WRCortese5's Training Journal

I’m not too sure about that, maybe some others could be of help with this one? I did it Friday morning at 10 and had track practice at 1… Didn’t see any problems, but I’m not sure how it would work out with doing it before a competition…


Track today at 1…

Mile warm-up, static stretches, followed by a really good dynamic warm-up. It was an awesome warm-up, and I felt really focused. No pain in my hamstring, great sign!

The workout was supposed to be 1x200,1x300, and 2x150. I only got to do the 200 and 300 cuz of time restraints with football (weights at 3).

My 200 was done in around 24.3, it was around 90%. 300 was done almost full intensity, finished in 38.4. Im feelin really good. Both done in spikes.

Weights were short today. Too many damn people in the weight room again.

Hang Clean 3x5 (175, 185, 185)
Bench Press 4x8,8,5,5 (175,175,200,200)
Lat Pulldowns- 4x8 (150,150,150,150)

That was all for today…


Today it was alot warmer than it has been recently… 76 degrees out, perfect sprinting weather. Felt real nice from the usual cold or overcast days.

Anyways… Warm-up(800m), stretch, dynamic sprint movements, 60m buildups, followed by some hip swings and a little more stretching and I was ready to go.

4x150 @ around 75-80%. No time for these. Felt pretty strong coming off the turn. After these we waited about 20 minutes before we got into starting blocks. I did probably around 3 starts for 10m, then we did 2 for 50m at about 85% intensity. Im getting out of the blocks better, but every now and then I will side step coming out, instead of having the feet go in a liner fashion… but Im working on it, it will get better. My top speed is pretty good, just need to work on acceleration and my start mainly right now.

First meet is in 3 days at San Jose City College. I’m real excited, we are running on a Mondo track surface. Im competing in the 200 and 4x400 relay. Should be fun to see where I’m at this point of the season!



Full warm up, stretch, dynamic flexibility, 60m build-ups… My workout was supposed to be 3x200m.

First 200 was done in 24.0, I eased up with 40m to go… done at about 90%

Second 200 done in 23.4, eased up with 10m to go, 95% effort.

After that 200, my coach said it was good enough and I could cool down and head over to the student health center for medical screenings.

Both of these were with a 5m running start in spikes…

That was all for today, I had a physical for track and it took forever to finally get out of there. 2 days til the first meet!


No workout today… First meet tomrrow! Can’t wait… I can’t stop thinking about it… 200m and 4x400 it is… Looking forward to it, my first competition in college AND my first competition since May 2003… Im ready!!



Meet went ok today… I ended up running the 100m and the 200m… So-so start in the 100m, lane 1, next closest runner was lane 4… I think I finished 3rd in my heat, didn;t get the time yet…

200m wasn’t good either, lane 7, ran a good turn, form sucked from 150m on and I couldnt maintain speed or good enough form for a solid finish… Guessing I went 23.7 in that… What a way to drop my self-confidence… I didn’t really feel “into it” today… Man…

Oh well though, it’s over with, just pre-season… Gotta come back and work hard at practice…



Wow… just got the official results… I am fucking embarassed… I dont even want to post the times… fuck… what the hell is wrong with me… ugh…

sorry guy, must have been off your pr by a bit eh?

  • its early and it doesnt count for more than extending training and experience if you are at this end of peaking curve.

you know what you can do… hang in there.

Yeahh it wasn’t my day, but then again it was only a ‘practice’ meet… It didn’t even feel like a real track meet. Oh well, I will bounce back… I know what I am capable of, and those times are nothing more to me than motivation that I need to keep working hard.

I even told Joe not to even consider the times much… after all I dont want him to press it too soon… I want a gradual progression to target meet periods.
It a practice and qualifying meet month so just use it as that; practice. That is the smart thing to do.
(Of course I will be worrying over the times, but like you say, you know what you are capable of and if you do the training and keep on track it will happen… or better.

Thanks… I appreciate the advice.

Im gonna swallow my pride and post the results… 11.80 and 24.11 FAT… I guess the times aren;t soo bad as I thought, I mean it is the first meet… Plus considering I havnt competed in about 16 months… Post-op from surgery 10 months (low back)…And just about 4 1/2 solid weeks of training… I think in 2-3 meets Im gonna be back in great form… THIS IS MOTIVATION!

I was ready to go work out hard after the mediocre performance on Friday.

mile jog, dynamic warm-up, static stretch, 65m accelerations… Track workout was 2x300 and 1x200…

300’s were done 38.2, and 38.7 for the 2nd rep. My 2nd 300 felt good, even though I went through the 200 mark slower than on the first rep. The 200 interval felt great, maintained form down the stretch, finished in 23.7. Good workout.

3x5 Hang Clean (175, 185, 185)
4x8,8,5,5 Squats ( 200, 200, 215, 215-Light Day)
Lat Pull downs- 4x8 (150, 150, 150, 150)

That’s all I could get done for today.


just for reference, what was your recovery time between reps on the 300s and 300/200?
Our coach made team run 2/300 with 1 min rec. (40/41 sec), 2/200 with 1 min. (26/38!), 2/100 (12/20!) 1 min rec.

Ouch… that must’ve hurt!! My recovery time was full recovery between each interval, since our coach wanted them to be quality, fast runs… I’d say in between 12-20 minutes between the two 300’s, and same for the 200 interval. Just a guess on that time though… By the way, done with 5m flying starts in spikes…


Track workout today was 4x150… Did them at pretty good pace, good form off the bend and felt nice transition into the straight, but I need to work on it a little more.

After that, went over and worked on starts. I found a position in the blocks that finally feels good. My start is getting better; trying not to side-step coming out. My coach said my first step is kinda wide, but everything after that looks great. He said that’s the main flaw, that and Im kinda tense coming out of the blocks. Gotta relax more. We did 2x10m starts, 1x20m, 1x30m, and 1x40m. Done at about 85%.

After blocks, went and did 4 handoffs with a guy that went to high school with me. He has been handing off to me since 10th grade, and he said our exchanges look awesome. I counted 15 steps and the exchange was real smooth. I will most likley run a straight on the 4x1, since our coach wants Kyle handing off to me, and Kyle is an awesome turn runner. Most likely he will run first leg.


what block settings do you use?
I mean is it bunch, medium or extended?

My settings I am using right now are at the 7 spot for my left foot, and 15 on the right foot, with the blocks at one and a quarter foot length from the line… So my left foot is just under 2 foot lengths from the line, and 3 for the right foot… It’s pretty close to extended… Should I move my blocks up a little more? It almost feels like I need to or can apply more force to the blocks when I get out…


hope this url works. maybe you’ve seen it. if not, just google “biomechanics of the sprint start”.

-anyway joe was coming out all over the place with his bunch start early last year. He moved to medium setting and came out a lot cleaner. He is tall and lean though, long legs and high butt.
-your setting sounds like it is about 12inches or so between pedals… that is more a bunch than med (16-21" seperation).

Thanks, Joesdad… I appreciate it…


Onto to today’s training…

Track workout was 3x200m, done in spikes, 5m flying start. Feeling some nicks and pains here and there but nothing from preventing me from running… Right ankle was a little sore, both my soleus’ were a little sore for some reason. Anyways… Warmed up, stretched, stride outs…

3x200m… 23.4, 23.5, 23.5. I was happy that I was consistent with all 3 of the 200m intervals. I need to work on maintaining the form my last 50m and also the transistion into the straight coming out of the turn. Rest time between reps were about 10-12 minutes.

Right after I was done, had to go to weights for football. All I got done was:

Bench Press: 5x8,8,5,5,5 (160, 160, 175, 175, 175- Medium Intensity)
Dumbbell Military Press- 3x8 w/ 50 lb. dumbbells
Lying Triceps Extension- 3x8 w/ 60 lb. barbell
Barbell Curls- 3x8 w/ 60 lb barbell

This weekend, relay meet at Yuba College. I will probably be running 4x1, 4x2, and 4x4. Im excited, relays are always fun, especially 4x2 since it’s a rarely run event over here in CA.