WRCortese5's Training Journal

Looking good.
About your block starts, I dont mean to discourage you against a bunch start. (actually your settings were probably close to med. no?)
fyi: C. Lewis used a med. setting. B. Johnson used bunch.
the idea from the web page was that with the more space of a med. setting, the more time the lead foot is on the pedal, giving more push, resulting in a better time overall.(for us it helped clean up his start - i think bcause he is longlegged.)
-with Ben, the bunch allowed him to almost jump out with both feet. If he didnt recover he would land on his face.


Today’s workout was block starts… 3x10m starts, 2x20m, and 2x50m… I felt really good getting out and driving out of the blocks. I was keeping up with an 11.17 sprinter so I felt good. =) Worked on handoffs, will be running 2nd leg on the 4x100 this weekend… Not sure about 4x2 or 4x4 yet though… Will see tomorrow…


Easy practice today. Did some refinement on with the starting blocks on the turns, nothing fast though… I did them half speed. Worked on some relay exchanges again for the 4x100 and 4x200 relay tomorrow. I am running 2nd leg on the 4x100 and anchor leg on the 4x200 tomorrow… Im excited, gotta love the relays. Not sure if I will run the 4x400, but I will if we have enough willing guys to suck it up and run it…

Ran the 4x100 and 4x200 today… Smooth exchange from 1st leg to me, out really nice in Lane 7, 3rd leg took out too early and I couldnt catch up… So we ended up not finishing… Damn! Oh well… we gotta work on handoffs and timing alot more…

4x200, good for 2nd place with a 1:34.25, our first leg wasnt even supposed to be on the team but our coach threw him on there for workout purposes… I felt a little tweak in the left hammy coming off the turn, kept running… It’s sore now, but I dont think it’s anything serious.


Ive been icing my leg for 2 days now since I felt the pain again in my left hammy… I went to the track today, it felt a little tight, warmed up, dynamic warm-up, stretched, strides all went fine.

Workout was 4x200m, no time. I ran them at my own pace, probably no faster than 65% since I didn’t want to overstress the hamstring. I am running the 400m and 4x400 this Friday, so that should take some stress off from the shorts sprints for now.

Weights on Sunday:
Bench Press: 4x8,8,5,5 (175,175,200,200)
Seated Cable Rows: 4x8
Lat Pulldowns: 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Curls: 3x12
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3x12

Hang Cleans 3x5(185,185,185)
Single Leg Ham Curl 3x10, light, good form.


Didn’t run today… Hamstring still is a little sore. I went to the training room for treatment and the head trainer was testing these guys to see how fit they were. Basically it is called “The 8-Minute fitness test”. He got it from an athletic training seminar from a fellow trainer. Anyways, he and a couple others coaxed me into doing it, so I had to prove them I could. The test was this:
2 minute sitting on invisible chair against wall, hands to your side… 5 second break…
2 minute arms held perpendicular for 2 minutes, 5 second break…
2 minutes in middle portion of push-up position, 10 second break
2 minutes in bridge on forearms, palms on the ground.

It sounded easy at first, but god damn… That is some tough shit!! I was sweating my ass off on the bridge, arms/torso shaking. It is one tough mental test pretty much, gotta fight through that burn when you wanna quit. But after I finished I felt great. After that, rode on the stationary bike for 15 minutes, alternating in slow pedaling and fast pedaling.

Stretched, did the foam roller couple times. Im gonna go ice massage the hamstring now. Tomorrow Im going to see my Chiro again, so hopefully it will feel better. Im running the 400 and 4x400 on Friday, shooting for a 52.50 in the open and 52.x on the relay, but I guess that will depend if my leg is feeling up to it.


Warmed up today, leg felt good… Did 4x150m at about 80-85%, leg felt fine… No time on these… Im gonna continue to wear the compression wrap when I run for a while. Got ice right after practice on my leg. Oh yeah I went to see my chiropractor this morning, did a bunch of ART work on me, hurt but felt alot better afterwards. Also did 4x20m starting blocks.

Weights today:
Hang Cleans 3x5 (175,175,185)
Bench Press 4x8,5,5,5 (165,185,185,195)
Incline Dumbbell Bench 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Squats 5x8,8,5,5,5 (215,215,235,235,235)
Single Leg Hamstring Curls 3x8 40 lbs.
Curls 3x8 60 lb. barbell

Feelin good, looking forward to the 400 on Friday!

will you have a nice easy day thurs?
on friday I hope you take it easy, make it a quality run; dont worry about time too much; have a good race plan and execute with quality… it’s early in the season, so just enjoy it.

What kind of things is the ART guy doing? How do they differ from a typical deep tissue? What is the cost per hour for the ART?

Yeahh today was nothin hard, did a couple block starts, did 3 handoff exchanges, strides, that was it. Yeah, so I’m gonna run the 4x100(2nd leg), 400m in lane 3 (Im just gonna do my thing), and 4x400m (anchor leg!)… Hopefully the weather holds up, other wise they said they will cancel the meet if it’s raining too hard.

He did alot of different stuff to me. Basically he tries to look for weaknesses in each side of the body, i.e. ab/adduction strength, hip flexor strength, hamstring flexibility, erector spinae, ankle mobility, lats, shoulders, lowerback/upperback alignment, etc… He said alot of factors can come into play with an injury, and that working on the one injured area might not be the answer. He usually works on other areas, especially my hip flexors. My chiro charges 45$ per session, but after my insurance deductable of 300 is met, then it will be 15 dollars paid by the insurance. Im pretty close I think…


Track meet cancelled today due to shitty weather conditions… Damn! I was looking forward to racing too… No practice today… Gonna relax. I’m going to Chico tomorrow with my friend whos on the track team (also my roommate), gonna go see some friends who we went to high school with who go there now. Should be fun…

just as well…
you’ll be that much better off next week.

Yeah you’re probably right… This season is gonna fly by, conference trials are April 23rd!


Got back to Santa Rosa toady around 12:45, went to the track …

Did the same thing as usual for my warm-up, felt really good. Workout was 1x352 yards(320m), then 2x200m. I was hyped up about the 320m, since I wanted to see where I was at in relation to a 400m. I used the Clyde Hart strategy and it felt really good. Went out hard first 50m, relaxed but kept my leg speed til 200m, then got agressive again and got the knees up on the last 120m. We ran 2 turns and a straight, finished in 40.5. 300m split was 37.8, and that converts to a 50.6 400m if I had kept the same pace for that last 80m :smiley: I was real happy about that. For the 2x200m, I did them in 24.2 each one, with a HUGE gust of wind in my face on the straight on both 200’s; damn wind! Oh well, my 400m speed is looking really good right now though, and that should help with my 200 and 100 as well.

Hang Cleans 4x3 (175,185,185,195)
Bench Press 5x5,5,3,3,3 (200,200,225,225,225)
Squats 5x5,5,3,3,3 (265,265,275,300,300)
Lat Pulldowns 4x5 (160,160,160,160)
Single Leg Ham Curls 3x8 each leg w/ 50 lbs.
Bicep Curls 5x5 w/ 75. lbs.
Lying Tricep Extensions 3x5 w/ 75 lbs.

Finally, no rain today! It was great weather, at one point almost no clouds in the sky… Damn it was nice.

800m Jog
Dynamic warm-up, hip swings, some static stretches, 3 60m strides.
4x150m, no time. Ran in spikes. After that went to starting blocks; 2x10m, 2x30m, 2x60m. My start is finally feeling really good, I felt like my drive phase is getting alot better, and Im transitioning up really smooth. Felt great.

No weights today. I am a little sore from yesterday, more so in the upper body. My left shin/ankle were bothering me today, probably gonna ice those up tonight.


Got to the track same time as always. Did my 800m jog warm-up, then did some static stretches on my calfs, hamstrings, and quads, followed by dynamic warm-up, hip swings, 60m build-ups, followed by workout.

The workout was 2x300m and 1x200m. I am getting to like doing 300’s more and more everyday. My goal was to hit under 39, ended up doing 37.7 for the first one. Full recovery after that, next 300 was done in 37.5. I gotta say that I could’ve kept going and I felt REALLY strong today.

A group of distance guys were doing a 200 in their workout, and one of the 800/1500 guys went 22.9 with a flying start :eek: I could’nt believe that, so I was about to run for some sprinter pride on the 200m rep. I ended up going out at 11.2 I think it was? and finishing in 22.5! :smiley: Guy behind me was in at 22.7, and he ran 37’s with me in the 300’s… Gotta feeling our 4x4 is going to be DAMN GOOD! Best workout of the year by far for me… I couldn’t have felt better.

2x300m- 37.7, 37.5 (5m flying start in spikes)
1x200m- 22.5 (5m flying start in spikes)

4x3 Hang Cleans (155, 155, 165, 165)
5x5 Lat Pulldowns (140,140,150,150,150)
5x 5,5,3,3,3 Squats (225,225,240,240,240)


Easy day… Warm up, nice stretch, 4x80m strides. Did 4 starts for 10m, cool down lap, and called it a day.

Nor-Cal Rotational @ West Valley College vs. West Valley, San Mateo, DVC, and American River…
4x100m?, 400m, 200m, 4x400m.

I am looking for a great meet. Look forward to it!

Best of Luck!

San mateo!! I used to live there…
good luck and let us know how it goes