. If you squat on Monday, try this exercise on Thursday, possibly following any pulling work you may do (high pulls, power cleans, etc.). You will find it to be a nice “finisher.”

you’re doing 20reps on dead lift? :confused:


He’s doing it on speed dl’s which is how it should be done.

Speed x load = high output. Increase the speed you increase the output.

more than hips…it is lumbar and back…important for sprinting…but I have never seen a single sprinter of a recognizable level use that kind of squat (Horrible for my visual taste…)

Oh for sure, but hey…whatever’s creating results. If an athlete is progressing with average squats over wide stance than I’ll keep him with that until he plateaus then move over to wide and then back in. Vice versa, etc, blah blah. Several routes to success…all of them get you there!

I’m coming late to this, but I don’t understand the 20 reps at 30% on deadlift. Speed work is done in the low rep range, three reps or less. It’s an adaption process that requires maximum explosiveness on every rep…you can’t do that if you’re doing sets of 20, no matter what the weight. I’m in agreement with R3N3GAD3 about the load, 50%-60% for speed. But lower the reps per set and increase the number of sets…maybe 2 reps x 8 sets, or 3 reps x 6 sets.

What is your current goal in the weightroom?
Hypertrophy? Limit strength? I don’t see deadlifting 20 reps for several sets doing much of either.

Think of it as…tempo for weights. The load is so small that it really won’t have an impact but 20 reps done explosively will act as a form of cardio almost and get the body used to that type of weighted and repetative movement. Different stimulus esentially. If he was to lower the ammount of reps the exercise would be so easy that it would be almost pointless. My suggestion was gutting the deadlifts during the weeks hes squatting and to alternate the squats with deads week to week (which I was saying 50-60% for deadlifts if he was t okeep them in the same week as squats which he wants to do) and doing 40% (I might of said 30% or 50%, in that range…) for speed deadlifts to get the tempo type advantage from them.

I know what you mean though…technically the speed stuff should be lower weight and a bit higher in load %'s but for what he’s using it for (he’s doing a lot of squat type movements at higher weights so increasing the load and decreasing reps might cut into his sprint times and squat pb’s)…I don’t think thats necessary at this point. Don’t want to overload his system…

im still inseason for my sport and the only goal i have to hope my shoulders dont fall off.

question: do guys think more good reps can be done with the trap bar when doing dl?

Good question. You can do more weight with a trap bar…what defines “good reps?”

when doing dl with a str bar you know what happen when the reps get high most people lose it in the lower back, whereas the trap bar its up/down and really hit the legs more. what are the pro/cons of trap bar vs str bar for athletes? it seem like more people use trap bar with athletes.

Oh. The exact biomechanics behind it I’m not quite sure, maybe someone else can shed some light on it but your right, trap bars are used more often. From what I’ve read about DeFranco he seems to really like them. Overall they ar ejust a more naturally advantagous position to be in. You don’t often lift things with the hand position used in regular deadlifts, and with a trap bar the weight is closer to you and thus easier to lift. Plus, it’s far too tempting (as you said) to lean forward when your tierd on the last few reps with a regular deadlift but using a trap bar your always centered. Most noteable reason though is because it’s a better position for the body. Kind of like farmers walks…you wouldn’t do those with the weight in front of you (well at least I hope not)

hey now i do farmers walk all diff ways, side, backward, forward etc. but back to the dl all of your points are correct.

To each their own :stuck_out_tongue:
What sport do you play anyways?

football and run track in the offseason. do u think there any need for additional aux work like shoulder etc for a track guy?

That’s cool. Football > Soccer any day :cool: (soccer fans turn your heads!)

Yea do assistance shoulder work like side raises, overhead presses, etc. Your shoulders are what rotates your arms so stronger shoulder girdle = stronger upper torso = stronger arm drive. Mostly compounds and treat military presses like you would bench press and squat because if you do it standing (which you should) its a very tiring movement.

well when i start training in late aug ill let you know how those high rep dl go. what do you think about the early/late spp stuff with the complex training etc?

Complex training being the plyometric type movements?

for example supersetting weighted drill with a non weighted drill. for ex:
squats/box jumps
gh/triple jumps