Golden Gala Mens 100m Heats

We don’t know the times from the workout so it’s hard to say if it was ext or int tempo. I’m sure the work was done on a track and probably was faster then 27sec.

Those are the programs that dominate the NCAA level, workouts such as 3x500, or 10x200 and no grass tempo work.

I’ve been told that MVP runs in 30s neighbourhood

I will believe it when I see it…

Why is that?

I think he runs 30 because his ankle is too crippled to run any faster. :smiley:

So isn’t 10x200 @65% probably just as about as difficult as the elites’ 90minute sprint warmup?

How much you wanna bet it turns out he has a Liu Xiang-esque achilles issue that the coaching is afraid to leak?

Any person (I’m loathe to call them a coach) who gives a very young kid who is training to be a sprinter, a session of 15 x 200m should be charged with child abuse.

If the kid is still able to run in 6 months it will be an achievement.

It’s appalling what some people will do to claim their sessions are tougher than ‘anyone else’s’.

I know way too may abusive coaches then :wink:

I’m watching one of them slowly destroy a 13 year old who has run 55seconds in the 400 and triple jumped 11.50 with poor technique. All the while the parents think that he’s doing a great job. :mad: More work for their little girl will make her tough. Actually it’s making her HATE the sport. And they wonder why their equally talented older daughter quit athletics? Some people shouldn’t be allowed around kids.

I’m still curious about your comments.
Are you sure they are running faster and on the track because someone saw this and told you or are you sure because you think everyone at the top does intensive tempo?

Jackie Joyner K always spoke of those types of workouts. Maybe you would like to charge Bobby with child abuse :slight_smile: Not a bad idea actually…

JJK was no kid when she was doing that! She worked bloody hard but was prepared for that hard work over years.
I remember John Smith telling me about "this amazing athlete’ when she was a three sport star at UCLA before she specialized in track.

G’day Mortac8

I was talking about:
"who gives a very young kid who is training to be a sprinter’

As Charlie said Jackie Joyner was no ‘very young kid’.

JJK can chew up 600’s like they were nothing. A good friend who observed it said it was extremely impressive. As observed, she was in her late 20’s at that point.

Any person (I’m loathe to call them a coach) who gives a very young kid who is training to be a sprinter, a session of 15 x 200m should be charged with child abuse.

Grow up Youngy!

JB is coming up shortly.


P.S. I really should not but…

If the kid is still able to run in 6 months it will be an achievement.

This kind of comment just proves that there are no coaches who could possibly coach pro runners. I call them punters.

I won’t disclose this kid’s identity but if you had a chance to know whom I am talking about you would really keep quiet.

600s are the key to 100h, LJ, HJ, SP, 200, and JT

Bring back memories of John Smith sprints, starts, and relays vid.

Sample End workouts:
10-15x200 70-80% 90sec rest or walk 100
600 500 400 300 200 wlk 100m less then run distance
distance or fartlek

Sevas - post your anti pro running crap on that thread you devoted to it, it has nothing to do with this thread. We’re all tired of your rants, that’s why those threads died out. Please don’t change the direction of this thread.

This is a totally different topic and having read that someone gives a very young kid a session of 15 x 200’s as part of a sprint prep I felt concerned enough to comment. In my view, it is tantamount to child abuse. It serves no purpose and would not help their sprints one iota. I doubt the kid will be around in 12 months if that’s typical of the training he gets.

btw, The training effect on VERY YOUNG kids doing sessions like 15 x 200’s is light years away from the training effect on mature aged athletes.

Apparently in Bobby’s mind 600’s are the key to all events :rolleyes:


This is weird.

“It seems that you are “cut” a bit and have been “stalking” those “online coaches” with a bit of agenda?”

What the hell you talking about? Cut about what? Stalking who? I didn’t even read that anti pro running thread because I wasn’t interested.

I was merely commenting on a training regime for a very young kid and now you’re on about something totally random to the discussion.

15 x 200’s for a very young kid is a fricken nonsense and I doubt there’s one self respecting decent sprint coach who makes a very young kid do that. That is all.