I like the idea of the camps. I will definitely check into it. Is there anyone else who’s reputable coaching out of Austin? Any more leads would be appreciated, even if they aren’t solid ones.
I will give Frank a call this week. I am optimistic we can make something work. Obviously with him being a therapist he will be on top of the muscle tightness issues that I have. He sounds great, I’ll let you know how it goes! Thanks again for the lead.
burrell and tellez wont I asked a few years back and they just directed me to other coaching sources. If you are enrolled in UH then yes maybe I will try in grad school.
I notice most of the better coaches will help and teach just about anyone. You may not get the attention of the 10.0 guy but they will help, teach and instruct. Charlie, Tellez, JS has non world class people in his group, Franno has non world class in his group of 80.
I guess when they really love what they do… It’s never really work. Plus the fact that are not looking to build their reputation by attaching themselves to a big name athlete… We’ve all seen the Ben Johnson coat tail riding bottom feeding A-holes who need to do stuff like that… Pretty pathetic.
Maybe your talking total BS… READ “spdydre” post before you go talking shit… I know several 10.3-10.5 runners who already tried talking to the U of H staff. Who cares what the U of H staff is doing, go talk to Mark Guthrie he does wayyyy more with wayyy less.
LOL, I know several so “call” top coaches won’t even talk to you unless your 10.3, they may even laugh in your face. Go buy Charlie products and hook up with Derek for some technical sessions.