WRCortese5's Training Journal


No real soreness today, except for a sore/tender spot in my left quad. Im gonna go in the hottub tonight, stretch, try and rub it out. Gotta write a term paper today :mad: I ordered a tub of cytofuse a few days ago by the way, and went ahead and took it upon myself to try some biotest products, since I ran out of all of my protein powders finally, and online deals are way better than what they price at stores like GNC. Great deals over there at t-nation though. Got 2 bottles of ZMA, 1 thing of powerdrive, and a tub of Low-Carb Grow! for ~ 60 bucks, with shipping included. Not bad…


Workout today was 2x3x200m at 400m backstretch pace. Went through first 100m at ~11.5-11.6, relaxed down second 100m stretch and finished all 200’s around 24.2-23.7. Good workout today. Recovery was 200m walkback.

I also had weight testing today. Didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked, but I maintained my strength so I guess that’s OK. Kinda hard to bring up my lifts when the guys are in there 3 days a week for 2 hours and I only have 2 days a week for an hour each day. Gotta do waht I can in the time I have I guess.

Lifts today:
Hang Clean 185 lbs. 6 reps. (I got 205 up but I couldn’t catch it, I was going for reps but I just couldnt get under it so I need to work on that.)Last time I did 175x8, so it equals out to 220, still at 220. Damn it.

Bench Press 200 lbs. x 7 reps. Last time I tested I did 205x7, so that went down. Not very happy about that.

I think my squat will be higher than last time. I think it’s around 365-370 right now.

Still bummed out/frustrated that my lifts didn’t go up so far. :mad:


My left quad is still a little sore in that one area from Saturday. Im gonna attempt to do some ice massage, and some self-massage, see it that does anything. Anyways, workout today was 4x150’s done pretty fast, went through at 11.0-11.1 at 100m with a flying start. After that, did 4 block starts, 2 of them to 30m, and 2 of them to 50m.

No weights today. Will test squats tomorrow. Going for 280x10 reps.


Well, today was a good… no damn good training day for me. Track workout today was 200,320,300, done at high intensity and used full recovery between each rep. All done w/ flying starts and in spikes as usual.
200: 22.6
320m(352 yards): 39.9
300m: 37.4

Led the groups every time. I felt strong. Quad wasn’t bothering me as much today, I iced it real good and stretched last night, I think that helped it out alot. I’ve been wearing a neoprene wrap just for some added support.

After that, cooled down, went to the weight room to test squats for football lift testing. I warmed up with 135 for 8 reps, 225 for 5 reps, 235 for 3. I was going to see what I could do with 275 lbs., ended up doing that 10 times easily. The coaches told me to add weight and re-test again in about 10-15 minutes. I waited around and put on 315 lbs. to see what I could do. Ended up exceeding my expectations and did it 8 times, which comes out to 390 lbs. on the conversion table. My squat went up 65 lbs. since 8 weeks ago. Holy crap :eek: haha… My lower back is a tad sore now and legs are starting to get the achy feeling. I need to stretch realllll good tonight. I also scheduled another ART appt. for Friday just to check up and break up any possible knicks I have (quad, low back). Lookin forward to the meet this weekend!

well done!! squat PR is awesome
ART is a great idea for maintenence if you are lucky enough to have that luxury! :slight_smile:

i thought your previous best was 375lbs…Well regardless thats a hell of a PB, i hope to achieve similar in the following weekend im gonna max out in squats, i’m aiming for 315lbs.

My best ever done was 375 yes, but that was the summer going into my senior year of high school… Now it’s 390. But yeah, thanks … I was pretty proud of it, but if I would’ve got that 9th rep up I would be braggin about 400 lbs. haha… I had it too! Halfway up and then crashed down into the saftey bars… Damn!


Sooore legs, erector spinae, and glutes today, but not so bad that it stopped me from running or anything…Anyways, did 5x150m today, striding out the first 100 in 11.8-11.9 and then focusing on lifting knees and getting good lift the last 50m.

Hopped in the whirlpool today at the training room, 52 degrees @ 15 min. Damn that was intense! No lifting today. ART tomorrow morning. Meet Saturday. (4x100, 100, 200, 4x400)


hmm weather went from 86 degrees last weekend, to today it is 55 degrees and a slight rain… What the hell? No practice today, had my ART session this morning. Worked on both quads, right hamstring, obliques, low back/erectors, ab/adductors… Felt alot better afterwards. My quad that was giving me pain is all gone now, except for the DOMS from the squats two days ago … Looking to run some good times tomorrow, and I will be anchoring both relays. Hopefully the weather holds up somewhat decently so we don’t have to run in a downpour.


Woke up at 6 o’clock, left here @ 6:45 for Sacramento. We get there to a downpour and some extreme wind. Coach decided right before the 4x1 it wasn’t worth it to even run considering the conditions, and we weren’t going to benefit from it. Ended up leaving and headed back. Winning 4x100 time was 44.38, by teams that usually are in the 43’s-42’s… Bad conditions. Looks like I have to wait til next saturday, I’ll be competing at Sac State.


Shitty weather still today. Ran in the rain @ practice. I hate it, but then again I guess you should be prepared for all types of conditions thrown at you. Workout today was 1x500 and 3x200; 500 was 1:13.6, went through 400m @ 57.7. 200’s were done around 24.6-24.9, nothing blasting today.

After that, came home and ate and went to football. Got our 2nd 8 week cycle weight programs, and tested out pro-agility test and Vertical Jump. We tested in the basketball gym; ran 4.31 in the pro-agility (decent I guess-we had about 5 or 6 guys run 3.9’s) and my vert was 27… I need to get in the 30’s, damn.

Weights today was:
4x12,12,8,8 Bench Press
3x8 Curls
3x8 Tricep Extensions
3x12 Lat Pulldowns
2x10 Seated Cable Rows

All I had time for today. Tomorrow we are testing 40’s. My goal is 4.49 or faster.


Track workout today was quick, but somewhat tough. It rained through practice, but it was a light rain. Anyways, our work out was run 100, walk back 50, run 100, walk back 50, run 100, walk back 50, etc… til we got back to the original starting point. Equaled out to 7 100m runs, probably done at 85% intensity in flats and full sweats.

Had to test 40’s today, mine went down .01… Pathetic. 4.56 was my best one. My start is horrible from the 3-point. There were a handful of guys in the 4.4’s, a few ran 4.3, and we had one guy run 4.25!

After that, we had a 100m dash competition with 8 of the football guys; it was so pathetic, our coach’s started us with a “readyyyy, go!” and we were in blocks, so when I was getting into the set position he already said go and people (at least 4) had a false start. I don’t know what I finished, but I know it wasnt 1st… Oh well, it was stupid. I;m over it haha. But I need to get that 40 down damn it. I think we’re gonna retest them again soon. (Unofficial handtimed winner was 10.81, 2nd 10.87, 3rd 10.91, 4th, 10.95, 5th- 10.98… I didnt place top 5 but I was not far behind from 5th at all, so Im guessing my “time” was 11.0-11.1… Once again, these were unofficial and hand-timed with no gun used… huge error margin haha)


Weather still sucks here. I was a bit sore today in my hip flexors, abs, obliques, and adductors. Workout today was supposed to be 3x300m. I wasn’t feeling “up to speed” today like usual, and the weather made me feel even more out of it. I ran the first one in 37.5, 2nd one was 38.5. Didn’t complete the 3rd one, my coach told me to go home and rest. He said he might have us do the workout again tomorrow. Hmm…

Weights: Squats 4x12,12,8,8 (235,235,255,255)
Single Leg Ham Curls 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x12

Cytofuse, BCAA’s, 500mg Vit. C, cold/warm shower after workout. Class 5:30-9:30. Now Im back at the apt watching family guy…haha


Workout today was 200, 300, 200… Wasn’t feeling “Fast” today like most workouts, but did 23.2, 38.2, and 22.9… Had a headwind on the straight… Today was last day of “Spring Olympics” for football, with me competing in the 4x100 relay… Our team finished 2nd out of 4 teams with horrid handoffs (no time to practice- about 10 minutes with 2 guys who had never ran a 4x1 in their life)… but still managed to run well… I ran a good 2nd leg, made up the stagger real quick from lane 3…

No weights today… Legs are a little sore, but nothing like usual. Cytofuse, BCAA’s, Vitamin C have been helping with the DOMS alot I have noticed… It’s great…

This Saturday: Hornet Invite @ Sac State. 4x100m, 100, 200, 4x400m.
Goals: 43.4, 11.50 FAT, 22.90 FAT, 3:29 (51.x split)


Did 800m jog today, stretched, hip swings, modified dynamic warm-up. Did one 200 out of the blocks today at ~25 sec, just to get the feel of staying loose and relaxed. Nothing strenuous. Feeling good about tomorrow. Im excited, it will be my first open 100 and 200 since Feb. 5th! Curious to see how I will do. Should be fun… Ughh that 6 a.m. wake-up is gonna come fast :eek:


Well, I thought we were going to have a good day at the track… Didn’t turn out so well, at least as I would’ve liked.

Screwed up the handoff in the 4x100 on the 1st runner to my handoff… Don’t know exactly what happend, but all I know is we don’t practice handoffs enough at ALL.

100m I placed 2nd in my heat, -2.0 headwind, horrible start, list could go on… Slow time… Moving on.

200m- Lane 8, no wind indicated, but I know there was a headwind… 24.09 fat… :confused:

4x400 was a little better- We had two guys in there subbing in for the normal guys that usually run (one guy got hurt in the 200; ran 52.40 today; the other couldn’t make the meet 52.5 guy) Their splits were 54.1 on the 1st leg (ouch) and 54.4 for the 2nd leg(800/1500 guy…ouch again)… 3rd leg was 51.7; my anchor leg was 51.7 so I was happy about that. At least I ran somehwat of a decent time today…

Comment: It feels like I can’t get any power when I run the 100 and 200; Like no matter how hard I try, I can’t get that leg lift and a long stride. It feels like Im not running under my hips and I’m all over the place… It’s just really frustrating to run so much faster in practice and not be able to even come close in meets… I don’t get it… It’s really upsetting and makes me question some stuff sometimes…

You’re consistent;;; it will happen.
Are you choking up in comp?
I read that if you can do it in practice consistently, as you are starting to do, in comp you drop into the “zone” where it is just automatic.

maybe you need to focus on your “routine”… the “psychology” of sprinting you know? top sprinters get into their "routine " and block out every sensory input.

If you are excited in comp. , good. use the emotion to focus intently on your “routine”.

Yeah it seems as if I choke up when competition arrives… I hope it all comes in together soon. I know it will. Just waiting for that one meet where I break through… Thanks for the advice though, Joesdad…

ok so in comp. at the very latest, when you start your warm ups for an event, you enter your “zone routine”, which you have developed at practice; warm ups, drills, block placement, setting, practice starts, - all a set routine; your particular response to “runners to your marks”, how you set up and take that last inhale; everything up until the gun goes off… all the same, practiced, and in a zone of your own.
have you got that down?

from there, after the gun, then you drop into repeating the good times you have established consistently in practice, with no distractions, just the extra adrenalin of “showtime”.

you should also consider the workout uve done on the 24th, 22.9 just 48hrs before a competition, is so unnecessary and maybe thats why your performance in the meet was not a reflection of the times that you produce in practise, 2secs slower is a lot remember, so maybe you should recover yourself more prior to a meet.
good luck man