Charlie's Speed Program

nearly eliminates eccentric (reversing of weight) stress. similar deal as doing o-lifts i suppose. how many times have u asked me this :slight_smile:

dont see anypoint in using a box. guess im old school.

is it okay to do a few light grass striders(like in my front yard) at night, on the same day i lift weights and to speed or acc

lol, why. whats ur point?

just to loosen up, work on technique a little bit

Loosening up as you put it is one thing, but technique work should probably be done when “fresh” and not fatigued for your particular purposes.

Of course if you were an MMA fighter, doing different types of work while fatigued would be a must.

As Bruce Lee once said, “its daily decrease not daily increase - shed the nonessentials”!

i usually do tempo on tuesday and thursday, but what im asking is it okay to do a very low volume of tempo on mon. wed. and friday.

I don’t believe that would be ok on a high/low type of routine. That is essentially what I was saying in my last response. Why add more to the high intensity days? By adding extra tempo on those days, you are possibly adding more cns stress instead of “loosening up” or recovering. It defeats the purpose so to speak. Remember, CNS intensive workouts won’t necessarily make you “feel” that taxed right after completion, but rather you may feel extremely spent a day or so later.

Quite agree Formula, and as my athletes will testify, if you miss out the tempo session the day after an intensive session the body feels worse the day after that, making it difficult to train at a high intensity again.

What days should i do my tempo?
Here is a sample training week.

10x60m hills
8x20m starts

3:00-4:30-WU/hurdle drills/flyovers
4 runs over 2 hurdles
7:30-8:30-weights5x5 squat,back extensions and reverse hypers

5x150m “sprint zones” vary between 80%and90% in 30m sprint zones

WU/hurdle drills/flyovers
7:30-weights-bench press




You have high intensity work every single day except maybe friday if you run the 300’s easy. You generally put tempo on a day after high intensity work for recovery.

should i move the weights to monday, wednesday, friday, becasue that would condense my high intensity training to one day. Because the hurdles are pretty easy and dont take much out of me. should i then do tempo on the days i run hurdles

You can do hurdles as tempo (down and closer in) in sets of 5h down, turn right around 5h back for sets (indoor). These must be very easy and rythmic. Outdoors, these can be done on grass. To get the needed hurdle technique, you can do Starts on the speed session days over 1,2, and 3h and then move on to the flat Speed Endurance etc.
The advantage wit this approach is that you maximise your ability to enhance the speed aspect of your races. (you won’t run 13.0 over hurdles if you run 10.7 for the 100m.)
Late in the training block, you may wish to flip all the hurdles to speed days, replacing an appropriate amount of flat speed work with hurdles and keep the tempo days only for easier flat runs, but that can be individual.

16, squatting nearly 200kg with a 4.6 40?
we should be asking you for advice.

In the horse hilla workout are all the runs done from blocks?

Also, can the horse hilla workout be used for a 200m runner? But instead of doing it on the straight do it on the bend starting from the 200m mark. So it would be 4 X30m on curve from blocks at 200 start, 80m on curve, 100m on curve, 120m on curve, and 150m (120m happening on curve since was at 200 start).

As well, can that .65 differential from handtime to electronic be used for distances under 80m such as 60m, 50m, or even 40m? And would the .65 differential be the same for the curve versus if u were running a majority on the straight?

So would this be a better schedule

10x60m hills
8x20m starts
7:30-8:30-weights5x5 squat,back extensions and reverse hypers

3:00-4:30-WU/hurdle drills/flyovers
4 runs over 2 hurdles(easy, for tempo as charlie stated)

5x150m “sprint zones” vary between 80%and90% in 30m sprint zones
7:30-weights-bench press

WU/hurdle drills/flyovers
hurdles(easy, for tempo)



(also, how much core work should i be doing. I think i read somewhere on the forum that i should be doing 1000 reps of core work on tempo days, and 500 on high intensity days)

I would do the starts before the hills on monday since starts are a bit more technical and require you to be more fresh to do it correctly. Work into the ab work. 1000 and 500 are good once you build up to it, but if you do that straight and just add it to your current schedule it could be a bit much.