WRCortese5's Training Journal


Planned on 6x200m at 30 seconds w/ 2 min. recovery (found out that Im not in shape yet to do anything in 26-27 sec. with 2 min. recovery… More difficult than it sounds). Raining like crazy, no all weather surfaces around my area, so I improvised.

We have a treadmill in our garage at my parent’s house, so I did a little workout that almost simulated what I would have done on a track.

5 min. jog warm-up, light stretches, couple dynamics/drills. Then I went 30s on at 9.5 mph, jogged at 4.5 mph for 2 min., 30s on at 9.5 mph, jogged at 4.5ph for 2 min., etc… Repeated that cycle 6 times. Felt pretty good. A bit akward running on a treadmill, but good enough for one day. After, I did various bodyweight exercises; Pushups (wide, narrow, regular), Lunges (front, cross, side), Squats, Abs, hip ad/ab work, bridges; all in circuit fashion. Didn’t really count the reps, but I know I did quite a bit.

Very good workout to flush out and get a decent aeorbic workout in.


Rest day. Tomorrow 8x300m @ 50-51 sec. Might break it up in sets of 3 with 4 min. rest between sets.

Mmm… treadmill goodness. You beat out my 6x30s on “almost” flat trails. I sprinted for 30s to measure a rough 200m, then tried to hit 30’s or faster 6-7 times with x1.5 recovery. It was interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha yeah… Treadmill… :cool:


Woke up late today, felt good to get some good sleep though. Did 2x(4x300m) with 100m walkback recovery in between reps and 4 min. rest between sets. All reps done around 49-50 seconds. Feelin easier =). I plan on doing either another acceleration day, or a split run session. I have yet to do my split run day, but I think I am ready. I am just curious as if they should be used this early? My first competition is not until feb. 10th, but it may be useful to see where I am at as 400 shape for now. I haven’t had any timed runs so these next few weeks may be useful to get a split run progression either 2x(200+200) or 2x(300+150). We’ll see…

Feelin good.


Was not able to run today, due to lack of transportation and flooding, I mean flooding everywhere. It was non-stop pouring the entire day. Made sure I got a good weight workout in later when my friend came and got me.

Hang Clean: 3x5 (165, 175, 185)
Paused Jump Squats (3-sec hold at bottom): 5x4 @ 115 lbs.
Deadlifts, conventional stance this time: 4x6 (235, 255, 270, 280) Damn these almost felt easier than sumo stance. I wore a pair of football gloves to get a good grip. Felt good!
Single Leg Ham Curls: 4x6 (60)
Barbbell Military Press: 3x10 (95, 115, 120)
Seated Cable Rows: 2x12
Various Ab work and Hypers

Good workout


Don’t know if anyone has been watching the news, but northern CA is flooded right now. If you see on TV, Sonoma County (where I go to school) and Napa County (where I am from) are really getting hit hard. All major roads, freeways, etc. are being closed off, so my plans to go to Sac tonight are history… Damn…


Happy new year! Had a really good time last night with friends. We all showed up at my Aunt and Uncles house and partied in their poolhouse with them. It was pretty cool.


Just weights today. Will do acceleration work on Friday.


Back Squat: Warm-up (2x10x135, 185x5, 225x5) Work sets: 250x8, 275x8, 295x8
Bench Press: Warm-up (95x10, 135x10, 155x5) Work sets: 185x8, 195x8, 210x7 (8th rep 1/2 way before needing a spot)
RDL: 4x6 (135, 145, 155, 165)
Bent Over T-Bar Rows: 4x10
GHR: 3x10 @ BW
Abs~150 reps

Static stretch upper/lower, myofascial release (the stick), endurox post workout, meal 1 hr. later.

Feeling strong. Shoulder is a bit sore (left), I think I slept on it wrong last night.


6x30 sec. @ 10mph on treadmil today, with 2 min. jog in between reps. Hopefully this rain subsides so the tracks aren’t covered with massive puddles. Also did 4x (25 BW Hindu Squats, 25 push-ups, 35 crunches, ad/abduction stuff, and 30 sec. gymnastics bridges). Decent enough.

I am feeling like my recovery is picking up, due to proper post-workout eating, regenerative techniques, and good sleep.

Now Im watching the Orange Bowl. Go Penn State! Joe Pa is the man.


2x3x300m today.100m recovery between reps, 4 min. between sets. I did them a little harder than I usually do I think. Felt way more outta gas than usual, but I think I was doing them in around 47-45 sec. Ran in flats. I was planning on doing another set, but since I took them out too hard for the first two sets, I called it a day. Thought it went well. Static stretch afterwards, took a scoop of Surge after. This stuff tastes good. I just got my package in, got 2 Surge, 2 ZMA, and 1 Spike from Biotest. I should be set for a while. Still awaiting FROST though.

Just a side note: My bodyweight has been steadily increasing the past couple weeks without me even intentionally trying to put weight on. I started at 175-176 on Dec. 6th, now it is Jan. 5th and I weighed in today at about 182-183. It could be the fact that I have been inconstent with running on my schedule. I also am not out and about as much since I am on break and not going from class to class, etc. I would like to keep my weight constant at about 179-180 for race shape, without losing any strength/muscle. Could be a bodyfat issue?


Acceleration Development (to make up for Monday). I increased the volume today to 440m as well from 400m last week.

6x30m w/walkback recovery (4.03, 4.02, 4.05, 4.01, 4.00, 4.04)
4x40m w/ walkback recovery (4.81, 4.87, 4.89, 4.88)
2x50m w/ 2 min. recovery (Forgot the exact times on these, they were 6.2x-6.4x though)

Overall not bad, I didn’t know what to expect since I have yet to get a time on these. All from a 3 point stance. I didn’t feel as explosive as I would’ve liked; my legs almost felt a little heavy. But still felt fairly decent. My friend who usually runs with me sprained his ankle pretty bad on new years eve, so he got to time me today :cool: Took 5 min. between sets also.

Weights later today. Took Spike 45 min. before sprints session, will have Surge post-workout, ZMA before bed. I want to ice my legs tonight to help ease the soreness, I have yet to do that yet.

Hang Clean: 5x3 (165, 165, 170, 170, 175)
Deadlifts, Clean Grip: 4x6 (255, 270, 275, 295)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 3x8 (65’s, 70’s, 70’s); After each set I did a little complex training and did plyometric push-ups w/ clap. Did 13, 11, 8.
Single Leg Ham Curls: 4x6 (60)

Overall, a good day. Tempo session tomorrow.


Got really good sleep last night, woke up pretty damn sore, mainly in chest, upperback/traps, hamstrings, and abs/obliques/lowback. Little bit in quads.

Went out for tempo session. Jogged 10 min. to the grassy area, did light dynamics/stretches, then did 2x8x110 yards @ 60-70% w/ 30 sec. rest in between reps, 2 min. between sets. Contrast shower after, 45 sec. cold/3 min. hot cycle, repeated 3 times, ending in cold. Felt so much better afterwards.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, with NFL playoffs to be watched.


I had to cut my acceleration work short today because the track was closed after sunset. I got there around 4:45, but got enough work in to get a decent session in. I guess it was considered a deloading day.

5x30m (3.96, 4.00, 4.01, 4.00, 4.08)
2x40m (4.81, 4.89)

Felt a lot quicker today. Don’t know if the distance was accurate (+/- 1 meter or so) but I did feel much faster.

Weights later.

Continued from earlier…

Squats: 3x5 (275, 305, 325)
Bench Press: 3x5 (210, 225, 230)
Lat Pulldowns (Front): 4x8 (150, 160, 170, 170)
RDL: 3x6 (135, 135, 155)
Abs~120-150 reps

Feelin strong and fast. This is a good thing =). I feel that I will have a much better speed reserve this year in the 200m and 400m, along with greater maximal strength to carry over. And I am constant weight at around 180 lbs.

Pre-workout:Spike, Post workout:Surge, Pre-Bed:ZMA.

Will attempt a 6x200 session tomorrow (Weather pending) with 5, 4, 4, 3, and 3 min rest @ 28-29 seconds.


Workout was alright today, nothing too intense (saving that for tomorrow). I was going to do multiple 300’s (probably 3x3), but ended up doing: 300, 300, 200, 200, 300, 300, 200, with the 300s in around 49-50 seconds and 200s in 33-34 seconds. Took short recovery between each rep (100m walk). Then I pulled out 8 hurdles and did a bunch of hurdle mobility work. I didn’t think my hips were this tight, but afterwards I noticed a great improvement in range of motion and fluidity. Did over, over-under, lead leg, trail leg, and side step. Probably in the 200-275 reps range. Felt good.

Now for tomorrow: I have to get myself psyched up for this. 2x(200+200) with 90 seconds rest after first 200 and 20-30 min. rest in between sets. I am already nervous anticipating this, since this will be my first test on how well I can handle lactate and my 400 shape right now. Ugh… I will suck it up though. The 400m is all mental (well before you run it at least). Bring it!!! :mad:

Aiming for 53.0-51.0 area when totalling the 200’s together on both sets. We’ll see.

First competition slated for Feb 10th.


Woke up ready to go for my split runs. Took Spike before, helped with my focus and concentration. Took the first 200 out at around 90-92% (maybe a little more, I know it wasn’t max effort) in 23.5 from standing start. Rested up 2 minutes, took a 4 step rolling start for the final 200m and finished in 25.2. So 23.5+25.2 = 48.7… I can’t run that right now obviously, but adding in around 3 seconds, comes out to 51.7 or so… Not so bad for right now, especially since that was my first real intense lactic session. I was done for after, I rested up 30 min. and still wasn’t feeling it, so I called it off. I had to work anyways. Good work though. Weights later.


Updated from earlier:

Deadlift (Clean grip, no belt) 3x3: (295, 315, 325)
Weighted Chin-Ups: 4x6 w/ 30 lbs. attatched
Dips: 3x12 w/ 25 lb. plate attatched
Abs~ 200 reps

That was all. Short but sweet.


Nothing today. We are testing this week for lifts I believe, so I want to be fresh and ready for tomorrow. I went in the spa for a while today, and also alternated a few times going into the 55 degree pool for a minute at a time. I’m going to stretch later and rest up. School starts back tomorrow. Hooray…?

Lifting goals for testing:
Bench: 225x 7-8 reps
Squat: 330x6-7 reps
Hang Clean: 180x5-6 reps

I will do mostly tempo this week. I think we may be testing 40’s/pro-agility/Vertical Jump too, but that might not be til next week. Last year during testing week I was so sore and hurting while trying to do track workouts that I injured myself and ruined the first couple weeks of the season. I am also taking therapy and other modalities WAY more serious this year than last season. Injury prevention is top priority.


Oh wow, what a day. First off, started back to school again. I was up at 8 am to get food in me, then at again at 10 before I headed over to the school. I also packed food with me and didn’t feel hungry at all throughout the day.

After sitting in the track coaches office for an hour or so shooting the sh*t, I went out at 12 to do my workout before the track meeting at 1. I went ahead and did 6x200m w/ 3 minutes in between reps. My goal was to go about 28-29 seconds with these. First 3 were fine, last 3 were a little tougher. Times went as follows: 28.0, 28.1, 28.4, 28.3, 28.6, 29.0. Cool down lap, stretches, then track meeting after. I also did about 100-120 reps of hurdle mobility and got some PNF stretching done on my hamstrings and hip flexors by the trainer.

THEN I had a 3 o’clock football meeting, followed by lift testing. I tested my squats today. I wasnt sure what to put on at first, and I wanted to go for somewhere around a 3-5RM, so I threw on 345 after warming up with 135x8, 225x5, 275x3, and 315x1. I ended up crushing it with a solid 345x9 reps with a belt, establishing a new PR (comes out to 440 lbs. on a conversion chart) and tied the Football Team’s Squat Record for Wide Receivers :smiley: … Excellent feeling…

Before workout: Spike, Post workout: Surge, Vitamin C/E… Other supps today: Fish Oil, Flax Seeds, L-Glutamine, ZMA…

Good way to start the week off! Now I have a 7 o’clock class, which hopefully will get out early… Later will use soup can roller, ice, and stretching before bed.

Tomorrow easy tempo, Im sure I’ll need it.