WRCortese5's Training Journal

Yeah last week was fairly high intensity almost every day of the week, so at the end of it, I was feeling pretty damn tired… And yeah that workout on the 24th was probably not a good idea… I’ll take that into consideration for this week…


On Spring Break this week, so I’m back in my hometown visiting… Coach gave us the day off today, but we have workouts on tues/thurs this week, with competition on Saturday… Today was just weights for me.

Warm up- 5 min. bike, Hip swings, Arm Swings

Squats- 4x12,12,8,8 (205,205,245,245-Light Int.)
Bench Press- 3x12,8,8 (135,165,165- Light Int.)
Chin Ups- 3x10 @ BW
Chest Supported Rows- 3x10
Glute-Ham Raise(Damn it’s been a while since I’ve done these…) 4x10

Since today was a “light intensity” day, I tried to speed up the movements on the squat and bench press… Wasn’t anything draining, but made sure to speed up the movement of the bar more than usual. Cooldown on stationary bike for 10 min after, followed by stretching.
1 scoop Endurox during, 1 scoop cytofuse post, 500mg Vit. C…

Tomorrow track workout and work. Prepping myself mentally for this weekend: 200m, 400m, and 4x400m relay. Should be a good one.


Track workout was 320, 300, 200… Windy down the back stretch of the 320, still ran 40.4; 300 felt somewhat good, not as good as usual, but ran 38.1… After that my legs hurt really bad from the lactic acid buildup; took me about 20-25 min. to recover. 200m wasnt done all out, but still ran 23.8… Decent workout… One-lap cooldown…

320- 40.4
300- 38.1
200- 23.8


Weights today:
-Squats 3x12,8,8 (235, 275, 275)
-Glute-Ham/Back Raises- 4x12
-Light Ham Curls- 2x6
-Bench Press- 3x12,8,8 (155, 175, 175)
-Bent-Over Rows 4x10 (125, 135, 135, 135)
-Seated Cable Rows 3x10

Did 10 min. of jump rope after; couldn’t make the track workout. I guess it’s better than nothing…


Weather is starting to get real nice out again. Today was 73 degrees at 1 o’clock, helped me get warm before the track workout. We did 3x150m in spikes, going through the 100m mark at 11.0-11.1 w/ a rolling start. We rested up for about 15 min; then proceeded to run a 200m from the blocks with the electronic timing system timing us. They wanted to test it out since we have a meet next week at our place. I finished 1st out of 4 of us, 23.60 FAT, best open electronic time of the year for me… Felt good, but I need to get a little more aggressive out of the blocks, and maintain my form as long as possible… I think I’ll crack in the low 23’s high 22’s electronic in the right conditions and before the season is over…

This Saturday: 200m, 400m, 4x400m @ San Francisco State University…


800m jog, light stretch, 3x100m strides… That was it for today…

Hopefully I can fall asleep fast tonight, I have to wake up at 6:30. I always have trouble falling asleep night before track meets… Soo frustrating haha…

Tomorrow goals:
200m: 23.59 FAT or Better
400m: 52.20 FAT or Better
4x400m split: 51.5 or better


Decent meet today… I ran my first 400 since Feb. 25th, so I was just starting to get the feel of it again.

-Stuck in lane 3 for the 400, went out good, made up the stagger quick… Went through the 300m at 37.2-.37.4, was winning at that point, and then couldn’t maintain. I did notice though I kept my form well throughout the whole race, now I just need the strength to finish. 52.39? I believe was my time.

-200 lane assignment sucked, lane 2 into a slight headwind. Didn’t feel “all out”, but ran really relaxed and maintained good form again the last 100. I nearly caught the winner in my heat, but couldn;t outlean him. 23.91 ? ehh I ran 23.60 on thursday…

Not bad… Starting to feel like I’m finally getting back into things.

**Only 2 meets left before conference! damn that went by quick…


No soreness today really… Im gonna go for a light jog later, hot-tub, stretch… Then drive back to Santa Rosa, back to school tomorrow … A little over 1 month left, damn that flew by…

Your training looks very good and youve ran a couple of meets. i think your endurance is good but i think you lack raw speed and power, hence your reaction, acceleration etc is not as good as it should. and remember with good speed, you get speed reserve (which ud need for the 400m especially). how about if once a week you do a proper sprints session, including acceleration runs, ins and out, flying 40s, 50s and 60s etc. definitely should help. i think every runner can hook up their endurance, but what differentiates and makes a winner is their speed. so maybe you can think about that. goodluck man

Very true… My speed is not where it should be, but I also think my endurance isn’t up to par either… But it’s almost too late… I only have about 4 meets left in my season? Say on Monday/Wed I’m doing a session involving 200’s and 300’s/350’s, would tuesday serve as a good day to do some short speed stuff?

I think that would be 3 straight days of work that is too intese, IMO. I don’t know how much control you have over your own training, but if you make Monday your speed only day and Wednesday your longer distances (Special Endurance, 200-350, whatever you want to call it) focus with an easier session on Tuesday, I think that would be better. On Tuesday you could to tempo runs (70% range) for longer intervals to help you with your aerobic fitness and recovery. That’s just me though, komy, or anyone else, what do you think?

Sounds like a good idea… I’ll have to talk to my coach about it…

yeah definitely, a short speed session and a special endurance session seperated by extensive tempo on grass sounds perfect. talk your coach through it and see what he thinks.

I’ll have a talk with him about it, I’m not sure how he will take it. He’s very into special endurance runs and we dont do enough short speed work… But I’ll see anyways…


Track workout today was 200, 300, 300, 200. Full recovery between reps; I noticed today it took me alot less time to recover than usual. I guess that is a good sign! haha but anyways here how it went:
200: 22.9 w/ rolling start
300: 37.0 " " "
300: 37.9 " " "
200: 22.8 " " "

Took a cool down jog barefoot today on the grass, man that felt really good on my lower legs and feet. Stretched afterwards. I am feeling a little “achy” again in my legs. Roller later…

After, football position meetings @ 4, class 5:30-7; then I did a short weight session.

Bench Press: 4x8,5,5,5 (175, 185, 195, 205)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8
Seated Cable Rows: 3x12

Supps today: Cytofuse (Damn I love this stuff), 500mg Vit. C, BCAA’s; glutamine later tonight w/ ZMA as usual…

great workout, well done!

Thanks, every bit of encouragment counts… Much appreciated!


Today I did some light intensity stuff. Warmed up, then did 4x150’s in flats. From that did 4x120’s on grass in flats as well. 70-75% probably. Tomorrow we’re going to work on blocks, do some stuff in the harness, and possibly some short speed stuff…

Later on tonight, Spring Ball 5-6:30… I only go once a week for now due to a class at night on Mon/Wed, and Im going to sit out on Th. due to track meets on Fridays.


My left ankle is a tad sore from last night. I was just walking on the field in my cleats and my ankle rolled a little bit. It’s a little tender in one spot. Iced it last night, taped it up today, felt fine. Workout today was 1x300m, and 2x200m.

On the 300 we “strided” out the first 100 and then kicked in the last 200. Coach was just timing the 200 part of it; I believe it was a 23.1. My 200 times were 22.8 and 22.5; I was going for sub 22.4, but I was pretty tired.

200m split of 300: 23.1
1st 200m: 22.8
2nd 200m: 22.5

*Rolling Starts on 200m.

-Lat Pulldowns 3x8
-Tricep Extensions 3x8
-Seated Cable Rows 3x10
-Lying Single Leg Ham Curls- 3x6 each leg

-Supps: Cytofuse, BCAA’s, Vit. C, L-Glutamine.

Feeling good about Friday. We have a home meet and it doesnt start til 3, so I dont have to worry about getting on a bus and waking up at 5:45 like every other week.

Friday: 4x100m, 200m, 400m, 4x400m.

Hey WRC;
looking good.
-if your heel is/are inverting in the back, easy to roll over.
cause; tight muscle along inside of tibia; it connects just near or below the ankle and pulls the ankle in. get that muscle lengthened by deep pressure on it the length of the tibia; heel straightens out.
oh well; you get ART…anyway.
btw… we are getting ART next week. a therapist who I just happened to know is flying in from the Big Island (Hawaii) and will be with us for a couple days…
joe did 2x300 at 40.21 and 40.20 today.
he will be in the open this friday. one event only. next week should be better and maybe add the 200.

Looking good on Joe’s return! Good luck w/ the 4… Good way to enter back into competition. I’ll look into that ART about the tibia…