WRCortese5's Training Journal


We were movin’ today… Workout was 3x300m full go… It was pretty damn cold again today, a bit of wind too… I wore sweats when I ran… Anyways, took it out with the 50.93 runner on my team on the 1st rep well, we both finished in 35.6 (PB by a full second… Damn!)… Walked 400m, then did the 2nd 300m in 36.6, again right with the 50.93 runner. On the 3rd and final rep, as we were coming to the 100m mark, my left calf started to cramp up, so I eased up and jogged off the track. My coach thought I pulled something as did the rest of the team, but thankfully it was just a little cramp that wouldn;t have allowed to me to have another quality rep. Probably the smart thing to do. Cool down felt fine on the calf… We used a 3-4 stride rolling start on these.

300m- 35.6 PB
300m- 36.6
300m- Stopped at 100m with calf cramp.

Hang Clean: 1x5 (190) 3x3 (205, 210, 210)
Squats: 2x5 (315), 2x3 (355)
Bench Press: 1x5 (225), 3x3 (235, 240, 245{2 full reps, struggled with the 3rd on 245})
Lat Pulldowns: 5x5 (185)
Reverse Leg Press: 2x8 each leg, full stack.

So let’s see. I’ve now shown that I can run a 35.x 300m w/ a rolling start; time to translate that into my open race, because I know I can do that in the relay!! In better conditions I may see a sub 35 later in the season, we’ll see… :cool:


Bad day… Workout was going well, did 2 200’s w/ rolling start in 22.3, 22.2… Going for 3rd one around turn, at about 50m, strain in my right hamstring… :frowning: It is in the same spot as last season… I can walk fine; it is Grade 1 strain. I have been icing and EMS already so far… Wearing a neoprene wrap for now… This SUCKS… On top of that, lost my cell phone… What a GREAT day…

Bench Press: 2x5 (225), 3x3 (240, 240, 245)
Lat Pulldowns: 5x5 (185)



Hamstring is a bit sore in one certain spot. I have had the wrap around it pretty much all day. Walking fast gives me no problems. I went and got treatment on it again today. Did pretty well on the hamstring strength tests; it is pretty strong for having the injury, not as bad as we all thought it may have been. Looking like I may be out for 2 weeks at the most… Good sign. I really have to take care of it now though; can’t be getting injured again with this type of injury. Seems like this is the only one that really is holding me back, and it always seems to come back!! I sat in the cold whirlpool for 15 min. up to my waist today at 52 degrees, then got EMS applied to the hamstring above/below the injury site. Light range of motion exercises have begun as well. I hope I can still salavage my season. Conference trials are April 18th I believe… Argh…


Leg is feeling much better. Went in to the training room today… First did ice massage for ~10-12 minutes… Then got ultrasound for about 5… Finished off with EMS for 10 minutes. I did a quick upper body workout today again to keep me stimulated while working through this injury.

Bench: 1x5 (225), 1x3 (240), 1x2 (255)
Pull-Ups: 3x14,12,10
Seated Rows: 3x10

Ice post-workout. Shooting for a good recovery on this; ideally it would be a return to race next Sat, but it will most likley be on April 1st (first competition back). We’ll see. I’ve upped the dosage on my Fish Oils as well (usually am taking 2/day, increased to 6… Been using the new Biotest Flameout Supplement)…

Over the weekend I will continue ice massage 3-5x per day, as well as progress with range of motion and light strenghthening if possible. Keeping it wrapped in neoprene seems to help out as well with the circulation.

Careful with that hamstring man. I hurt mine in December and it sounds kinda similar to yours and I ended up having problems with it and related muscles because of the injury up until 2 weeks ago and have not been able to train properly for 3 months because of it.

Take care of yourself and good luck

Thanks… I have had problems with the same hamstring before… Haven’t had any troubles with it since Jan of 05 and it pretty much ruined my season in '05. Luckily I am a long sprinter, so it is a little easier on the hamstring than say running the 100m… I will probably just compete in the 400m and 4x400m once I return… Possibly the 200m but the 4x100m and any 100m I had planned are probably out of the picture. Thanks for the tips… Only thing I will have to take into consideration as well is when Spring Football comes up (starts Apr. 3rd)…


Hamstring is feeling alot better. I got treatment today in the morning, first with 10 min. ice massage, followed by 5 min. ultrasound, and finishing with 15 min. heat. Did some light stretches on hips and hamstrings before I went out to the track as well.

I did a 3-lap warmup, felt fine. Did all my usual warm up stuff, light statics, then my full dynamic session. Felt pretty good. I decided to do 2x10x10m accelerations with flats. I was a little hesitant for the first set, so the highest intensity I took it up to was around 70% at most. Felt fine. Afterwards, did another 10 min. ice massage. Went to the weight room afterwards and tested for my bench press.
Got a new PR of 235 lbs x 8 reps. Comes out to ~290 I believe. Not bad at all for a 180 pounder :smiley:

Meetings later, then another ice session for 20 min… Got home and got in the hottub for a good 30 min, then did some good static stretches on my hams, quads, calves, hips… I also got some PNF work done on my hip flexors today which felt great.

Looking to be back to the grind next week. This week is pretty much getting back into the groove of things.


Didn’t do much of anything today… Ice/stem/ultrasound on hamstring. Feeling better now, but I still know it’s there… My hips are sore as hell, I think from the PNF work done yesterday… Gotta make that a weekly thing. Did some light strengthening work for the ham as well… I have a political science test in an hour… Not ready for it… Hooray. I’ve come down with something too, just a cold but I feel like crap…

Tomorrow, I will up the intensity on the runs and see how the leg feels. Ideally next week I will be back to normal.


Today was alot better on my leg. I tested hang cleans first in the weight room, 205 lbs x 7 reps… My grip was starting to give and I tweaked my left wrist a bit on my last rep on the catch part…Should’ve listened to Joc :cool: Just sore now, taped it up and it’s fine. Then we find out we are on the field for footwork/drills for football, and I forgot my cleats. I only slipped once on a release drill, even with flats on. I wasn’t running full go, but I could take it up a bit higher today. Got reps in today with the first team WR’s… felt pretty good about the confidence levels on the field…

Tomorrow I’m going to do a tempo workout, then friday will attempt a speed workout. Lookin forward to it!

Why would you do a set of 7 for hang cleans? Of course your grip is going to give…

Because when we test our lifts, we don’t use a 1RM… Anywhere from 2-10 reps is what we go for. I wasn’t sure to what I could use; I was going for a 3-5RM, but ended up doing a couple more. Next time will be a bit different.


I was a little hesitant to squat today, but I had to get a test in… I haven’t squatted heavy for quite a while, so I wasn;t sure what to expect with that barring plus coming off of a hamstring strain. 355x4 reps… Oh well… It will blow up in the summer that’s for sure…

I went to the trainer afterwards; he worked on my hamstring quite a bit today. He worked in pretty deep along the entire hamstring, and found a couple knots/adhesions. Worked them out pretty well; it is feeling a lot better now, but will be sore tomorrow I’m sure. It was intense! I was sweating afterwards haha… Then got ice/stem for 15 min., followed by 5 min. ultrasound.

i see it gojng welll with you.
the 35 in training should result in a 49-er at least.

i did a 37.5 in february an d ran a pb og 49.89.
So your time will come

I sure as hell hope so, Pindaman… It was w/ a rolling start, but nonetheless a 35.5! I have been out of training for about 9 days, so I will have a few races to come back before conference. If it doesn’t come in the open, the relay split defenitley will be sub 50…


Been a while since I posted… Confidence has been down, but today I felt much better about myself. I ran on Monday to test my leg out, and could only muster some 100m strides at 75%. Mentally it just wasn’t there. Tuesday we tested pro-agility and 40’s, and I was very reluctant to test; I did anyways… Holding back to be cautious, I ran 4.41 pro-agility, and 4.65 40 yards.

Today was much better. First I ran a 320m with spikes, but I only took it up to around 80%. It was a little hard, but I had zero lactic acid; I was breathing a little harder but that’s because I’m still sick. Then I ran 2 flying 100’s again @ around 80% to see how it felt. I ended up working on acceleration for the bulk of the session, starting off with 5x20m from falling start, 4x30m from 3 point stance, 2x40m from blocks, and 1x50m from blocks. I figured it out WHY my acceleration/40 times have been so shitty; I have had almost no push from my quads. My hamstrings have been doing the work mostly… NO WONDER !!! I made a change after my first set of 20’s after my coach and teammate made a comment about it and felt a huge, dramatic difference in my acceleration. ZERO pain in my leg and I felt so much faster, it felt like I had a 4.4x 40 yard in me. Seriously.

Now I need the confidence back, and my special endurance needs to get a little re-start; talking getting back down to 35.5 for 300m. I am taking this weekend off AGAIN from racing. I need a couple solid weeks to train before I compete again. It is just a relay meet anyways.

Hang Clean: 3x5 (185, 185, 195) Wrist hurt a bit.
Squats: 2x12 (225), 2x8 (265)
Pull-Ups: 3x12
Dips: 1x12, 2x10 @ BW
Hanging Leg Raises: 3x12


Didn’t really do much except for a short tempo session of 12x100m @70%. Feeling better. Tomorrow I am going to get in another speed workout with some more aggressive rehab for the leg. Saturday I will do a longer tempo session while I warm up with the team before their competition. Monday is when I want to be fully ready to kick back into gear. Mental confidence is what I need now more than ever.

Good luck with that hamstring man. I had a really mild strain back in January and even that was just psycologically horrible. Be sure to work that short acceleration stuff first and just start lengthening out as you feel more comfortable. Also, don’t make the same mistake I did. When you’re getting back into it, if you feel any discomfort at all just shut down the run and call it a day. It’s not like football, you don’t need to work through the pain.

It sounds like you’ve got a good recovery plan and trainer there. Keep it up and you’ll break that 50 in the 400 no doubt.

Yeah this shit is horrible; worst part is, it messes you up mentally. All I need is that confidence, which is pretty much back now… Yeah I have mainly been working acceleration, because that’s where it all starts! If I can’t accelerate, what good am I ? I tried explaining that to people, but they didn’t get it. “Do some light jogging and strides” … I was getting up to some pretty good speeds the other day in my short acceleration work, it felt pretty damn good. I will be alot smarter about it now; only thing is, Spring Ball starts Monday, so I will have to be even more careful now. As long as I’m good to go for conference, then I’m happy (April 29th).


Back to the track today; felt good! Workout was 3x(300+100); 300’s were done in 40.0, 39.9, 39.0. Walk 100 recovery between each 300, then flying 100m @ around 95%. I held back on the 300’s a little, just to be safe. 400m walk recovery between each split run.

Squats: 2x12 (230), 2x8 (265)
Bench Press: 2x12 (170), 2x8 (200)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x12 (165)
Barbbell Curls: 3x8 (70)
Reverse Leg Press: 3x8 (120)

Leg feels good! Ice massage, heat, and ultrasound before practice, ice after. Spring Ball was rained out today, so we had position meetings.


Today was better again. Workout was 1x200, 1x300, and 2x100. I took the 200 out slow to be cautious in 24.9… Easy easy easy… 300 was much better, ran two straights and a turn in 37.9. Felt very easy and relaxed! 100’s were also feeling effortless, in 11.4, 11.5 (rolling start). I only took the 300’s up to about 85% it seemed, the 100’s and 200’s were about the same but I was just being safe today. My coach was pretty happy. I’ll be running the 4x400 this weekend. Finally back!

Dumbbell Incline Bench: 1x12 (60’s), 2x8 (70’s)
Lat Pulldowns: 3x12 (145)
Hang Cleans: 3x5 (155, 175, 175) Wrist still hurts.
Skull Crushers/Barbell Curls: 3x8 (70)

Therapy: Stim, Ice massage, Heat, Ice post workout.