WRCortese5's Training Journal


Good solid training day today. It was raining before practice and coach almost called practice off. I went out anyways and warmed up in the rain. By the time I was ready for buildups the rain had ceased and sunshine started to break through. I didn;t know if the team would be running today, so I preceded with short acceleration work. Did 5x30m and 4x40m before the coach and most of the team came out to the track. Then I did a work out of 3x(150+100). The + signifies a 50m walk, then rolling start for the 100m. Similar to a split run workout. Was pretty tired after this. Finished up with 3x15 yards with harness resistance. Cool down, then hit weights an hour later.

Squats: 2x12 (225), 2x8 (265)
Hang Clean: 3x5 (180, 190, 190)
Bench Press: 2x12 (140), 2x8 (165)
Lat Pulldowns (Back): 4x12
Reverse Leg Press: 2x10 (90), 1x8 (100) each leg.

Good day today.


10x120m tempo today. All I could do; class and other things to take care of. Got home from class tonight and did 3 cycles of 4 min. 107 degree hot tub/1 min. 53 degree pool. Love contrast therapy. Did a bit of foam roller today on my quads, IT Bands, Hamstrings, and Glutes/Low back.


It was pouring all day, so we went inside to the weight room and got on the stationary bikes (I know, I know, not the best thing). We did a 30 min. workout of different sprint intervals with varying resistance and time. It was fairly tough. I was sweating quite a bit.

Hang Clean: 3x5 (175, 185, 190)
Back Squat: 2x12 (245), 2x8 (290)
Bench Press: 2x12 (150), 2x8 (175)
Lat Pulldowns: 3x12 (140)
Reverse Leg Press: 2x10 each leg (90)

Post workout: Surge, followed by 15 min. in 52 degree whirlpool. Im tireddd.


Rest day today. I guess the sprinters did a pretty good workout today, but I had class anyways… I will make it up tomorrow. I think I heard coach say it was 1x320, followed by 2x200.


Very good day at the track. My warm-up was great. Got a good sweat going, 3x40m buildups and got into the workout.

Since I missed the workout yesterday, I made it up today. First, did 1x320m in 40.2 seconds with a 4-step rolling start. 300m split was 37.3, not bad (my best in practice is 36.8 from last season, and it’s early right now :smiley: ) Full recovery taken after this run, then did 1x200 with a 3-step rolling start in 23.2. Felt pretty fatigued on the last 100m of the 200, and Im still not as relaxed in my upper body. Im too tense in my traps/shoulders, but that can be worked on with more attention to it. Then did 4x50m block starts on the bend w/ a full start cadence and reaction from the gun. Felt pretty good considering I haven’t touched blocks since last Spring. Need some work though.

Squats: 2x12 (265), 1x8 (315); felt a little pain in my low back, called off the last set.
Lat Pulldowns: 4x12 (150)
Dips: 3x10 @ BW
Reverse Leg Press: 2x10 (100), 1x8 (110)
Hypers: 2x12

Supplements today: Surge, Spike… Used some ibeuoprofen after workout too help the low back pain. Should be alright tomorrow.

Just was looking over my training from last Spring… God damn, it was horrible. No wonder I couldn’t perform well at the meets. It will be a different story this year…


Took Saturday off. My back is still a little sore so I don’t wanna bug it anymore. Today is just work/superbowl… Hopefully my back is cool for this week, my first meet is on Friday.


Decent day. Felt flat on the track, but still managed some decent times. I was expecting more out of myself, but it’s early. I’ll let it slide for now.

Track workout: 2x300m, 1x200m. 300s were pretty good. First one was 37.2, took a full recovery walk (at least 600m slow walk), then second 300m was 37.5. I was spent after this, almost contemplated not finishing the workout; my back was a bit aching and I felt like shit, but I finished it. 200m was 23.6, while very fatigued and left calf cramping up off and on the last 100m. (All runs with 3 step-rolling start). Cool down jog, then weight room.

Hang Clean: 2x5 (185), 3x3 (190)
Squat (w/ belt to be safe): 2x8 (315), 2x5 (355) This was pretty tough.
Bench Press: 2x8 (190), 3x5 (220)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8 (160)
Reverse Leg Press: 2x8 (110)

Surge, Spike, Vit C/E, Fish Oil, Glutamine today… ZMA later. Im so tired. Back is feeling much better now though. As soon as I got home I got into the pool for 20 min up to my waist (about 54 degrees in the water).

Tomorrow will be tempo (going for 2100-2300m total volume) Need to up it progressivley from here on out til I reach 3000m for a session.


Another good day. Today’s weather was so awesome. My warm up was great. Workout today was 3x200m w/ full recovery. My coach told me to hold back a bit on the first 200 and focus more on relaxation more than anything. Last two were great, felt easier but they were faster. I basically ran by myself, two of the other guys in my group were a bit slower, but still managed some good times. Used my new spikes today also (Mizuno Tokyo). They felt very good on my feet, a glove-like fit. They hurt my feet a little though when I walked around, but I just need to break them in.

(Done w/ a 4-step rolling start; My coach is a little too into the rolling start thing)
1st 200- 22.98h
2nd 200- 22.54h
3rd 200- 22.47h

Then did 3x15m accelerations with harness resistance. Ended with 4x50m skipping for height. Cool down jog, light static stretch, then headed to the weight room.

Hang Clean- 3x5 (155, 155, 180)
Bench Press- 2x8 (175), 3x5 (190)
Lat Pulldowns- 4x8 (160)
Reverse Leg Press- 3x8 (120, 130, 140)

I also found out that I have the highest strength index out of the wide receivers on our football team right now, and 2nd highest on the team. I weighed in at 178 yesterday. 960 total (bench, squat, clean)/ 178 lbs. = 5.37 Strength Index. Also is #2 All-Time SRJC for wide receivers I believe. Pretty cool stuff =).

The ninth is tomorrow. But I’m glad that you’re training well, Cortese. It seems that this season is going to be a good one for the CF.COM Crew… maybe we should start a racing club.

Damn man, those are some impressive numbers. Keep up the work.

About the spikes, today was the first time I wore them (the Tokyos) as well. Did you get soreness/pain near the heel of your foot, on the back of it a bit after a while? That’s where mine was, and I think it’ll go away after I break them in. What’d you think of the spikes overall though?


Thanks for the correction :smiley:

Mister C,

I felt more of the pain on the ankle directly below the shin… like on the top of my foot almost. Heels were alright, but I had to take them off in between reps because my feet were aching a bit. Overall, great spike though. Much better than Nike.


Got my tempo run in early this morning. I am treating tomorrow’s meet pretty much as another speed/special endurance day, so I am basically training through it. Normally day before the meet I would go through normal warm-up progression, 60-80m racepace, and a few block starts. Today I did 15x100m @ 70%. Felt very very smooth and relaxed. Took about 30-35 seconds between runs. I will start bumping up the volume each week; I could’ve completed another 10 if I needed to, but that will come.

Tomorrow is my first meet of the outdoor season. 300m and 4x400m relay. Hope to do well!

good luck. you’ll burn em…

Thanks for the support. Means a lot. True test starts today!


Meet went fairly well today. I think I did pretty good compared to the rest of the sprinters today. Woke up around 10:30, played some Madden06, ate, then just relaxed til about 2 o’clock.

Full warm-up, then 300m race. It was strange since I have never ran an open 300m, plus it was 2 straights and 1 turn. Got out well, made up the stagger from lane 2 at the 120m mark, and carried that pace home for the win in my heat in 37.69 FAT. Last 100m was a bit of a struggle; I tightened up and started straining a bit. Was 3rd overall; 1st was 33.70!! 2nd was 36.88…

4x400 was fun, even though our team was put together about an hour before the race. 3 of our top other sprinters did not run today (1 resting a recurring ham injury, 1 just didn’t compete for some reason, and 1 pulled his ham in the 100m; he is our fastest 100/200 guy as well :frowning: ) So with all those variables into play, we still managed to run pretty well together, coming in 2nd. I ran 3rd leg, made up ground on the first place team, passed their runner before the first 100m, and had the lead til the 250m mark; then the 33.70 runner came up and passed me… damn haha… I still split 51.6 on my leg; last 100 was MISERABLE. I came through the 300m mark at 36.9h. Rest of the guys’ splits were 54s. Blah.

So all in all, a pretty good day. I set a pretty good standard for myself, now I know where I am at. I know what I need to get down to in order to run my goal of sub 50. 35.xx for 300m is very necessary. I think this is very attainable for me this season. This is my best season opener of my career. Lookin good thus far. My legs are aching like crazy now.

well done!
a great start to what will be a great year.
good on ya…

whats wit the 300m races they add them in now in north american meets?


No it was an off-distance meet. They had races that aren’t normally ran outdoors, like the 300m, 600m, 60mHH, etc… It was fun for a change, but they had them as just for fun because it was the first meet and didn’t really have any significance to it.


Felt a little stiff before track, but the warm up got me loose. The workout was a little different than usual, more “Strength” oriented, but it was fun. Did a total of 7 200’s, and every rep was a pyramid like time progression. Coach asked us to hit certain times, and I did. Last one was supposed to be 28, but I just did another 26; it felt so easy and relaxed. Times went as follows: 28.1, 26.2, 23.9, 22.41, 24.5, 26.1, 26.5… Goal was to feel what it was like to hit different marks, the 28, 26, and 24/23 felt almost effortless; the 22.41 was harder but it felt smooth. Rest was 200m walkback for all, except for after the 23.9, and the 22.41 (took a 400m walk after that). Flying starts, once again in spikes.

Hang Cleans: 3x5 (185, 190, 195)
Squats: 4x5 (315, 345, 350, 350)
Bench Press: 2x8 (190), 3x5 (225)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x8 (165)