WRCortese5's Training Journal

Good job, but be sure to continue the treatment on the leg even after you feel fine to keep it from happening again. Keep on rolling, it’s looking good.

Oh yeah, no doubt I will continue on with treatment for the duration of the season!


12x110m @~70% today. Feels pretty damn good I must say to be able to run again. Tomorrow is pre-race prep. Saturday, 4x400m relay! I’m running a leg on the ‘B’ team because my coach doesn’t want me on the ‘A’ team just yet. I still want to get a split regardless of what team. I feel I still have 51.xx in me (at least!), but we’ll see come Saturday!


Warm-up, 2x80m @ RP. Warm-down… 4x400 tomorrow!

I’m very excited to see you run, Cortese. You will probably read this after you run, I just want you to know I was devestated when I heard about your hammie, and I couldn’t prouder and happier that you’re running again.

Thanks for the support. Means a lot bro, it really does. I was completely devestated as well after the injury; I thought “wow it’s going to be just like last season all over again”. I’m lucky enough to be able to salvage what I have left to help out the 4x4, because they need me right now. If I can get back down to what I ran 4 weeks ago (50.5), then I should be in good shape. If only I hadn’t gotten injured these past 3 weeks… It’s sad to think what I could’ve done…Sigh… Oh well… I’m past that, now it’s time to get back into it. I’m nervous for tomorrow, but I’m ready to go. :smiley:

Haven’t been able to get to a comp for the past couple of days (power outage), but I hope you ran well in that race. How’d you do? How’s your leg feel?


Meet went very well. I was nervous, anxious, not sure how I was going to do. But I helped us run to a season best 4x400m time of 3:25.33 :smiley: I split 51.5 on the 2nd leg; I wasn’t as aggressive coming out; being catious. It felt easy. I know I can run way faster than this, guranteed. Another guy on our B team ran a 51.7 for his first 400 split of the year, so he will be making his way on to the A team very shortly…

Leg feels pretty good, but I am sore as hell. Glad to be back… :cool:


Pretty decent workout. Still am catious about the leg; 2x300m in spikes w/ full recovery in between runs. 37.6 and 37.0 for the runs. I was done after that.

Squats: 2x8 (270), 3x5 (305)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8 (185)
Reverse Leg Press: 3x8
Bench Press: 2x8 (200), 2x5 (230)
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 3x8 (155)

Wrist is stil bugging me; it hurts to catch the bar in the clean…

04/11/06 (Tuesday)

I was planning on doing 12x120 yard tempo session outdoors, but it was too damn wet and rainy all day. I went inside for my session and did a 45 minute session that was about equal I would say to a decent long tempo session. 15 minutes on the stationary bike at various resistance levels and time intervals, followed by 15 minute ab circuit, finished off with 15 minutes footwork drills for football. I think it served the purpose pretty damn well. I felt great afterwards.

This rain has to stop sometime soon here (I hope!)


Rainy day, but we got some work done. 2x300m w/ 300m walkback recovery; followed by 1x200 and 1x80m. The 300’s were pretty smooth; they weren’t timed, but we were getting paced at 12.5-25.0-37.5. In front of the whistle at the 300m mark for both runs. 200 and 80 were at the same pace. 2 guys puked because of the short recovery; I thought it was pretty funny haha.

Sat in the cold whirlpool for 15 min. after practice followed by some quick weights:

Hang Clean: 3x5 (165) Didn’t hurt my wrist as bad with tape on there.
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8 (165)
Abs~ 100

Friday: 400m and 4x400m relay.


I couldn’t believe it. It was actually a sunny, clear day today! It was awesome… Everyone’s spirit’s were up; I even felt in a better mood than I have latley… Damn rain ruins everyone’s fun :cool:

Anyways, today was just my normal pre-race warm-up, few easy stride outs, and 3x60m @ race pace. It only took me a 400m jog to get me sweating; not used to that haha… It was a rare thing since latley it has rained non-stop…

Looking forward to a great day tomorrow; I’m aiming for a great open 400m time and a great relay split to help us achieve a new PR. We’re in a heat with team’s that have ran 3:15, 3:18, 3:21, 3:26, 3:26, and 3:27… Our season best is 3:25.4, so it’s going to be a great race!

It’s a night meet too, even better!


Meet went pretty well. Open 400m was OK; thought it was faster than the time indicated! 52.08 in the 2nd heat, but it felt like a 50.xx… oh well… 4x400m was good though! we were 4th in the first heat, 3:23.13!! A season best; split were 49.3-50.8(me)-51.3-51.6… My split felt great. I’m going to be in the 49’s here pretty soon I can feel.

I think we can go 3:21 or faster by the end of the year…

Nice split, looks like you’re getting your groove back :wink:

Good job, that’s a season best for the 4x4 right?

Great job, man, very sweet split there.

Thanks guys… Yeah I’m gettin back into things pretty nice here =) … I wasn’t sure what to expect, but that 4x400 brought my speed out of me again… We were pretty much even with teams that ran 3:13, 3:15, and 3:17 until our 3rd leg… They had guys splitting 48’s to our 51’s… but we were still competitive with the big boys. Season best for the 4x400 by over 2 seconds; moves us into #6 in Northern California for all junior colleges. Feels good to know I still got it after a 3 1/2 week lay off :cool:

I’ll be in the 49’s in a couple weeks. Sub 3:20 is our goal… We’ll see!

Looking over your results from last year from the “My Results” section it looks like your team has really decided to run now! Great improvement.

Haha yeah, well it helps to have guys on there now that can actually produce and be consistent! Plus this years sprint crew is alot deeper and guys actually come to practice. It helps! Thanks for the words of encouragement.


Yeah today wasn’t all that great. The weather was nice for a change. I showed up late because I was in my hometown doing a few things; Practice started at 12, by the time I got there to warm up, they had already finished the first part of the workout. So I had to do all my reps by myself, which royally sucked. 1x300m in 36.9, followed by 1x320m in 40.8. The 300 felt OK, running into a pretty good headwind on the back stretch; The 320 was even worse, my legs felt a little weird and not really loose. I didn’t take it up to full speed, my calf was teasing me with a cramp so I had to ease off. My teammate had a great session, his 300 was 34.8, followed by a 38.0 320m. Flyin!!

No weights today. Spring Break finally!