
tbf that’s the same with any drugs cheat, they would still be able to compete locally if no one checks the entries etc. so that’s down to the organisers actually caring about the sport

I can assure you however that for WMA champs those lists are already input to the registration systems and so cant compete, and that shows that even as Masters people will still cheat! and rightfully so get caught and banned, there is no place at any level.

Tempo now seems to have been replaced with the phrase “ReGen Day” lol same thing different package. I think people forget the role that Tempo plays in handling Peaking when doing a version of a programme will little to no middle ground work

Why don’t you start a journal.

Thats really the key. Therapy and being able to recover and adapt is more important than just popping drugs. Getting daily therapy is where its at.

Thanks for posting this Chris. I am going to use this with my son, except adding reps and using bodyweight exercises. I like the idea and lots of exercises for youth.

What do you mean?


This kind of work is medium intensity. Not low enough to use as a means to recover from speed work and not high enough to create enough stimulus to replace speed.

So it’s perfect for anything that is for show and tell or instagram or twitter. Body building or other sports where the results are subjective. Not surprising that the website it’s featured on is for power lifters and big, strong throwers.[/b]

[b]Not sure how old your son is but doing this kind of work will benefit him the most over something like light weight medicine ball circuits or power speed?

I think the 1 x 20 is likely very good for something for some people as one of the articles says but it’s not something I would pick for anyone developing given the choice. I want variety without too much muscle confusion and I want relative easy while simultaneously stimulating the nervous system.

Power speed drills, some standing long and running long jump, sprinting over short distances,medicine ball with low weight balls and all around the body and be gentle on the tempo, very gentle. Utilize the pool or hills and keep the numbers smaller on all exercises and moving the body parts around with work more frequently so you don’t fatigue one area too much all at once.[/b]

[b]It’s a bad analogy to use a hammer pushing a nail into the ground with anything to do with sprinting.

It’s also a really bad idea to do tempo in spikes, on a track and he is right about volume as a recipe. But if you read and follow the content regarding Vertical Integration and the way Charlie created the success he did for as long as he did it was the ideas to apply.

We always did tempo on the grass or pool or bike or in a circuit in that order. We always did tempo up to the point of proper competency. The technical aspect of the tempo is as important as the volume. When the athlete is not able to sustain proper technical running form the volume should already have been shut down.

On very rare occasions we did some tempo on the track with flats or spikes but it was very rare. It would be in the fall or spring before the total intensity and volume of work in spikes went up.

I hear of people doing repeat runs in spikes on the track all the time and no work on the grass ever for anything. Go for it but you have to look at the long game. Grass work is a way of practicing recovery of joints, ligament wear and tear, compression as all of this is cumulative on the muscular and the CNS.[/b]

I would do something like I have below over the 1x20. Couple more years and JR will be on this protocol.

1: Dynamic warmup - many different activities (skipping, backward run, gallop etc)

2: Bodyweight exercises 4x10-15
Body weight squats
Step ups
Broad jumps
Reverse Hyper

3: Med ball throws - low intensity against the wall 200-500 reps

The above program would be done on M-W-F and on Tue/Thur tempo runs.

End goal: 50 pushups , 100 situps, 25 parallel dips, and 10 strict pullups

I been doing my tempo on the track but it fits my overall setup.

Mon/Thur: Speed
Tue: Rower/abs
Fri: Tempo (track) No more then 1250m

I hate the bike - it tears my quads up no matter how fast/slow I go.

You should start a journal so we can follow your training.

My favorite comment ever when you tell an athlete what to do and they say “I don’t like that”. LOL.

If you are not getting results WHY?

Are you stupid? ( unlikely)

Are you happy? ( good question because if you are not getting what you need and want on the track and not happy, CHANGE it).

Are you unclear how to achieve speed on the track? ( most common errors in training 1. doing way too much out of fear you are not doing enough and 2. Not understanding and practicing rest, recovery and prep of training and the role rest plays in SPRINTING often).

I HATE = words our world might stand to remove from all language.

using the pool and bike changed our buisnes and changed my training adn using tools like the stationary bike and real bike and using other modalities to achieve your goals will expand your chances to say

YES to training yes, to resting and yes to all the other variables you need to embrace to become the athlete you need and want to be.

just sayin… go get the shit you need and want and learn all you can and have some fun and let us know how it’s going…

I am 56 years young and still lift and I am still strong and I am still doing all the things I did for my competitive training plan including speed work and all the drills shown in many of the video’s you see in the store.