WRCortese5's Training Journal

Good job on the scout, showing you can play with scout players versus the starters always brings your stock up in the eyes of the coaches. Where are you now in the receiver rotation? I’m the No. 3 receiver, but we run mostly 2 receiver sets, and there isnt a lot of subbing, so PT is a rarity for me. Also, have you played your second game yet? Keep us updated.

Quick post…

We won our game vs Shasta College on Saturday night, 62-0!.. ouch… I got some decent PT this time, so I was happy about it… we dominated every phase of the game, and the defense scored 28 of the points! Great game…

SRJC 62, Shasta College 0

Record: 2-0

nice work buddy, as usual!

do you play Sac City?

Joe just started track off season fitness ;

am tryin to get him to post his journal; this way i can see what he is doing.

  • keep up the good job; will watch your journal for results.


We play Sac City I believe in week 7 at Sac City… They are in our conference.

Good to hear from ya again… how is joe’s progress comin along?

too early to tell whats up with Joe’s progress but it can only get better, barring injury; with real structured program.

did u get frost?
i guess it is not avail right now uh?


Sounds good with Joe. No, still have not ordered FROST yet… I need to once it gets available again…


Just film and meetings… Then weights:

Back Squats: 4x5 (275, 285, 295, 295)
Bench Press: 4x5 (195, 205, 210, 225, 230x3)
Pull-Ups: 3x13,12,10
One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 2x12 w/ 65 lb. dumbbells each arm
Shrugs: 3x12
Barbbell French Press: 3x12 (65 lbs.)
Hyperextensions: 3x12 w/ 45 lb. dumbbell
Abs: 150 reps

Good practice, was feeling out of focus at the beginning though and couldnt seem to find it all practice. Dropped a ball in warm-ups which pissed me off… Went over and played on the scout team again, but had 3 TD’s in 7 on 7 vs. the Defense so that was cool… We did 6 gassers at the end of practice and I won all of them… They get easier and easier… then we did eleven 10-yard dashes in under 45 seconds for loafs by the offense in the game on Saturday… Blah…

Good job at practice, I wish I could say the same. I feel like I’m getting burnt out from football, I dunno what the deal is. When I show up to practice I just feel like “man, do I have to do this again.” Of course at games it’s a completely different deal, but I need to start getting myself up for practices again so I can perform like you’re doing.

As for the FROST, I ordered it a month ago and still have not received my shipment. When I do though, I’ll try and keep you guys updated and report back on it’s effects.


Just walk throughs today… We play West Valley College at home tomorrow… Should be a good game… At work last night I was bored so I went and saw how much I could 1RM on chins… I ended up working up to 1 chin up with 60 lbs. attatched to a weight belt from my waist… Started from the top position, did the eccentric portion and completed the chin for 1 rep… Not bad… Comes out to around 235 lbs. ( I weigh around 175-176 right now)…

I have a cold now, great… It’s going around our whole team… My GROW! came yesterday so that made me happy… I havn’t had my protein powder since mid August…


We won our game today, 38-0… Should’ve been way more like usual, but 3 TD’s were called back because of either holding penalties or clipping against us… Including an 80 yard pass and a 99 INT return for a TD by the Free Saftey… Damn… Anyways, I got in, made some good run blocks and even got a carry on a fly-sweep… Took it for about 4 yards because one of the WR’s and O-Lineman missed their blocks, so I decided to go head up with the outside linebacker… I ran him the f*ck over… the sideline was going crazy haha… It was fun…

SRJC 38, West Valley College 0

Record: 3-0


School, Football meetings/film, then weights:

Squats: 3x10 (225, 230, 245)
Bench Press: 185x13, 195x9, 205x7
Pull-Ups: 3x12,10,10
Seated Cable Rows: 2x12
Dips: 3x15,12,12

That was all… Felt tired, maybe because I slept in til 12:15 today…


Had a sociology test today, thought I did OK… Wasn’t very well prepared. Then English, film/meetings and practice…

I had my best practice of the year by far today. Had zero drops, my confidence in my hands has skyrocketed and that showed today when I caught almost every ball thrown at me (Except for a few overthrown)… I had a nice 12 yard out route play in the 3rd team offense (I moved up in depth chart because one of the guys broke his big toe)… As I turned up field to get 10 more yards after the catch, the safety took a bad angle at me and went to try and tackle me (which we weren’t even doing in the first place) and took me down like when T.O. broke his leg (illegal tackle from behind in the NFL) my leg caught in the ground and could’ve been bad but luckily my knee didn’t give out… Knock on wood Then I had another good catch on a sitdown route in a hole between 2 linebackers, and I burned one of the CB’s deep in one on one coverage on a post route, but the ball was overthrown… damn… All in all great practice, now I’m hoping to make my way up…


Statistics test this morning went better than I thought… Film later, meetings, and then practice as usual…

I had another good day in practice. Started off a bit slow with a drop in easy verts, but shrugged it off and got back into it with no drops the rest of practice. In goal line offense I ran in for a score on a fly sweep, and I caught a nice post-curl route for a 15 yard gain, then ran 10 more for a 25 yard completion before being tagged off by the defender. I am pleased with my routes and coverage recognition so far. Hope I get to my chance to show my stuff in the game now…


3rd good practice in a row… Only one drop all day on a “Hunt” route (10-12 yard in)… Was going to sit down in a window since it was zone coverage and as I snapped my head around the ball was coming and wasn;t ready for it. I made some good catches again and my confidence is the highest it’s been all year. The starting guy at my spot (in replacement for the other starter in our spot that broke his toe) pulled up lame today in conditioning and has a possible strain/pulled left hamstring. Guess I’m bumped up now to 2nd group offense… All these injuries, damn.

another mans pain is another mans gain.

Good i like it, youmust of seen some bad injurys as a football player.


Yeah I have seen some nasty injuries… Broken bones, concussions, muscle pulls… Luckily I have “only” had a semi-concussion, broken left pinky finger, broken right ring finger, hip pointer, bruised AC joint, sprained right/left ankle, left/right hamstring problems, and then the usual knicks and cuts from football… But it’s all part of the game… Worst injury I have seen playing was last season when I red shirted and on a punt return our guy was blocking for the returner… Next thing you know a guy gets blocked into the back of his knee and he’s on the ground with his foot twisted around and leg at the knee not facing the right way. He tore every ligament in his knee, dislocated kneecap, almost severed the ulnar nerve, has a drop foot (still), and broke his ankle… It was horrible…

Football takes a beating on you I can say that…


Well this game was interesting to say the least… We come out, win the toss, and chose to receive the ball… We drive down the field no problem, TD within the first 2 minutes. Immediatley we get the ball back, score again, and again… and again… By the end of the 1st quarter, we were up 48-0 :eek: … The QB threw 5 td’s and over 300 yards in the first quarter alone! By halftime we were up 55-0, and then we stopped throwing the football. Final score was 69-0, breaking the school record of most points in a game (67). I got in the last 6 minutes of the 3rd quarter and all of the 4th quarter… No pass receptions, but I did have a fly sweep carry again for 9 yards. Missed block on the outside caused me to cut up and get tackled, otherwise I think I would’ve gone to the house… He was the only guy to beat. Damn… This game was insane!

SRJC 69, College of the Redwoods 0

Record: 4-0
Average Points per game: 52.75
Average Points allowed per game: 1.75

Damn, you guys are looking good this year. And I thought our defense was good allowing only 9.7ppg…

Film/meetings today from the game on saturday… We found out we broke a bunch of records this weekend… 1.) Our QB broke a school record for most TD’s in a quarter (5 thrown) 2.) We broke the school record for most points in a game (69) 3.) We have the all-time national JC football record for most points ever scored in a quarter (48) 4.) Our kicker has the school record for most PAT’s made in a game (9-of-10)

Weights today:
Incline Dumbbell Bench: 3x12,10,10 (60, 65, 65’s)
Chin Ups: 3x12,10,10
Seated Cable Rows: 2x12
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x12 (60’s)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3x15 (25 lb. dumbbells)
Rope Pushdowns: 3x12
Abs: 100 reps


Was a bit sore today, probably from the change in my workout… Class as usual today, then meetings, film, and practice. I had a great practice today, and received a lot of compliments from my fellow receivers that I had a real good practice today. It’s a good feeling to finally get that respect from people. Did good in team period, and in one-on-ones (which we havn’t done for a while), I ran a nice 10 yard-out route on the starting Strong Saftey. My next route was a post route against one of the better db’s as well. I stemmed him up straight hinted 3 steps to the corner, and then broke back to the post. He had no clue where I was, but the QB HORRIBLY underthrew me, and he was able to recover and break up the pass. My last route was a post corner which I made one of the db’s look stupid on and the receiver coach was real happy with that last route.

In 7 on 7, I had quite a few grabs, including a couple td’s in goal line offense. I worked in with the 3rd group and 2nd group offenses today, and I am feelin pretty good.

Just finished a statistics project that is due tomorrow, thats how we do it… Procrastination, ah yes… 2:00 a.m., class at 10:00.