WRCortese5's Training Journal


It was really windy out today, which made it colder out than it was. It was really hard to warm up, and during the warm up, I didn’t feel like I usually do. I knew the workout wouldn’t be as good, but I went ahead with it. Was supposed to be 300, 320, 300; did the first 300 in 38.0; the wind on the stretch was insane and threw me off… Walked a 500, then did the 320 in 40.9. After that the lactic acid was a little too intense, and my coach saw I was a little out of it, so he called it off for me. I was a little pissed because I wanted to continue, but oh well. Runs felt like shit, but I guess you can’t run like you want every day if conditions are out of your control…

Hang Clean- 3x5 (155, 155, 175)
Bench Press- 2x8 (175), 3x5 (190)
Pull-Ups: 3x12
Reverse Leg Press: 3x10 (135)

Footwork at football after… Hoping I get out of my rut. Im getting this day out of my head after tonight, moving on! Going for a great tempo workout tomorrow.

**I know why today sucked… I missed my tempo session yesterday and today was just miserable… Doh! … I now realize how important those sessions are!


Pretty tired today… Glad my meet is Saturday! Tempo session today was fine; shins were hurting a bit at first, but calmed down after it got underway a bit.


Did 100 reps of hurdle mobility after this. Contrast shower later. I’m going to sit in the cold whirlpool today to take care of some minor knicks here and there that are bugging me.

Saturday will be 200m and 4x400m (Possibly 4x100?? we’ll see)


Warm-up, 2x60m block starts on bend @ RP. Warm-down, and headed home. Meet tomorrow should be interesting; supposed to be raining all day, but that’t not gonna worry me. Last night, I used the icy hot/seran wrap trick with loose sweat pants overnight on my hamstrings… Wow… That worked really, really well. They felt a bit tight yesterday, today they feel great!

4x100m, 200m, 4x400m tomorrow.

I’ve been having some hamstring problems, coudl you possibly tell me what this hot seran wrap trick is?


Ehh, decent day. It was COLD as shit out today. I think it topped out in the high 50’s. When we ran the 4x1, I could see my breath. Very cold and wet, but got better as the day went on. Our handoffs were OK for just practicing them this morning, and pretty much just concentrated on staying relaxed, since we only raced 1 other team. Finished 2nd, 44.20. 3rd leg eased off, ham was bugging him as well.

200m, got stuck in lane 7. Got out alright, tried to finish strong, tightend up a bit the last 50… Finished 3rd overall, 23.8. Wow… That needs to come down!

4x400 was a little better than last week. We had some other guys this time, ran 3:33. I ran 2nd leg, and basically from when I cut in off the first turn, I was drafting behind the guy in front of me from the 200m mark on. Made a move on the straight, got us into 3rd place for a very close race, but our 3rd and 4th legs weren’t anything faster than 54.x so that kinda… Yeahh whatever haha… I split 51.7, but I had to run all the way out to lane 4 the last 60m to get to my guy because he wouldnt move in!! I wasn’t tired at all afterwards, the whole leg just felt really smooth and no strain. Probably woulda been 51.5-51.4 had I been able to keep to the inside of the track the whole time haha. Oh well, good enough.

Opening up with my first open 400m next week!


Very nice day today… Workout was 3x300m. First one was ran intentionally slower, then trying to run the last 100m as fast as we could go.

1st 300m- 39.4 (first 200 around 80-85% max)
2nd 300m- 37.7
3rd 300m- 37.4

400m walk recovery between reps. Very intense workout.

Hang Clean: 3x5 (185, 195, 200)
Squats: 2x8 (315), 2x5 (335, 355) w/ belt
Bench Press: 2x8 (190), 3x5 (225, 225, 230)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8 (160, 170, 170, 170)
Abs/Low Back work

That was that.


Great weather today. Legs were still sore from Monday, but made sure the warm-up was very good.

4x40m accels
3x200m full go with full recovery between reps. My coach wanted these to be very fast; we used a rolling start with these. I asked him to blow the whistle at 10.8 seconds, and I came through the 100m mark at or just about that time for every rep.

1st 200m- 22.02h
2nd 200m- 22.45h (tightened up at the end)
3rd 200m- 22.23h

very good speed/special endurance workout. I can finish alot stronger down the stretch if I stay relaxed. Hmm… this doesnt make sense though. 22.0h in practice, but in meets I tend to choke and tighten up?? (23.9 in the meet on Friday… what the hell???)

Hang Clean- 3x5 (155, 155, 175)
Bench Press- 2x8 (175), 2x5 (190)
Lat Pulldowns- 4x8 (145)

Going to be an excellent meet on Friday. First open 400m!


Good day today. Meet was overall good. 4x100 was OK with two alternates, 44.75. 400-won my heat easily, made up stagger at 50m. 51.89 FAT, 4th overall. My heat was not fast to say the least. Good time though! Only .1 off my PR. 4x400, 3rd 3:29.7, 51.1 2nd leg! Felt great. Will post more later.


Good night’s sleep last night. Woke with with a little soreness in my right hamstring. Glad to have today and tomorrow off for rest. It’s pretty cool that I am racing this well this early on in the season. Compared to last season, I opened up with a 53.89 on the 2/25 of 2005; 2 second difference a year later! Hmm… Good sign :cool: Our 4x400 relay squad is lookin good too; our 3rd leg is just starting to get back into race shape- His PR is 49.14, but has had a bit of a layoff and is running mid 52 on the relay right now-- Gotta get the rhythm back. Our anchor leg ran his first meet of the year yesterday on the 4x400 only, and split 50.9… Very very good split for his first meet! He has a prior hamstring injury, so I think that may have held him back a bit. He needs to run a few races to instill the confidence in himself and his leg again. I think we will be able to compete very highly this year! Now we need a solid 4th member to step up…We’re trying to convince one of the 100/200 guys to step up and help us out. They are reluctant, but someone will come around haha.

My race felt good yesterday. Open 400m was basically ran alone; I made up the stagger at 50m and was all alone from there. Last 100 felt much stronger, but I need to get out a little faster in the first part of the race. Also could use a stronger finish. Curve needs work as well. Looking forward to running some great meets coming up here!


Raining all damn day, but it wasn’t cold. We got in a workout while the heavy rain was only a drizzle thankfully. 4x300m at a 13 second 100m pace per 100m. No time, but they felt very strong. 300m walkback recovery. I could’ve done another set. Nothing strenuous though.

Hang Clean- 1x5 (190), 3x3 (205)
Back Squat- 1x5 (345), 3x3 (365)
Reverse Leg Press- 2x8 (145), 1x6 (160)
Low Cable Hip Flexor Lifts- 2x12 each leg

My relay teammate told me he timed my split on video tape, and he had me at 50.9, while he had himself at 50.6… Im going to check my tape soon and see if that is correct…


Good warm-up today. Hamstring isn’t really giving me any pain like it was on Sunday, but I have still been getting stim, heat, and ice on it this week. The workout today was done with my 4x4 teammates, so it was very competitive. Workout was 1x400m @ 56.8 seconds, walk 100m for recovery, 1x300m (no time but it was hard, did it about 90%), rest 3 min., then 1x200 with what we had left; did it in 25.0… That was defenitley a lactic acid tolerance session. Took a little while for me to recover! 2-lap cooldown, static stretch, then weight room.

Hang Clean: 1x5 (155), 3x3 (175, 180, 180)
Bench Press: 1x5 (220), 3x3 (230, 235, 235)
Pull-Ups: 3x12 @ BW


Regular warm-up today. 2x50m builups to about 85%. Then we did a 250m to about 80%, nothing hard at all. Rested 6-8 minutes, then we did a block start 150m from the 200m start w/ gun; pace was 400m race pace. Everything is feeling well. My left shin is bothering me, but only when I am jogging/warming up. When I sprint I dont feel anything. Nothing a little ice/advil/icy hot won’t fix… Tomorrow, Beaver Relays at American River College. As of now, I believe I am running the Sprint Medley Relay, 4x200m relay, and 4x400m relay. But, we’ll see for sure tomorrow.


Pretty solid meet today. Except for the weather, it was a good meet. It wasn’t raining which was a good thing, but very strong headwind on the homestretch, and cold all day. I could barley get warm. Anyways, ran the 4x100, 4x200, and 4x400 relays.

4x100- We got 2nd in our heat I think in 44.30; no hand-off practice, alternate thrown in, re-arranged order… We need a consistent team to get the chemistry down. I ran a solid 2nd leg to bring us into first, but our 3rd leg was the alternate and is a little slower than our original guy.

4x200- I believe we were 4th in our heat, top 8 overall though in 1:33.26. Hand-offs were sloppy, huge headwind on the home stretch felt like I was hitting a wall coming around the turn on the anchor leg. Just as I was going to pass on the outside, this guy comes out of nowhere and cuts me off and blocks my lane to pass… Then I moved all the way out to lane 4, still almost passed 2 runners, but they just would not let me pass. Fuckers… That was what fueld me for the 4x400. Not sure on the split…

4x400- We were in the ‘fast’ heat. Seeded in lane 2, our first runner got out poorly in 53.6. He ran 52.4 last week, so it was just a bad race this week. 2nd leg ran 52.6, we were in 6th when I recieved the baton on the 3rd leg. I got out very fast, passed one runner at about 150m, then passed another at 300m and battled home strong… Split 50.6 :smiley: It felt effortless, even with the cold weather I still managed to run a pretty solid split… 3:28.x was our time; Anchor guy ran 51.0, was holding back a bit… His hamstring has been bugging him, so that is screwing with him mentally right now. We have a lot of room for improvement! I see us running 3:24-3:23 in the right conditions, everyone is healthy, and we’re ready to run very fast!


Pretty sore today, mainly my ad/abductors, feet, calves, and lower back. Hot tub should feel great later. It’s pouring today, so I don’t see us doing anything outside tomorrow unless this rain lets up.

I love the feeling of improving every week. My confidence is riding high right now. Good things lie ahead!


Rained pretty heavily today, so we were inside on the stationary bikes for a 30 min. workout of varying sprints, times, resistances, etc… Pretty tough. As soon as we were done, it got sunny and was nice out for a couple hours. I went to the track and got some block work/acceleration work in, which I feel I need a lot right now. Me and one of the 100/200 guys did 3x20m, 3x30m, and 3x50m from the blocks. Felt pretty good, but my quads were a little tense from the bike work.

Hang Clean: 1x5 (190), 3x3 (205, 205, 210)
Bench Press: 1x5 (220), 3x3 (230, 235, 240)
Later on I did 185 max reps to see what I could do on this. I got 14 1/2 :cool: Not bad, not bad.
Seated Cable Rows: 4x10
Abs: 3x30 pikes w/ 8 lb medicine ball, 3x25 crunches, 2x30 sec iso holds/2x12 single leg hypers.

Skipped legs today, they were pretty sore still from Saturday and my back was feeling a little off.

Meet on Friday is at Modesto JC. Not sure what I will be running yet… Always seems last minute.

Some other news; one of my football teammates was shot over the weekend in the back. He’s in ICU. Apperantley he’s doing fine, but not sure as to what/how he will be as far as walking and playing again. He just signed with Ariz. State too… It threw my concentration off all day today, along with the rest of the team. Pretty much in utter shock about it. Prayin and hoping everything goes well for him.

Man, that really bites. I hope he can pull through this, and he’ll be in my prayers over here.

Good job on the training though, it’s looking damn good!


Thanks Mister C… I guess he is getting better from what I hear… But… not sure. Yeah the training has been going very well… I looked back through my journal, and at the Beaver Relays in 05, I was running 52.5-52.4 split; now I’m splitting 50.6-50.5 a year later at the same meet… The 400m in my conference is going to be very competitive this year. I am ranked #7 right now with only one open race to my season… Top 5 are all sub 50, with the #1 ranked at 48.87… I have some work to do! I need to meet the provisional standard at least to make the Nor-Cal meet, which is 51.02… I will be hitting that shortly.

Today I did some light tempo, 2x7x110 yards. Pretty sore from yesterday, I think that 185 reps test got to me haha.


Good workout today, felt pretty easy. 1x200, 1x300, 1x200. Took the first 200 out in 22.3h, took a full recovery between reps. Then ran the 300 in 36.5, and finished with a 22.9h 200m. Our 4x4 members also ran 35.7, 36.6, and 37.1 today for their 300 rep. Gettin down there… (rolling starts used)

Hang Clean: 1x5 (175), 3x3 (185)
Pull-Ups: 3x12
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3x8

Ready for Friday. Looking to continue the steady progress!


Warm up today, light stretches, contrast shower… Meet tomorrow, I believe I am running the 4x100 relay, 200, 400, and 4x400 relay. Supposed to be pretty cold in Modesto tomorrow afternoon and may be snow as well?? Not sure yet. I’m ready to go though.


The meet was horrible last night. We get there, it is extremley cold and windy from the start… Great… Then the meet directors decide that since there is no mens steeple, that the schedule is going to get bumped… All the scheduled times were thrown off, so we had about 15 min. to warm up for the 4x1 with no handoff work. They were decent though, still got 4th in our heat. HUGE headwind on the homestretch all day. I was entered in the 400, seeded 8th overall coming in with my 51.87… I was put in lane 8 in the fast heat. Got out OK, but I just felt flat the entire race. Finished 6th in my heat, 8th overall in 52.40 :frowning: After that I didn’t even feel like running, it was just an aweful race right from the start. The whole damn meet was so unorganized and poorly ran, I hope they never come back to that meet again. We ended up scratching the 4x4 because it was just so damn cold (the 4x4 was ran at 8:45 PM) and our coach thought it was better if we didn’t run. Times weren’t going to be the best anyways under those conditions.

Good news though, one of our 4x4 guys in his first open race of the year ran 50.93; another one of our guys who started the year with a 54.91 ran 52.92 yesterday. Everyone is improving, so this is good. I just get pissed when I ran 50.6 on the relay last week to come back with an open 52.4… WEAK!! Oh well, I’m over it. Should be much better next weekend.