I read a article and I had a question about the critical drop off point for strength being at 10%.
The reason I ask is because I recall reading from other strength coaches ( Jay Schroeder come to mind) that they place the critical drop off point a little lower at roughly the 6-7% range.
Knowing articles on this topic?
I am curious if the difference has to do with training for maximal strength …thx:)
Checkmate wrote:
I read your recent “numbers” article and I had a question about the critical drop off point for strength being at 10%. I was wondering how you arrived at this number.
The reason I ask is because I recall reading from other strength coaches (Charlie Francis and Jay Schroeder come to mind) that they place the critical drop off point a little lower at roughly the 6-7% range.
I am curious if the difference has to do with training for maximal strength versus training for maximal power or whether 10% comes from your experience or (and it is more than possible) I am obsessing about a minor discrepancy between the figures.
Thanks in advance.
CT wrote:
Yes, you are obsessing about a minute detail. The 3% difference is actually not a difference. The 10% is not a precise exact, set in stone number. 7-10% is fine. It’s just that 6% is not really applicable to most strength movements, although it is for speed work and this is where this figure comes from.