Death to the Conjugate Method?

And books 2005 and 2006 on Periodizazzion?And articles?

Hi…Mr Duxx :wink:

Let me know in what area of strength training are you interested (bbuilding, athletic development/performance enhacment) and I will let you know “what to read”
Take a look at NSCA journall and typer “periodization” etc…

Bodybuilding AND Soccer.Thanx

Bodybuillding… (random sorted)

  1. Pavel Tsatsouline: “Power to the people”, “Beyond bodybuiling” (he is a proponent of power bodybuilding etc…)
  2. Chris Thibaudeau “Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Body transformation from both sides of the force”
  3. Charles Poliquin “Reps and Sets”, “Poliquin Principles”
  4. Stuart McRoberts “Brown”, “Beyond Brown”, “Lose Fat, Gain Muscle, Look Great”
  5. Ask Christian Thibaudeau for more books on the subject… this is not may area honestly! :slight_smile:


  1. Bangsbo “Fitness for soccer: A Scientifical approach” (likes to do all with the ball… not a big fan, but a nice read)
  2. I am just looking at Bob Alejo’s “Total Conditioning for Soccer”
  3. Not my area honestly too… :slight_smile:

Hope it helps…

Why being for specific for soccer… Try other more “general” books and applicable to all sports…
Sports are more simmilar than different!

Thnax big friend,what are your sites preferites on Periodizazzion?

As stated earlier: this one,,,,, madcow’s site…


Mr Duxx is correct…only do you have to recruit a motor unit/muscle fiber to make it grow, you must create enough fatigue and damage to it?

Only longer sets(1016RM for set) would cause more fatigue in the ST fibers, thus would stimulate them more. (???)

Slow Twitch fibers are not strong enough to continue to produce enough force to lift the heavy weight, when the fast twitch fibers are fatigued then the continuation of the exercise is impossible. However the slow twitch fibers were not fatigued (they are just not strong enough to allow you to continue the set) so they are not stimulated (or they are but to a small degree). (???)

Knowing aticles/studi on this topic? :confused:

UP!!! :confused:

Just being a semantic nitpick but you might want to get one of the Russki translations or Supertraining and look up what conjugate training acually means

as opposed to what Simmons said it means

they are not the same


Lyle is right.