WRCortese5's Training Journal

[QUOTE=joesdad]Hey WRC;
looking good.
-if your heel is/are inverting in the back, easy to roll over.
cause; tight muscle along inside of tibia; it connects just near or below the ankle and pulls the ankle in. get that muscle lengthened by deep pressure on it the length of the tibia; heel straightens out.
oh well; you get ART…anyway."

sorry; the muscle attaches near or below the ankle on inside of heel, so when tight, it pulls the heel in.
you can actually work on it yourself; cross your leg and use your thumbs pressing horizontaly and verticaly along inside tibia to get a stretch and lengthening. if it is tight and sore you found your problem.
if someone helps you, when they press they should also evert (vs invert) the heel as they work.
-when you lay prone or supine, feet hanging over the bed/table, you or someone can just look at the heel and see if it is turning in.


Light jogging, strides, stretches… Did a few exchanges for the relay tomorrow… I’m ready.

Hope the weather holds up; but either way, I’m at the point of the season where I’m focused and ready to do what I’ve been training for. I’m gonna have to open up with some good 400 races if I want to make the conference final… Currently ranked 11th in conference, with only 2 open 400m races, and only .6 seperating me from 7th.


Well… today’s meet was interesting. Horrible weather for running that’s for sure. Off and on rain, wind with some good gusts all day, cold… Not ideal… Anyways, ran decent in the 4x1… 3rd overall, I think 43.99.

400m- I had lane 7, took it out hard, ran a great first 300m, I was tied with the winner at that point… Didn’t have the strength to keep up; finished 3rd, but felt strong… I think it might have been a PR, not sure on the exact time yet though…
EDIT: Offical time: 52.39 FAT, 4th place…

200m- Got lane 2, got out hard… come around the turn and about to get on the straight and I feel my right hamstring twinge a little… I just slowly decelerate from there… Heat before mine our fastest guy pulled up lame with a hammy injury as well, and in the 100m earlier, our first leg on the 4x1 pulled his hamstring at about 85m… There had to have been 4-5 hamstring injuries today… Looks like I’ll be going back to more ART on monday…

man thats crazy ham pulling

Yeah it was insane…


I’ve been icing my hamstring frequently the past couple days… Feels better every day, only sore/tender in a little spot. I’m going to set up an appt. with my chiro on Monday, and probably will see him a few times this week. I’m thinking about holding off on this week’s meet and saving it for conference trials on April 20th. I’ll have to talk it over with my coach.

Took my dog for a 30 minute walk today, more like she took me for a walk! haha, 80 pound 1 1/2 year old golden retreiver; hyper is an understatement! :smiley:


Woke up this morning at 7:30 to be at my ART appt. Doc worked on me for about 30 minutes; he worked on the hamstring quite a bit, then did both quads, IT bands, pectoral muscles, long head of the bicep, low back/erectors, ab/adductors, and hip flexors. It hurts so good haha…

Didn’t run today… I can jog around a bit, but sprinting at full speed right now is out of the question. Stretching feels fine on the hamstring, isometric holds against resistance don’t bother much, so it’s pretty minor… I saw the trainer at my school later in the day and he went ahead and put some ice on it and applied stim to it for 15 minutes… It already is feeling twice as better than yesterday now…

Football position meeting at 4, Biology 5:30-7…
After class, went to the gym:

Bench Press 4x8,8,5,5 (180, 190, 205, 210)
Bent Over Rows 3x6
Seated Cable Rows 3x10
Incline Dumbell Curls 3x10
Lying Dumbell Skull Crushers 3x8
Hyper-extensions 2x12

Supplements: Cytofuse, 500mg Vit. C, 5g L-Glutamine, GROW!-later on, ZMA before bed as usual

Hey WRC,
man I wish Joe were half as dedicated as you.
Joe is getting ART tue/wed/thurs this week all on practice days. thing is he is in no pain or stiffness now so I intend that he go ahead with practice.
I am working him out at the team practice; coach has no problems with this; I told him we were following CF instructions.

I dont know for sure, but I was told that overwork is a cause for a lot of hamstring/etc trouble…
Good luck

Yeah, I think my problems come from overuse and improper warm-up; Spring ball right now doesn’t help with staying fresh for meets haha… Also, the weather that day wasn’t very “sprinter friendly”… It feels alot better today, I can make a full isometric contraction of the hamstring with minimal pain in a tiny little spot. I am going to go get treatment on it again later today with the trainer, and schedule an appt. for ART probably for Thursday morning/possibly Friday as well… Have to be ready for conference trials on April 20th, I am set on making the 400m final!


Got ice/stem on hamstring for 15 minutes in training room. Went out to the track, jogged a lap at a slow pace, then did some light dynamic warm-up stuff (high knees, butt-kickers, light pawing, backwards running); did 6-8 60m strides. Did them at about 50-60%. No pain. I can still tell it’s there but it’s minimal. Wearing a neoprene wrap around my leg for now. Used the foam roller on it later…

I feel no pain when static stretching. The only time I can feel slight pain is in an isometric contraction or when I self-massage it.


Heat/stem on hamstring, 15 minutes. Foam roller, light stretches; feeling pretty good. Went out to track, jogged 800m for a decent pace, did a modified warm-up, hip swings, etc… Ran 6x200m at 60-65%; felt pretty good. Will up the intensity a bit more tomorrow.

Hang Cleans: 3x5 (160, 165, 165)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8
Close grip bench press: 2x8
Single Leg Ham Curls (light): 3x6 each leg


Heat/Stem on hamstring for 15 minutes again today. It’s feeling better and better as the days go by. Extended my warm-up today at the track. I did most of my warm-up stuff on the grass. 800m jog, light stretches, 5x80m strides, active stretching, 2x50m strides, hip swings. I put on spikes and ran 4x150m, progressivley increasing speed at each 50m interval. I didn’t take it up to 100%, but it was a smooth stready stride, probably 80%. Feeling good. I have another ART session tomorrow at 9:45. I’m looking forward to that :smiley:


Well yesterday I went to the meet, just to watch… I warmed up with the sprinters… Did like 6-8 100m strides on the grass, took it up to 90%. Feeling good… Our 4x4 was made up of two sprinters, a hurdler, and a 800/1500 guy. Our first leg was running in his first meet after not running for 2 weeks; he just got back from Africa a week ago. Second leg was running his first 4x4 of the year; third leg was our hurdler and 4th leg was the 800/1500 guy. They ended up splitting 50.8-1st leg, 51.1-2nd leg, 54.9-3rd leg, 54.5-4th leg, and they still won their heat by like 30-40m. Once I come back and we get one of our other sprinters back on there who can run at least 52, I think we’re gonna be running some fast times…

If all goes well at conference, I predict:
50.3-1st leg
50.7-2nd leg
51.8-3rd leg
Myself, I know I can run sub 51 when pushed, so us runnning sub-3:24 is lookin good right now…


Well, today will consist of doing all the homework that I’ve put off for the past week… I might go for a jog, do some drills… we’ll see… It’s conference this week, so I’m getting myself ready for that. I am running in the 400m trials on Wednesday, and Saturday will be the anchor leg on the 4x400m relay. After 9 days of no competition, I think I’m ready to get out there and run the oval again.


Great weather today, no clouds, no wind… perfect… Hope it stays like this all week. Extended my warm-up today and got a good sweat going before I ran. I wore a neoprene wrap on my right leg just for insurance. Our workout was 1x320m and 4x100m strides on grass. I didn’t push it all the way, I basically ran very relaxed, and didn’t kick in at the 200m mark like usual. Just taking a precautionary to see how I could go. I finished in 41.2 seconds, my best ever is 39.9 for 320m. I know I could’ve ran faster, but it was basically a test before my 400m trials race on wednesday. Did my 100m strides with the rest of the guys that will be on the 4x4. They ran 39.8, 40.0, and 40.2 today. We’re aiming for sub 3:25 on Saturday. Looks acheivable after the splits from this weekend.

Bench Press (4x8,8,5,5)- 145,145,160,160 (Bar speed main focus)
Lat Pulldown (4x8)- 135, 135, 135, 135
Hang Cleans (3x5)- 135, 135, 135 (Light; Explosive and Fast)

Now time for Biology class. Greaaaat.


Warm-up, light stretches, couple strides… Did two reps from the starting blocks up to 20m. I’m ready for tomorrow. I drew lane 4 for the400m. I’m running at the track where I set my PR in the open 400 3 years ago… BVC Conference Trials, here we come…

*Just a note… I’ve made a 400m conference final every track season since 8th grade… Kinda cool…

lane 4; nice…
all the best buddy; go get it.

its all urs man, no one else’s. good luck and all the best


Ehh… first meet back in 2 weeks. Wasn’t really sure how hard I could push after coming off of a hamstring strain. Ran like crap, didn’t qualify… Life goes on… I can take it out on the 4x4 cuz Im pissed now…

the specific up and downs of sprinting within the time frame of a season are enough to make one’s hair prematurely grey…
you did your best; try to capitalize on the experience for next season (what year are you in school? is there another season?) and give em hell in the relays!