WRCortese5's Training Journal


Nothin today… Had the day off. Back in my hometown for a couple days. My old high school (Vintage) is in the playoffs for the first time since 2002, and the first time they have a home playoff game in forever! (I think '97). Anyways, they are the no.1 seed out of the MEL, and they face another 9-1 team in the first round. Should be tough but last week they took out heavily favored cross town rivals and #22 CA ranked Napa High who was also 9-0…

They are lookin solid. If they play like they did last week, they should run for a section title.


Just hangin out today, don’t have anything to do. Went to the playoff game last night to watch our old HS play… I get there with about 4 minutes left in the 1st quarter and it’s already 21-0 in the visiting team’s favor. Halftime comes and it’s 27-0. We all thought it was over. They come out on fire in the second half and before you know it, it’s the 4th quarter and we’re down 33-20 and coming back. They recovered 3 onside kicks! Anyways, final score ended up being 39-26 against a 10-1 team that has been to the playoffs 13 straight seasons and is ranked in the state. We played tough man… I was proud of them.

Today Im just watching football on TV. Woke up to an exciting end of a game in the Texas Tech vs. OU game. Awesome finish!

Can’t wait til Cal vs. Stanford game. GO BEARS!!!


Slackin on the entries latley… Past couple weeks have just been short but good practices in preparation for our bowl game in Fresno on Saturday. It’s been pretty shitty weather latley, but its supposed to clear up for Saturday night. I hear it is supposed to be very cold though and foggy. We’ll see…

Weight session this week:
Flat Bench Press: 3x4 @ 225 lbs.
Pull-Ups: 3x15,8,7
Chest Supported Rows: 4x10
Dips: 1x15 @ BW, 2x12 @ BW + 25 lbs.
Barbell Shrugs: 3x8 @ 185, 195, 200
Hammer Curls: 2x12
Hyperextensions: 3x12 w/ 45 lb. dumbbell

Weighing in still around 178-180 consistently. I have been slacking on the diet latley, but I am still constant around 9-10% BF… Even with only 1 weight session a week, I still find I have maintained if not gained a little more strength during the entire season. I have not lost any weight either which was what I was looking to do.


We won our last and final game of the year, 35-12… We shut down a very good and respectable team, so to win by that margin was even better. Everyone counted us out in the polls, but we came to play. Pre-game was intense, I have never seen us come out so fired up besides when we played SFCC this year. I got 3 series in, it was so friggin cold down there wow… Had to have been in the low 30’s. We didn’t end up getting home til 2:45 in the morning, and I didnt get to bed til 6 in the morning. We had to celebrate a little bit :cool: Final record, 8-3, 6-0 on the road…

Its time to prepare for track season :smiley:


Today didnt start off so hot. I slept through my alarm and missed my math class, which I had my last test before finals in! I e-mailed my professor and he agreed to let me take the test later on in the afternoon. Went in at 1:30 and finished at 3:30. Took a while to get going but I think I did OK… I was planning on running today but decided not to since the guy I planned on training with today ran earlier and I did not want to go out there by myself; Probably best I got a rest day anyways. I might still lift tonight, but I might save it for tomorrow.


Did my first track workout today. Was planning on 6x200m at ~27 seconds with 2 minutes recovery; Had to adjust because my training partner did not show and I forgot my watch that had a timer on it. So I started to run the workout and finished 4, after the first 4 my stomach wasnt feeling so hot (like I ate something wrong earlier or something) so I stopped at that. Cooled down and stretched. Felt akward running, but thats normal after coming off of football season. Ran in flats.

Weights 4 hours later:
Back Squats: 2x5 (245, 255), 2x3 (275, 285)
Bench Press: 2x5 (215), 3x3 (225, 225, 230)
Pull Ups: 3x10,8,8 @ BW + 15 lbs.
RDL: 4x6 (95, 115, 125, 130)

Ab/Low Back work…
2x6 Hanging Leg Raise
2x8 Russian Med Ball Twist w/ 8 lb. ball.
2x6 Dumbbell Crunch on Physio Ball w/ 30 lb. dumbbell
2x8 Side Oblique Crunch on Roman Chair
2x10 Hyperextensions w/ 35 lb. dumbbell
2x30 seconds of bridges

Overall felt good… Especially since I havnt done squats for so long.


Tired, still very sore, mainly in my hams and quads. I need to stretch tonight for a good amount of time. I missed class today, was very hungover which totally ruined my day as far as training. I didnt miss anything as far as class goes, but I was planning on doing 8x300’s at 50 seconds but was not able to get to the track. I finally feel normal again. I have to work tonight and do a math project that is due tomorrow.

I am planning on doing split runs tomorrow… I might just do a tempo workout that I missed today depending on how sore I still am.


Slept in til 12, needed the rest. Had to take care of some stuff for school and it was my moms birthday so I did not run today. I did however do a nice little bodyweight circuit, followed by stretching. Will go in the spa later followed by more stretching.

Bodyweight Circuit: 5x (30 rep BW squat, 20 rep pushups, 30 reps crunches). No rest in between each exercise, 10 sec. rest between sets. Felt good to get the blood flowing, I am still a bit sore in my chest and hamstrings, and quads a little. Monday I am going to stick to the program with no slacking off; not going to miss a workout from here on. This week has been a bit hectic with preparing for finals and all that.


Acceleration Development: 2x4x40m in spikes on grass.

Was a pretty good session, but I wasnt getting very good feedback from the ground because the grass was soft and wet. Made due with what I had. Had a good warm up and got sweating in about 10-15 minutes in 51 degree weather. Weights later tonight.

Back Squat- 3x8 (225, 245, 255)
Bench Press- 3x8 (175, 185, 195)
SS1-Pull Ups- 3x10,8,8
SS2- Seated Cable Rows- 3x12
RDL- 4x6 (115)
Tricep Pushdowns- 3x12

First final this morning. I think I bombed it but who knows; I will know my grades sometime by next week. :confused:


5x200m w/ 200m walk in between reps. Done in spikes, around mid 26-low 27 seconds. Fairly tough workout; I will get used to it though, the lactate acid was pretty bad. Not in shape enough yet to complete 6, I was spent afer 5. Warm-down lap/stretch; no soreness anywhere but in my hamstrings from the RDL’s on Monday. Should fade after tomorrow’s 8x300m tempo run. Planning on doin them in about 49-50 seconds with 100m walk back recovery.

Studying for sociology final tomorrow morning at 7 am, not looking forward to it. Then I have to write an essay on Antigone. Anyone had the pleasure of reading/writing on this play??


Just got home from my sociology final. Thought it went pretty well. I knew the material better than I thought. Now im layin on the couch watching Anchorman. Haha great movie. My calves and balls of my feet are pretty damn sore from running with spikes yesterday. Gotta get used to that again. 8x300m in 49-50 sec. later today with 100m walkback recovery. Should help with recovery and build some much needed fitness for the 400m!

this is looking man gluck, just dont rush anything and dont chase the times, and they will slowly come along. maybe one special endurance session in the week will whip you in shape very quickly and you will notice improvements pretty quick. thats what im doing when season is up and didnt get enough workouts in (injury). so goodluck man

Yeah thanks man for the feedback. I know I will be patient about the times I am not worried. I just am getting used to track speed again rather than football speed (its totally different!). Anyways, my calves, soleus’, and achilles are a bit sore but I massaged them quite a bit today and I think the tempo helped.

I did 7x300m today with 100m walkback recovery at about 70%. It felt real good. I didnt have a watch to time myself but my buddy ran along side me up until 200m and then I ran the final 100m. I’d say it was in the 49-50 sec range, no slower than that. I found out my grade in my stats class; I got a D :frowning: … I really tried my best but I will just have to take it again in the summer in hopes of getting a C or better so that in transfers over to a university. Damn it.

Will do weights tomorrow, and either a split run session or another acceleration dev. session (before weights obviously). I will throw in some plyos too.

Writing the essay on Antigone tonight. Last work for the semester and Im done! I turned my books in today, got 50$ back, and probably spent over 250$ on them. I hate the college buy back system for textbooks.


Weights today:
Hang Cleans: 3x5 (155, 165, 170) Felt good, I havnt done these for months!
Reactive Squats: 5x5 (175)
Squats: 3x5 (265)
Dumbbell Bench: 4x8 (65)
Single leg ham Curls: 4x6
Low Cable Pulley Hip Extensions: 4x6
Lat Pulldown (Front) 3x10 (140)

Good workout. Calves are still very sore, need much more stretching and massage. Damn it is rough not wearing spikes for this long.


Son of a bitch. I just found out my grades in English and Math… D+ in both. :mad: I want to scream. I guess thats what I get for not taking this semester as serious as I should’ve. Now I get to enjoy the luxury of re-taking the courses AGAIN! Aghh… Probably will do them in the summer, but I need to talk to my counselor to see what I need to do about them.

Hopefully I get a C in sociology. PLEASE BE A C OR BETTER. I cannot cannot have this bad of grades.

It’s pouring over here now. Hopefully tomorrow I can get in my track workout.


I just e-mailed my english teacher and she wrote me back saying if I revise one of my essays to bring it up half a letter grade, then she will change my grade to a C. SWEEEEET :slight_smile: I’ve never been so happy to get a C before, haha.


Woke up late, was up pretty late playing Madden and Mario Kart with some friends… Haha, nothing else to do!

Acceleration Development today, all done in spikes on synthetic surface. The track was very wet from all the rain, but luckily when I got out there the rain had subsided for a bit and it is humid so I didn’t need to worry about the cold.

800m jog, Dynamic/Static stretch, 3x50m buildups.
Session: 6x20m, 4x30m, 3x40m (360m total volume). Took about 1-2 min. rest in between reps, 4-5 min. rest between sets. Felt good, I feel like my acceleration is steadily improving.
Cool down lap, stretches, weights later.

Back Squats: 3x8 (235, 255, 275)
RDL: 4x6 (115, 125, 125, 130)
Bench Press: 3x8 (185, 195, 205)
Pull-Ups, Neutral Grip: 4x12,10,10,8 @ BW
Seated Cable Rows: 2x12

All I could squeeze in for today, I had to work.


Training has been a bit inconsitent this week, mainly due to the torrential downpour of rain that finally stopped after 3 days! I felt a bit sick this week so I backed off and rested up. Today was weights, I could not get to the track. Tomorrow I will perform a tempo workout, 2x6x100 yards.

Hang Clean: 4x5 (165, 170, 175, 180)
Deadlift, Sumo Stance: 4x6 (225, 245, 265, 275)- I haven’t done these since my senior year of high school, so it was a bit akward. I forgot how much they take out of you! I was so drained afterwards, I barley had any energy left.
Single Leg Hamstring Curls: 4x6 (55)

Static stretch, post workout drink.


12:00 a.m., Merry Christms! I had a lazy day today, mainly because last night when I tried to go to sleep, it took me 4 hours to finally fall asleep! Pissed me off… I went to the mall today with my friend to get some last minute things. Remind me to never do that again. Craziness!

Im looking forward to the coming week. I can’t wait to get back on the running program, I am feeling better and the weather is looking up. Either way, it’s gonna get done damn it. I adjusted my template a little bit so it will work a bit better for me.

I guess I will post my goals for this coming season, since I am always big on setting goals to acheive success.

200m: 22.xx
400m: 50.xx (49.x relay)
To qualify to run in the California Community College State Championships in Bakersfield.
Stay injury free.
Impress a few people along the way.
Be a leader and show that I can hang with the big boys.

Football goals for Spring:
40 yd dash: 4.4x
Bench Press: 290-300
Back Squat: Break the WR Record of 440
Hang Clean: 265-270
Have the highest Strength/Weight Ratio of the WR’s.
Vert: >30"
Shuttle: 4.1x
Gain RESPECT of coaches.

200m: 23.60 FAT
400m: 51.79 FAT (50.3 relay)
40 yard: 4.55h
Bench: 265
Back Squat: 400
Hang Clean: 225
Vert: 28 1/2"
Shuttle: 4.31h

It’s time!!! :eek:


Slept in til 1. No partying or anything the entire weekend for once. It felt good to just relax and hang out. It has been raining like crazy but today when I went out to run, it wasn’t that cold (around 60), very cloudy, but no rain luckily. I hate rain more than anything. Anyways, we (me and one of my fellow football players that trains with me to work on his acceleration and also lifts with me) worked on acceleration development today.

400m jog, light stretch, dynamic/hip swings/drills, couple buildups. Enough to get warm.

Workout: 6x20m w/ walkback between reps; 4x30m w/ walkback between reps; 4x40m w/ walkback between reps. Took 5 min. rest between sets. All from 3 point stance in spikes. No time, but feeling great and felt flyin today :cool:

Im hittin weights later tonight; gotta find a gym in town that will let us in for cheap or maybe free. Everything is going good so far. I saw my high school track coach at the track today and we were talking a bit. Good to see him again. Kept telling me to do more long stuff to get stamina (he’s very into long-short progression); but I told him I do have some days in the week where I do “long” stuff (like my 300m day)… Haha… But yeah everything is feelin good; my right knee is buggin me a bit but just a little aggravated probably.

Squat: 3x8 (245, 265, 275)
Bench Press: 2x8 (185, 205), 1x5 (215)… Went up in weight too much, ruined my last set. Blah.
RDL: 4x6 (125, 135, 140, 140)
Glute-Ham Raise: 2x10
Chin-Ups: 3x12,10,10 @ BW
Rope Pushdowns: 2x12
Abs~120 reps

Good work :smiley: