WRCortese5's Training Journal


Eh… meet was pretty good… Weird weather over in Saratoga, but no rain so that was good…

4x100- 2nd place, 44.16… Hadn’t practiced handoffs all week, my leg to 3rd leg was better, but I ran up on him this time. Our anchor was an alternate who is a 12.1 guy, and they had never done handoffs. We should go mid 43’s next week with the A team…

400m- 53.89 :mad: … I was in lane 3, not a bad lane assignment, but damn I thought I was in better shape than that… I just couldnt kick in the last 150 like I thought… No big deal, my first open 400 since May 2003…

4x400m- 2nd place, 3:34.8… I was supposed to run anchor and right as the 2nd leg was coming in, my coach tells me to get in at 3rd leg instead of 4th… Our 4th leg today was an alternate, a steeplechaser/5000m runner… No idea why we had him run anchor, but no worries… We all split 52’s,(52.5, 52.8, 52.7) but the anchor ran 55.9, so that kinda hurt us… I split 52.7 on the 3rd leg though. That 4x4 felt real good. Should be able to get under 3:30 next week with the A team intact.

Overall, a decent meet. Next weekend, Beaver Relays at American River College.

congrats … glad to see you had a decent meet; fair times, good SE workout, no injuries… oh yeah.


800m jog, dynamic warm-up, strides… Workout was 2x300m and 1x200m.

-Did my first 300 in 37.5, yet it felt a little more difficult than usual. Second 300 in 38.3… Full recovery between each, with a flying start in spikes.

-My 200 was done in 23.0. Coach blew the whistle at 11.00 and I went through probably around 11.1-11.2. I felt sloppy in that 200 too…

4x3 Hang Cleans (175,185,185,185)
4X5,5,3,3 Bench Press (175,185,185,185)
5x5 Lat Pulldowns (160,160,160,160,160)


800m jog, dynamic warm-up, hip swings, included some stadiums today (total of 8 times going up alternating between fast steps and every other step). Got me a nice sweat going.

Track workout was 6x150 @ about 75%. Focused on staying relaxed.

After that, did 4 starting blocks for about 20m and that was all for today’s workout.


Same usual warm-up as always. Got a nice sweat going… The weather today was pretty nice, sunny, partly cloudy, but sunny… nice change…

Workout was 1x200m, 1x300m, followed by 1x200m. The goal was to run near full speed in the 200m, then for the 300m we were to go out almost as fast as we did in the first 200… Then for the last 200m was done full go. All done in spikes with flying starts.

200m- 23.3
300m- 36.8 PB of the Season!
200m- 22.7, but ran in lane 2 the whole way… no stagger so probably was around 22.5 if I had moved into the inside… Felt great!

We had another guy on our 4x4 run 36.2/22.3 today and our 2nd leg on the 4x4 go 37.4/22.4… Looking real bright for us this year!

4x5,3,3,3- Hang Cleans (155,165,165,175)
5X5-Lat pulldowns (140,140,140,150,150)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5x5 (55’s)
5x5,5,3,3,3 Back Squats (240,240,270,270,270)

Congrats on the PB, that’s awesome.

Thanks… Hopefully now I can translate that 300m into my race !


Today was a relaxed day, 4x150 at 75% in flats. Did a nice steady warm-up before; 1200m jog, stretched… Didnt do blocks today, tomorrow is gonna be handoffs and some easy strides… Saturday I’ll be running the 4x100 (2nd leg), 4x200 (3rd leg), and 4x400 (anchor)… Im excited we have our full A teams all ready to go, so we’re looking to run some fast times this weekend…

Basically did a whole lot of nothing today… haha… slept in til 11:45, went to the track at 1:30… Did my warm-up, but modified it down just to get loose… Did 3 starting blocks at low intensity and that was it. 4x1,4x2,and 4x4 tomorrow… I have to go to sleep in like 2 hours, my bus is leaving at 7 a.m.! I’m waking up damne early tomorrow morning… I dont run til 1:30 so I’ll probably get a little sleep on the bus…


Woke up at 5:30 this morning… Had to leave from my school at 7 a.m. for Sacramento. The field events started at 10, got there at 9:30… I started my warm-up at about 10:45, then warmed up again at 12:30… Felt good.

4x100m relay- We were in a good lane for this for once, (lane 5)… We put in a new anchor this week and they had to work on handoffs this morning before the meet, so it was kinda sketchy. Got out good, my handoff from the 1st leg was crisp as always, I ran up so bad on the 3rd leg that I had to wait til he got into the exchange zone before I could give him the baton. 3rd to 4th was a pretty good handoff, considering that they just worked on it this morning. Ended up 3rd in our heat, 43.56, fastest time of the year so far for us. (Just found out that we have the 12th fastest 4x100 time as of today for JC’s in Northern CA… Not bad :cool: )

4x200m relay- This was horrible for us. We were in the first heat cuz we had no time entered for some reason… Anyways, we were only racing two other teams, the first leg on one of the teams pulled his hamstring on the first leg, the other guy said he was gonna jog on our leg, so basically we ran by ourselves. Won our heat obviously, haha… sloppy exchanges though, still ran to a season best of 1:32.01, 5th overall… We probably could’ve been top 3 or 4 in the “Fast heat”, but oh well. My leg felt good, not sure on the split, but I was running into a headwind also.

4x400m relay- I was really excited for this race, even though one of our guys didn’t show up this morning for the damn bus… So once again, we had to put in a last minute alternate who has never ran track before this season. We were racing some of the top teams in CA in this race… Intense I must say. The first 3 legs on our relay just flat died after 300m, all of them split 53’s… We were too far behind for me to make up any ground, but I only split 52.3(I think). First place was 3:13!! Second place was by their B team with 3:16!! Their C team ran in heat 1 and won with a 3:25!! They have some depth, damn it was nuts… I think we finished 3:33? Shitty

So overall, good day I guess for the 4x100 and 4x200, not so hot for the 4x4…

Ice bath when I got home for 20 min., now I;m just gonna rest and sleep tonight. Still frustrated, but hopefully soon things will come into place like I want them to…


Hamstrings and calves are pretty sore today. I went in the hottub for a good 20 min., then stretched my legs… I felt alot better after, but I can still feel the soreness there… I’ll stretch them out later again tonight. Still in a weird mood from yesterday, and a bit frustrated with the 400, but I’ll get over it.


It’s about damn time, the weather today was awesome… I’ve actually started to get a bit darker the past couple days, can’t complain!

-Usual warm-up, I was sweating after my 800m jog, so it didn’t take much, but still ensured to complete the full warm-up. Workout today was 3x150m and 2x300m. Went through the 100m mark for the 150’s around 11.2-11.4, then relaxed but not slowing down for the next 50m.

-2x300m were done in 38.0 and 37.2. First 300 was 2 turns and a straight and last 300 was 2 straights and a turn. Felt hard on that first 300, but the 2nd 300 felt alot better.

-Weights today:
Squats 5x5x5,5,3,3 (230, 250, 250, 275, 275)
Pull-Ups 3x10, BW

That’s all I could get done today, due to time constraints with class and we all had a team meeting for football before we lifted so that took up our usual time.

…solid runs. I would guess if you can keep recording good workouts like that, you will eventualy be able to hit those times and better in the meets.

I’m seeing one now and have all sorts of problems, although im progressing fine its strange. I went initially for safe sake and some pain regions goin on in my body. How many times you go a week to see him, damn you i have to pay 50 bucks for mine. When did you start to see improvements on flexibility among other things when you started seeing him, how many sessions till you noticed?

Senri, I don’t see him anymore since I havn’t had any problems latley. I noticed a great improvement after one session, and my flexibility/issues that were found improved steadily over the course of about 5 visits. I went once a week. Well worth it if you ask me.


Regular Warm-up, nice weather again today, reached 78 at one point in the day! Workout today was 6x150 @ 75%, followed by 4x20m runs in a harness held by a partner behind us. After that worked on starts, only did 4 today, nothing too strenuous. Main focus was form and not popping up coming out. I’m scheduled to run the 200/400 this weekend at UC Davis and the 4x400 relay. Not sure yet on the 4x100, our first leg isn’t going to be able to make it so we might just skip it this week.

Im hoping for anywhere in the 52’s in the open 400 this week, low-mid 23’s in the 200, and a high 51-low 52 split in the 4x4. Seems reasonable.

dude i think your goals are not very realistic, i mean ur literally running 22’s in your 200s in practise, how can that translate to a low-mid 23 in practise?? man i think you can go low 22FAT pretty easy.

when you do those runs, do you run them alone or with a partner, i tell u that cause if alone then ur talking 22FAT easy if not, then yes it might depend, since u would actually get to push urself harder for this extra bit. anyways man, all the best and goodluck

I always do them with at least 2 others, so I never run alone. Also, they’ve been flying starts on the 200’s, my fastest in practice this year was 22.5, but yeah I would think I could go 22.x FAT easy when the right conditions come, etc… Thanks for the support, I just need to get stronger mentally and I should put down some good performances.


Full warm-up, followed by 4 or 5 strides for 60m. Workout today was 3x200m with flying starts.

-First 200 I was in lane 2, still felt good though. Ran 23.2 on the first 200. One of our fastest guys called it a day after his first 200 cuz of some pain in his quad, so I was kinda worried that I wouldnt run as fast without him, since I can usually run better when I run with him. I ended up having some guys wait over at the 100m mark and do 100’s when me and 2 other guys went through at the 100, so it helped us keep pace and make it fun to stay up with them or catch them. Last two 200’s were done in 22.4 :cool: … Felt really good, but I was spent afterwards. Took a cooldown lap, and headed for the weight room.

So 3x200 w/ flying starts: 23.2, 22.4, 22.4

5x5,5,3,3,3 Bench Press (185,185,200,200,200)
5x5 Lat PullDowns (150,150,150,150,150)
5x5 Barbell Curls (70 lbs.)
5x5 Skull Crushers (70 lbs.)
3x5 Shrugs (245 lbs.)

After weights, had to go on the field for football, footwork/technique. Then headed to class from 5:30-9. Ughh… Im so tired now… Sleep is gonna be nice.


Well, didnt do anything today. Friday’s aren’t really anything serious as far as running goes, since we have meets on Saturdays. I went to the library for 2 hours to research a paper that is due on Tuesday so that took up my afternoon. It’s sooo hot here now (86 degrees) and my apt. has no AC… We have 3 fans blowing full go and all the windows in the house open… And it’s still hot in here!! haha…

4x100m, (400m?,200m?), 4x400m @ UC Davis Aggie Opener. Not sure if I’ll be running any open events yet. Kinda pissed off about that.


Just got back from the meet… Once again, had to throw together relay teams at the last minute, for some reason this always happens because someone either can’t make the meet or gets hurt or some other excuse. Kinda frustrating but we still got 4th in the 4x100 with an alternate in at 3rd leg, and switching the 3rd leg to first for this meet. We only ran .15 slower than last week too and we practiced handoffs an hour before the race. I know, not good; we need to do alot more handoff work. Ended up 43.71. Should be hitting 42’s anytime soon with a consistent team running! Relay order this week: (Simpson-Cortese-Marchbanks-Hundt)

4x400 relay was our best time of the year, and we didn’t have two of our guys from the A team running… First leg split 52.3, I ran 2nd to keep us in somewhat of a competitive state (52.2), 3rd leg split 52.8, and our anchor guy was a 800-1500 guy, split 53.6. Finished in 3:31.07. I think we can get down to 3:25-3:24 before the season is done. Relay order this week: (Marchbanks-Cortese-Taylor-Yungert)

No open events today, but I hope to compete in the open 100 and 200 next week as well as relays.