Like very small volume twice a week? 5x100m + full body stretching?
So, tempo all year, what are u thinking about: pretty high 2200m/training 3 times a week? For someone who has a good working capacity or even more than that?
The concept is new to me, in university we did not train at all during those periods, Is this just your way or Is It practiced by many? Just curious…
At the moment I usually do 2000-2400 of tempo. However, today I did 3000 in very traditional way like 15x200m (in 35sek) with around 45sek rest. My main event is 400m so these tempo sessions aren’t something very challenging, at least psychologically. However, I vary distances of tempo sessions and it’s not only 100-200m. I like to do longer as well like 4x600m under 2min or 6x400 in around 1.15min. I don’t think it’s necessary to run these distances for sprinters, especially who are mainly preparing for indoor 60m races, but why not if athlete would like to try or change distances of tempo. Oh, some might think that it’s just for long distance runners and it might slow you down…
Not really. I have tempo type sessions, all non running, but they can choose not to do it. I like my athletes to get away from their typical training during the transition period.
same for me, up to now It was only basket and soccer no focus on the conditioning, just enjoy
I do the same with those I work with. They should stay active but not train per se. The mind needs as much of a break as the body. A few do tempo because they want to do it during a transition period but in those cases maybe once a week. Most elect to swim, play basketball, volleyball, hike, bike etc.
I like to do something to keep some level of fitness. If you arent training then the 2200/session is not really called for. But just to keep conditioning up during off season 10x100 or maybe lower should suffice. Like dma and pioneer. you can do other things like med ball soccer football or whatever. Right now I play flagfootball on the weekends and tempo during the week.
I was told by David Waite that basketball was invented by a Canadian College coach as an off season activity for the track and field athletes he coached?
For those who don’t know David was an Australian under 21, Newcastle Knights and Great Britian rugby league head coach.