Anyone know where I can find some materials/products from Al Vermeil regarding training? I’ve searched, but other than some audio interviews, I haven’t found much. I was hoping for something in print preferably.
Anyone know where I can find some materials/products from Al Vermeil regarding training? I’ve searched, but other than some audio interviews, I haven’t found much. I was hoping for something in print preferably.
There is a video/manual at the perform better site. I hope it’s okay to link something commercial to help out a poster and Al, potentially. I certainly do not work for perform better/MF athletic.
I read a handout from a presentation AV, Gattone and Helland (his then assistants with the Bulls) did at the 98 or 99 NSCA. It was one of the most comprehensive summaries on how to train for certain physical capacities though I don’t know if it’s available anywhere now.
Number Two used to sell a seminar he hosted with CF and AV. Is best dvd I have on training information. AV is on fire the entire presentation. Its very long, maybe 5 hours?? Worth th emoney. Not usre th elink for it.
I’m going to throw Coach Vermeil’s name in the NSCA on line search; perhaps he has written things that were published by the NSCA.
By the way, I was at the talk that he did at the NSCA convention, and it was tremendous. I’ll also try to find it!
Good luck
Here’s some from the NSCA site - you’ll need to be a member to get the .pdf’s, though…
PROGRAM DESIGN: Training components for basketball 1988
Periodization of Strength Training For Professional Football 1982
PROGRAM DESIGN: Game day inseason training for the Chicago Bulls 1989
The Rationale for Field Testing 1983
A Theoretical Approach To Planning a Football Season 1982
They are all in the NSCA’s Strength & Conditioning Journal…
Al consistently does workshops and talks for Perform Better. He seems to be all over the country with them. I’d check their site to see if they have any resources from his work with them.
I have some video footage from workshops he’s done for me, but have never considered putting them on DVD. In most cases, he did 6-12 hours of presenting and practical work. It would take some time to edit it down to something that could be used for a DVD series. I will speak with Al to see what he wants to do with the footage.
The other DVD I had was simple left-over DVD’s I had from when I produced raw DVD footage of a Panel workshop with Charlie, Al and others. I promised attendees that I would provide them all with DVD’s of the conference if they attended. I had a few left over and sold them off to cover my expenses for the production of them. It would make a good product, but would take some time to edit down to maintain good video quality.
They get the NSCA journal at the university library where I did my graduate work (which I could literally walk to from my job). I can photocopy them there.
If you know of anyone with an NSCA membership, I think most if not all of the articles are available on-line.
I have one of the Panel DVDs. Very good resource.
Number 2, if you consider to do this, I’d be interested…You could do a pre-sale survey, to see how many people are interested.
If anyone here has the Vermeil video/manual from MF I’d be interested to hear their opinion of it. Thanks.
For those who may not know - Al Vermeil will be the “featured” speaker at the NSCA conference in Orlando this January (2010). If I get any materials, I’ll do my best to share!
OO …would be nice…
I explored the net few months ago and i found a document which contains only two pages but sound very interesting. I think that it is some kind of unpublished or unfinished book.
Check this:
What is this? Is this material ever printed as a book?
It could be that the information is in the above manual. I don’t have it, though.
A couple of Al Vermeil presentation PDFs heavily Charlie influenced.
"Tim Grover, Jordan’s personal fitness trainer for seven years, would be the architect.
“I’ve never seen him work harder than he did last summer,” said Grover. “The very next day after the Bulls were eliminated, Michael started working out. It was the earliest I have ever seen him start. I used to have to schedule his workouts during spare time away from a golf game. But for the first time, golf took a set back.”
What is the word on this?
Yes if anyone can get some of his stuff Im very interested. Ill send you my email so we can discuss arrangements.
Pioneer, the second file in particular has a lot of astute advice …
… which could be described as the Art of Correct Interpretation of Experience and subsequent Applications overlaying and tempering the Exact and Undiscriminating Facts of Science
did i just say that