Ben's Max Squat

more then her strength training served a purpose.

I can’t wait until Bobby claims that Allyson Felix squats 400 or will run 10.6(wait a min, he already did that 2nd one).

i dont understand this? are you saying her strength training was the sole variable for her running as fast as she did? im saying the strength training is ancillary, and as an ancillary variable in the training, it assisted with the necessary element, sprinting, in such a fashion that she could run as fast as she did. so why does it matter if she was doing step ups on a three inch box, or lunges? my point was whatever she did it was a variable that was helpful.

lol, no thats not what im saying.

Not quite <200lbs (260lbs actually ;)), but a good video for the thread nonetheless.

Awesome video. Excuse my ignorance but who is that?

If our school’s gym environment were like that I would be in heaven…and the majority of the kids who lift there would probably cry and run away and the school would shut it down.

His name is in the description. He is a fb at Wisconsin. The video is from when he was 19… Got some work to do :wink: lol.

I think everyone at my college would be stronger with a weightroom 1/2 that intensity.

Thats pretty sweet, I’d pay 2 or 3 times what I pay now for a gym membership if it came with that environment.

All I get now are fat girls on treadmills, 60 yr old men doing 10lb dumbell military press, and average highschool athletes quarter squatting 300-400 and doing curls.

i dont know about the rest of you but i would prefer people not to be screaming in my ear as ive got 500+ on my back. especially if i am training and have to do it over and over and not just showing what i got for the ol boys.

That looks like about 560 lbs. for nine pretty good reps. That is awesome…I’m very impressed even for a guy weighing 260lbs. I’m with James though, I don’t know if I could handle all the distraction.

Bar (45lbs), 6 plates each side (12 x 45 = 540lbs), 10lb plates each side (20lbs).

The squats may have been slightly above parallel or right to, can’t really tell, but hell, that is impressive no matter what lol. The squats were definitely not 1/8 or 1/4 squats.

I am surprised you guys wouldn’t like that kind of atmosphere, especially when going for a max set.

yeah that kind of environment would be awesome to lift in. You just have to be carelful not to try to show off and end up over doing it.

well if you lift maximal weights everyday sometimes multiple times a day im sure it would become quite annyoing. hell when i work out i dont even want people to talk to me, im focused on wha ti am doing, not looking at the hot gym girls, not talking it up with the old school lifters who think they know everything (Old gym rat:“you should not squat it will tear up your knees do leg extensions instead”
me: “get the hell away from me”). i like to establish really early that i am an asshole cause i dont want people rooting for me i dont want people asking my questions i am there for one thing and one thing only. but thats just me.

Very different. Lots of intense lifters in a supportive/excited atmosphere. If you are maxing everyday it probably isn’t ideal since you will run yourself down, but that atmosphere is FAR from a typical gym atmosphere. Are you squatting now James?

you may run yourself down but that doesnt mean that everyone will or that you can train in a manner and not run yourself down. it about teaching the body that its ok to express its motor ability at any time many times over everyday at any moment… no i am not squating at the moment but i let you know when i do as you seem to have an avid intrest in my training. which ofcourse is fine as long as you dont try to use my training as an example to descredit my training beliefs. your not trying to descredit my training beliefs… are you? :wink:

i agree with you, i would want people around me screaming, i want to foucs.

“And He said, let there be Beast Mode: and sure enough, there it was.”

As for the atmosphere, ya thats pretty kick ass. But at the same time, unless you are a lifter, or even as a lifter, getting that psyched in training (at least more than you need to) might not be the best option. The emotional and mental drain associated with that might take away from overall performance, inside and outside the weightroom. This is partially why competition is so taxing is it not? All the adrenaline, higher blood pressure, increased heart rate, etc. makes activities more taxing though, performance is better.

good point it has been observed in weight lifters that even though competition load will only be a fraction of that experienced in training it will produce a greater stress on the system requiring greater recovery time. one of the ways you can minimize this effect is to far exceed competition load/intensity regularly in training. for example in the sprint ground contact forces are a given level several times greater than the body weight of the individual, in training you can greatly exceed this load (with proper training, and program construction) this results in a stabilization of performance ie you can perform at maximum in a predictable and relocatable manner, without hampering progression to a greater performance.

An avid interest? No. An interest? Somewhat. I mean I want to see what you run. You told me before what shape you believed you were in and you are doing some interesting training now and I want to see the results. You made one… maybe 2 journal posts and neglected questions and then just stopped it, so I really just want to see how Schroeder’s stuff works out for ya.

fair enough ill keep ya up to snuff