WRCortese5's Training Journal

Excellent results man! keep up this strength, and with your sprinting you should be able to break through this season with some fine runs
gluck man

Helluva job on that squat max man, keep it up!

How much time do you wait before you take that Spike before working out, and when do you feel it starting to kick in? Also, do you get that mental clarity feeling people talk about sometimes when taking it?


Thanks for the support. I always love feedback.

Mister C,

Thanks man. I appreciate it. It was tough! I take Spike about 30-40 min. pre workout. I like the feeling of intense focus I can acheive and concentration. It just seems like I am more into what I am doing. I have taken 2 at once, and that made me feel very jittery and wired.


12x110m tempo @ 70% w/ 30 recovery between reps. Felt good to get my legs loose and blood flowing. I am going to get in the spa later. I am done for the day. Feels good.

Updated 1/17/06

Decided to test my bench today. I felt tired but I ended up doing fairly well. Warmed up, barx8, 95x8, 135x8, 155x5, 185x3, 205x1, then tested with 225. I did 225x7 reps, for another new PR. Sweet… Two lifting PR’s in two days… Big time REST this weekend. Hang Cleans will be either tomorrow or Friday.

Already have 710 pounds total with two lifts, I will be above 900 pounds total Im sure after I’m done, and at a 180 pounds… That puts me above 5.xx in the strength index. Awesome =)… My goals are being reached, this is great.

If you don’t mind me asking what team do you play for and what are your stats? (speed, agility, etc.)


I play for SRJC in California. We are a top-ranked JC team in the state of CA, with a high-powered passing offense that passed for over 4,000 yards this season and I believe over 40 passing TD’s. Defense pitched 4 shutouts in the first 5 games, while allowing 20 points against the state’s top ranked team for 2 years, San Francisco City College (Lost 20-18). We went 8-3 this past season; in those 3 losses, we lost by a combined total of 14 points. 14 points and we’re 11-0! Yikes…

As for my stats, here are my PR’s for all the stuff I have ever tested for:

Position: WR
Height: 5’10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
40: 4.55 (last Spring)
Pro-Agility: 4.31
Vertical Jump: 29 1/2"
Bench: 225x7 reps (270 on conversion chart)
Squat: 345x9 reps (440 on conversion chart)
Hang Clean: 185x6 reps (~215-220? or so on conversion chart)

These are our main tests we use during the Spring for football. I also balance track (obviously) so I have it a bit tougher than some of the guys when my testing #'s are concerned, but it seems right now I am dominating thus far, not just with the WR’s, but many of the players on the team. I guess I have been the only one working hard this off-season (besides my buddy who’s a Free Safety who is ~200 lbs., did 345x10 squat and 225x9 bench; He’s a beast at hang cleans; Best is 245x8 reps and 40 4.44!)


I have been feeling pretty tired from the past few days, so I amost decided to take this day as complete rest. I wanted to do something though after sitting around, so I went to the track, did the warm-up and that was that. I may run tomorrow, or may save it for Saturday.

I also set yet another PR for testing. I did Hang Cleans today, warmed up 95x5, 135x5, 155x3, and then put on 185. I wasn’t sure if I was going to do any more than 5, since it felt hard the other week. I went ahead and got the first rep and felt lighter than usual. Ended up with 185x9 reps. Wow. I shocked myself this week.

345x9 Back Squat
225x7 Bench Press
185x9 Hang Clean

All done on successive days. No wonder I am so tired. Good feeling though to have some good new numbers to work off of.


Rest Day. I needed it. Tomorrow I may complete another split run session of 2x(200+200). I dropped one of my online classes, and had to add on a class from 1:30-3:00 on T/Th, so this will enable me to run earlier in the day on my own and do tempo workouts (which my coach does not include in our program :eek: ) since our High Intensity Days are done Monday and Wednesday. I am happy about this, and I have some leway in my training this year. My schedule once the season gets underway will probably look like this:

Monday-Acceleration/Max V/Block Work on Bend/Weights
Tuesday- 6x200m w/ 2 min. recovery
Wednesday-Special Endurance/Upper Weights
Thursday- Tempo
Friday- Warm-up, 80m race pace from blocks on bend

On Fridays up to this schedule I will try to be doing what I have been normally doing. I also still want to complete a few more split runs before my first race, so this week, next week, and the week of the 4th will be my final split runs before my first competition on the 10th.



I ended up taking Saturday and Sunday off. I figured that since I tested out three new PB’s in the weight room in 3 days, that was enough to suffice significant CNS stimulation. I am no longer sore and I feel ready to get back on track with my normal schedule again. Hopefully my coach is OK with what I had proposed to him for my schedule since I will need to adjust with my new classes. Shouldn’t be a problem. Turning 20 in 5 days! :cool:

Hey Wrcortese,
great numbers there.
you are hitting much the same numbers are me. im the same height and weight too. im 2 yrs older though…

id be a bit concerned about testing hang cleans for max reps. its a very bad idea and will cause injuries. im 100% sure of that. the catch in the clean will break your wrist if you miss as i well know. almost did it myself this weekend. i hope this doesnt happen to you…
you dont want to be doing cleans when you’re tired.
i never go over sets of 3.

maybe have a word with your coach and ask him to try a 2rm test on hang cleans instead.

bench and squat are all much safer. you know what im saying?

Yeah, I understand what you’re saying about that. I never wanted to go any higher than 3-5, but I had so much adrenaline and a big group of people and coaches watching me so… But yeah next time I do test, I will put on a 3RM… Thanks for the heads up.


Long day…

First, my class at 9 was cancelled because my teacher’s wisdom teeth were pulled on Friday and she couldn’t talk very well. SO… I went to the library, did a little homework, went to the bookstore, bought an 85 dollar psychology book… THEN I went to go warm up and get ready for the track workout.

Our workout today was a mix of special endurance and speed endurance. The workout was 1x(300, 200, 150). Rest time between went 10 min., 8 min., 6 min. Not sure on times, but we did wear spikes and we were really maintaining a steady yet relaxed even pace. I didn’t get any lactate buildup on the 300 which was cool; I think that was a 39.9 but once again, this wasn’t a 100% maximal effort day on the track. Still getting into the groove. Coach had a pace setter lead my group, and he said not to pass him even if I could. So I had to kind of hold back, because I felt that I could’ve if I wanted to. Oh well. Good enough.

THEN weights:
Hang Clean: 3x5 (185, 190, 190)
Squats: 3x12,12,8 (225, 225, 265)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x12 (145, 145, 150, 150)

Finally, went to the practice field and did footwork drills. Nothing too intense. Im pretty beat though. Im gonna sit in the 54 degree pool later for a little bit to give my legs some needed icing. Tomorrow I believe we’re testing 40’s… Hmm…


Class 1:30-3:00… Tested 40’s for football. I wasn’t expecting anything really blazing since I am so fatigued from yesterday. Ended up with a 4.60 on my first attempt, attempted another at 4.62 and was done. My legs felt very heavy. I know I can run faster than that, no worries.


Long warm-up today, it was a little colder out than usual. Workout was 2x2x200m in spikes. 200m weren’t all out, we went through every 100 sub 12 and took it through the last 100m very relaxed. 3 of the 4 were sub 24 I know this. Recovery was about 10 min. between reps, little longer between sets. Felt good. Just getting the rhythm going.

Hang Clean: 3x5 (145, 165, 165)
Bench Press: 2x12 (165), 2x8 (190)
Lat Pulldowns: 4x12 (130, 130, 140, 140)
Seated Cable Rows: 2x12
Barbbell Curls: 1x12, 1x10 (60)

Footwork after weights for football. Tomorrow we test pro agility and verts. Not really sure to expect anything, I’ll take the results as they come.


It’s my birthday! 20 years old, wow I’m getting old haha… :smiley: Did a good bit of partying last night, and plan on doin a little more tonight… After this weekend, no more for quite a bit… Yep…

How’d the testing go?

I party 2 weeks out of the year. The week immediately after Cross Country, and the week after Track. Willpower sucks. :frowning:

Haha yeah… Pays off though, huh? Pro Agility test was 4.45, but probably is better than that cuz we tested it on the basketball court and I slipped… Oh well. Not sure about the vert, it was probably around 28-30"…

1/27/06 Updated

Squats: 2x12 (265), 2x8 (310)
Reverse Leg Press: 3x10 each leg
Lat Pulldowns: 4x12

Just got CFTS downloaded… This is too good. :smiley: