WRCortese5's Training Journal


We won our game Saturday, in a great come from behind victory. We led 14-0 in the 1st quarter, but a few trick plays (including fumblerooski for a TD) and turnovers led the other team to leading us 31-19 in the 4th quarter. We ended up putting up a fight to come back and win 39-34 with two minutes to go in the game. A last minute interception sealed the victory for us. Great game, hard fought by both teams.

Sunday weights:
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3x12 (60’s, 65’s, 70’s)
Chin-Ups: 3x12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 4x8
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3x10 (30’s)
Rope Pushdowns: 4x8
Swiss Ball Crunches w/ 30 lb. dumbbell: 3x15

Had the day off today from football. We have our bye week this week. Short and sweet practices this week, only goin tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, probably in just helmets and shorts.


Short practices… Warm-ups, team, individuals, 7 on 7… Conditioning, and we’re out in an hour and 25 minutes. Shorts/shoulder pads and helmets… Felt nice to have the range of motion with shorts on and felt lighter/quicker on my feet.

Box Squats: 6x2 @ 50% 1RM (185 lbs. used)… I paused for 1 second at the bottom and exploded up into a jump squat for each rep.

Dynamic Bench Press: 6x3 @ 50% 1RM (used 130 lbs.); then performed 3 heavy singles, 1x225, 1x245, 1x260 (struggled a bit).

Chin Ups: 3x12
Lateral Cable Raises: 2x10 each arm
Single Leg Hyperextensions: 2x12 w/ each leg
External Rotation w/ 15 lb dumbbell: 2x15 each arm

I’m willing to give this routine a shot to see how it goes the rest of the season, using wed. as a “speed” or “explosive” day and Sunday or Mondays as my muscle-mass saving day…

Bodyweight fluctuating at 175-178.


Off today… This is our bye week, so we get a chance to rest this weekend and get ready for conference play starting next week…

I found a picture on my computer of my hip pointer injury I had during the summer, thought I’d put it up for the hell of it… Nasty bruise…

(See attatched)


Good practice today… We play the #7 ranked team in CA on Saturday, and we come in ranked #6… Game of the week… And it should be! I felt like shit yesterday, probably because of only about 8 hours sleep in two days and hardly eating over the weekend… Took it’s toll on me and Monday I felt the effects of it! I slept probably 14 hours total yesterday and woke up this morning feeling normal again…

Bench Press: 4x5,5,4,4 (205, 215, 225, 230)
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns: 4x8
Seated Cable Rows: 3x12
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3x10 (30’s)
SkullCrushers: 4x8 (70)
Hanging Leg Raises: 4x12

Weighed 175.6 before the workout, 178.0 after…


Another good practice… Hands were spot on today, only one drop on a poorly thrown ball… One on ones were the highlight of my practice. First route I ran a corner route against the starting CB. Ran up 10 yards, stemmed 5 yards to the post and then cut hard back to the corner. He fell flat on his face, and I made the catch and broke it for a td… yess… Next route went up against the back-up CB who returns kicks… Came up and pressed me, had a nice release off the line, ran up 10 yards and broke hard on an out cut to the sideline. Was wide open but he held me BAD… Nice route again… Third route was a Vertical against the starting SS… Ran up 10 yards, stutter stepped like I was running a hitch, and then ran up vertical again… Made him hesitate enough for me to get by him; Ball was overthrown unfortunatley. Nice routes though by me I would say :cool:

Left knee is a bit sore… Iced the shit out of it tonight…


Well,we lost our game this weekend… Classic shootout, 46-41. We did have 570 yards passing in this game though, but it was not enough to counter their running game (leading rusher carried 41 times for 276 yards and 5 td’s)… Mistakes and turnovers killed us. Life goes on, new game this week…

Monday was just film and meetings. I lifted later that night.

Back Squats: 4x5 (225, 245, 275, 280)
Bench Press: 2x5, 2x3 (205, 205, 225, 225)
Chin-Ups: 4x10
Dips: 2x15
Rope Pushdowns: 3x10
Hyperextensions: 3x15

Starting back with creatine again… See how that works out.

Good luck with the creatine, hopefully it works out as well for you as it does for me. What brand are you using? Dosage? What time of the day are you taking it?

Too bad about the game, but at least your scores sound exciting. For us, we play a lot of ball control and it’s rare for us to score more than 30 points in a game or for the other team to get two touchdowns. Are you getting any PT yet?

Yeah, I have maintained my strength pretty well without any real supplements (besides my protein powder and fish oil)… So I think the creatine may be of benefit. I take 5g after my weights on weight training days and 3g after practice/games when Im not lifting. Unfortunatley the last two games have been very very close, and the WR playing time has been limited to about 6 in the rotation, when we usually are rotating between 8-10 in a game. I havn’t gotten much if any… Sucks. Im still working hard and waiting for my oppurtunity. All I can do is work hard in practice and hope it shows for something.

I know how it feels, but just remember to have fun. My PT has dropped significantly as the year has progressed, but as long as it’s still fun, I don’t feel so bad about it. Like you said, when the opportunity to play comes just seize it and don’t let anyone take that chance away from you. Once the coaches see that players can perform in the game, you’ll probably be able to work your way up in their eyes, with equals more PT, you get the idea. In the meantime, keep tearing it up in practice and in the weight room not only to get better for this year, but for whatever may arise in the next season. Good luck.


Our practice started off like shit, bunch of the WR’s were dropping easy balls in warm-ups… Then our WR coach told us to get our heads up and change the practice to our level. And that’s what we did. Dominated one-on-ones, I ran a sick corner route… Totally made the CB think I was going to the post, then snapped it off to the corner and made a sick jumping catch. Head coach complimented me on it so thats always good. Did well in team and 7on7 as well… Good practice.

Still sore from monday, mainly in my legs… Those damn squats… haha… My roommate/teammate turns 21 tonight, so me and the rest of my roommates might do a little celebrating. Not too much though, I have class tomorrow at 9…


Well we won our game today, 35-23… Came out sloppy… Not too good of a performance, but a win is a win… Will post more tomorrow…

SRJC 35, Sac City 23

Record: 6-1 Overall, 1-1 NorCal Conference


Monday was just film, meetings, and weights…

Flat Bench Press: 3x5 (215, 225, 225) 1x3 (235)
Chin Ups: 4x10
Single Arm Seated Cable Rows: 3x10 each arm
Barbbell Curls: 2x12 (65 lbs.)
Rope Pushdowns: 2x12
Hyperextensions: 3x15 w/ 10 lb plate held behind my head
Abs: 120 reps


Practice went well today. I played CB on the scout defense today becuz of lack of depth they have over there, I thought I did fairly well considering I havn’t played CB since my senior year of high school. I played man-press all day and only got beat three times. Did well in offensive drills. I tweaked my lower back today in individual period and it’s still bugging me a bit… I iced it and took some advil, starting to feel better already.


Easier practice today, half gear. Had a good practice. Offense has had an awesome week, and we’re hoping to use our confidence to beat this team. We are travelling 3 hours north to play a solid team in Oroville, CA. Should be a good game. This is a must win to keep us in the conference title hunt and keep our hopes of a state championship run alive. Do or die!


we won today! totally dominated all aspects of the game. Our defense brought their A game today by far, especially for being on the road. It was 7-7 at half, ended up winning 34-7 with two defensive TD’s to boot. Awesome game our best by far. Next week will determine our conference championship standings.

SRJC 34, Butte 7

Overall 7-1, Nor-Cal Conference 2-1

We’re on our way!


This week has been same as usual… Weather has been shitty all week but today has been a little better. Tomorrow’s game is the game of the week for all JC football games. It is against #2 San Fran City College @ our place. This game will pretty much determine if we win conference, are eligible to go to the northern CA title game, and more importantly, the state title game. BIG BIG BIG game! Should expect a sellout crowd.

Today will just be walk throughs and all that stuff. Nothin hard. I tweaked my low back on Tuesday running a corner route in one on ones and it is still a bit sore so I have taken it easy this week as far as my reps in practice went.

Still waiting for FROST to arrive :frowning:

Cortese, good luck and I hope you play well. Go out and get it done!!

"…don’t call my name out your window when I’m a leavin’, I won’t even turn my head. Don’t send your kinfolk to give me no talkin’, I’ll be gone like I said…


Well… we ended up losing 24-20… It was the most exciting game I have ever been a part of. Near capacity crowd, they were into the game the whole time; players never gave up and fought hard all day. Took the lead back with 3 minutes left in the game, 20-18… Thought we had it… They took the ball down and converted 2 times on 3rd down, then on our 40, on a 4th and 7 play to determine the game, they threw a wheel and scored in the endzone with 30 seconds left… Totally shocked… We couldn’t believe how fast it all happened… Fall to 7-2 (2-2 NorCal Conference) now and this pretty much takes our chances of competing for the state title :frowning: … Very heartbreaking loss… We will move on from it though and finish on a win this week, then we find out next week what bowl game we are competing in.


Practice today was shorter for some reason. Not complaining though. Coming down to the last 2 weeks of the season. We play San Mateo this weekend, very tough team who narrowly lost to San Francisco City College as well, 41-40. Real good running team who know how to execute the triple option (similar to Air Force). Been reading and lookin through the lactate threshold thread recently and am starting to come up with a plan to use from Nov. 26- Jan. 10. After discussing a bit with fellow member, I am going to go with concurrent approach, basing everything off the goal of 50 flat for 400m. I will be in great shape for top 3 in conference if I can get down to the 50-49 sec range. Very determined this year; depending on what happens with football, it may be my last season of track and field at the college level. Havn’t made a decision yet, but we’ll see.


Another shootout of a game… 28-21 at halftime, ended up losing the game 47-42… They ran the ball very well… Our QB threw 6 TD’s, 4 to one receiver… Close game as usual… Fall to 7-3 Overall (2-3 NorCal Conference). I think our bowl game is going to be played on Dec. 3rd, so I may have to postpone the track training until Dec. 5th.


Since our bowl game isnt until dec. 3rd, our practices from now on will be very light and easy going… Every practice leading up to the bowl game will be from 4:00-5:15, with no conditioning after practice. All 1/2 gear (shoulder pads and helmets) until game week. We have Friday-Sunday off as well this week, and next week we have Thursday-Sunday off… Pretty laid back couple weeks but still have to be focused and polish up the skills.

Workin out later tonight…