Chris6878's journal.

Felt great on the hill today
4x4x40. I am now able to get my keen lift up and get tall on the hill. I can see how hills really help the drive phase. I also do med ball core work in between reps.

Med ball accels 1 and 2 8 reps
weight room
pcleans-4x6x135. felt tired at first. cant wait till the reps get low.
bench-6,6,5,5 185,185,205,225

shoulder press
pull down
stiff deads
seat row

tempo 5x200 3x3000 100
Felt good. my achilles has been sore for the last few weeks. I start sprinting tomorrow. Cant wait. I fell very strong from the hills, weights and medball. The stuff is becoming easy. We will see once I hit the track, but I am feeling good about this upcoming season.

Sprint day today.
6x10m- From flat on the ground
6x10m- From Push up position
6x20m- From Push up position
6x20m- From High Start position
1 set 4x20m (easy-fast-easy)
1x50m(accelerate to 20m and maintain)- From High Start position
I also did med ball core between sets.
This workout hurt a lil. maybe I didnt take as much rest as needed but it is much different than the hills.

Weight room
plcean-4x5 135,155,155,185 felt good
bench 5,5,4,4-185,185,225,225
dead lift-4,4,4 275,365,365
push press 4x8 115,115,135,135
pull down and rows

Man I was bushed.

tempo 10x200 on grass

What’s the intensity of the hill runs? (i.e. 4x4x40)

Fast. We take 4.5 min between reps and 10 between sets. on the 4x4

track day.

Sprint day today.
6x10m- From flat on the ground
6x10m- From Push up position
6x20m- From Push up position
6x20m- From High Start position
1 set 4x20m (easy-fast-easy)
1x50m(accelerate to 20m and maintain)- From High Start position
I also did med ball core between sets.

Felt sore that day. Couldnt do the plyos or weights i was dead tired.

Today 9/13
Felt great today.
4x10m-Push up position
4x20m-Push up position
4x20m-High Start position
2 sets-4x20m (Fast-easy-fast)
After rest days and massage friday I was able to roll out.
Med ball- over head, squat, single hop 6reps per set

pclean 4x5 135 lil tired.
incline 10,10,8,8 185
squat 3x4 315,345,365 last set was easy

shoulder press, lat pulls rows and stiff deads.

thank you!

9/14 tempo

track day
We had to back off of what was planned today because we were both beat up. My partner had to stop early because of low energy levels and sore legs.

4x10m-Push up position
4x20m-Push up position
3x20m-High Start position
1 set-4x20m (Fast-easy-fast) My partner was done after the first one of these. We had planned to do 2 sets.

Med ball supermans x5
overhead throws x5
hurdle hops 3x5

I was kaput after that. couldnt hit the weights.

Felt ok. Inbetween sets of the 100 I did some stretches.

just looking over your gpp for this year and its good to see your progressing well! have you just done hills throughout the whole 7 weeks as your high intensity days? also are you going to implement plyos into your program at any point this season?

I did about 4-5 weeks of hills. I stopped because my partner had knee issues. Im gonna start to really hit the plyos starting next week. I definitly feel a miliion times stronger and faster than last year. Im hoping for some big things this year.

your p.b is around 10.3-4 if im right? hopefully shave a good few seconds off that this season ! what plyo’s will you be doing? i think im gonna introduce plyo’s into my training next week also but im unsure of what are the best ones. I have just started with hurdle jumps but really need to bring in some more horizontal jumps as my acceleration phase around 30-40m is really below average!

Well Im also gonna do some hurdle hops. I like doing standing sand pit jumps also. This is were you stand at the end of the pit and broad jump until you are out the pit. I usually take 3 hops to get out. I have been close to two. I also will be doing alot or platform jumps from the floor and
squat jumps, split jumps, bounding maybe (im not good at it), lateral hurdles, and depth jumps. I want get a good amount in this year.

Why so many different jumps?

Great workout. Felt alil tight at the start then I started to get loose.
4x20 push up
4x20 Standing
2x4x20 easy fast easy, fast easy fast
1x50 fast 20 maintain 30
med ball
6xoverhead,6xsquat throw, 4x single double and triple throws

pclean 4x5 135 bar hurts my wrist
r deads 3x8x185
squats 4x4 275,325,375,375
deads 4x4 315,315, 365,365

I also hit the sauna and stretched.

Damn shit load of volume. 375 for 4x4 isn’t bad, you must be squatting mid to high 400’s? I see you are doing a ton of deadlifts.

Im not gonna do all those jumps in one session. I was just giving him some different ideas. I will probably us 5- 6 different jumps. all depends on what I have available.

I see, still don’t see the point in doing that many jumps.