hey do i really have to write down everything i do when goin to work out and practice ball in a notebaook to be organized? does it really matter cuz sometimes i write it down and dont finish everything so isnt it better just go out and do what i can. i think ill serve better not writing it. i mean its not like its a huge significance???
You dont have to do anything you do not want to do. However keeping track of your progress would be a good idea. If you dont keep organized documentation of what you did you acheive your peak performance and if at one point there is a decrement in performance you will have nothing to look back on to see what you need to do to get your result back to where you would like them to be.
Hows that for a run on sentence…Its late and Im tired. Goodnight!
Write what you do after you have done it, or while you are doing it. Just get a little note pad and then you can transfer the info to your computer and make all sort of cool graphs and charts.
What is lost is lost forever. One day, for some reason maybe you will want to know what you did some years ago. Some things you do may not seem significant today, but you never know what can happen.
The other aspect is that writing down what you did permit to take a way the workout, re-live it and then take your distance from it. That’s the most important thing. After a week or a month, you will have a global vision of what you achieved, not the partial vision of what you memory will have selected. Don’t write only the workout, note also you feelings and why you did it.
Finally, there are several ways to write down an event (in your case your workouts), use words, graphs as suggested Herb, also drawings, pictures, video, things, everything than can support memory.
All this is not in vain, you will use it for your own improvement, or if you turn to coaching, or if someone else need to feedback.
Edit to say that the journal section here is a good place for it, and it will give you motivation to do it because people will read it and hopefully will make comments.