Death to the Conjugate Method?

Is it easy to use and was this graphic fairly easy to put together? Do the boxes etc snap together and can you draw with it too?

Not for bodybuilding, but excellen for non-strength sports like football, basketball, soccer… Get it, you won’t regret!
Bompa is ok… not a big fan, but it is ok to read!

It is very easy to use!!! Amazingly easy! You got predefined objects like arrows, boxes, circles etc… you may group them, rotate them, fill them, add text… awesome tool for this kind of job! All, pics I posted are created in Microsoft Visio!!! Thumbs up for MS Vision :slight_smile:

What are the better man on Periodizazion?

Bompa is a nice introduction… Wait for the book from Lon Kilgore - Practical Programming (it was ment to be called Practical Periodization).

Use to post a picture!!!

duxx, Lyle is correct. We all discussed this on Boyle’s forum. Louie’s rendition of Conjugate Sequence programming is far from correct pursuant to the systems original applications. And with all due respect (of course) your brief definition is also incorrect. Conjugate programming will always have a specific motor quality emphasis during each “block” but other necessary motor qualities are maintained. In other words, all motor qualities are NOT given equal emphasis in terms of volume during a specific workout or microcycle/training block. By the way, love your graph. Well done.

Bob Tomlinson

Thanks Bob!
BTW, It is a matter of semantics… I equal conjugate/conurrent but I differ Conjugate Sequence System…
Conjugate/concurrent is developing various traits at the same time
Conjugate Sequence System is emphasising one quality while maintaining others… I covered this in mine Overview of periodization methods article at

I posted pics. of the basketball and lacrosse yearly plan (outline) I created for this year. Nothing spectacular but I’d figure I’d share.
Best way to view it is on “large” or “original size”.

For me Conjugate means that you perform more than one type of training within tha same training Microcycle,but doesn’t necessarly mean taht all capacities are trained with equal emphasis.

Conjugate Sequence means that you performe than one type of training per trainin unit and change things around with every new Mesocycle.

Concurrent System is designed to maximise one capacity(eg Limit Strength)by training that capacity via several angles(eg for Limit Strength,by maximizing force production ,via high acceleration or lifting heavy weigts)

Quik, it seems that I have to register to see it… Why don’t you send me an excell version to mail?

Nice definitions, but the last one Concurrent system is a semantical issue: Charlie uses plyos, strength, medball throws and sprints to improve sprinting time… I use a lot of thing to improve performance and reduce injury rates… You see my point — everything is “Concurent system” (according to your def) then…

Sorry Duxx/Everyone! It was private for some reason. I just fixed the setting so all can see.

In Bodybuilding is better Concurrent or Conjugate Sequence or…?

Depends on athlete level and goal…
You can have a period of back specialization (2x/w, other part 1x/w), pecs specialization, legs specialization… This can be considered CSS!
The rep scheme you may use depends on the athletes level, but I believe that a bbuilder should pass all rep bracket (3-15) to stimulate all types of fibers. This can be done by using a pyramid methods, but my opinion (and Poliquins, and David W’s) is that wide pyramids sucks. Thus, you may use a given rep bracked for a given microcycle, plus you may use slighty lower weights and larger number of reps for post/pre-fatigue lifts…
For example:
Bench Press + DB Flys
Wk1-2: BP (8) DB Flys (10)
Wk3-4: BP (4) DB Flys (6)
Wk5-6: BP (10) DB Flys (12)
Wk7-8: BP (2) DB Flys (4)

Just an ideas…

BIg Duxx,
to have you studies on CSS and other type of Periodizazion?Thanx

You got a master paper from Myslinski on regarding development of CSS!

Also, I would recomend looking at Chris Thibaudeau’s “Body transformations from both sides of the force” book regarding bodybuilding

I have ready book of Thibaudeau.

Knowing articles of Pendlay?

Is good book" Science of Sports Training" by T.Kurz?

Excellent book.

Check here:

Thanx Duxx…

There are others studies?Thanx :confused: