WRCortese5's Training Journal


Had two finals today, did well on both… Glad it’s over… Double days start August 1st… I’ll be ready…

Upper Body Weights today:
Bench Press 5x5,5,3,3,3 (205,205,215,215,215)
Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8 (65 lb. dumbbells)
Weighted Chin-Ups: 1x10 w/ 10 lbs added., 2x8 w/ 15 lbs. added
Barbbell Shrugs 4x10 (185 lbs.)
Face Pulls 4x8
SS1 Skull Crushers: 3x10
SS1 Barbbell Curls: 3x10
Hyperextensions on 45 degree machine: 3x12 w/ 25 lb plate
~150 abs


Back to train at my old high school… Always fun to go back and see the coaches again. Good to catch up.

Full WU, ran some routes, did some catching drills… Then did 6x100 yard sprints on grass with cleats. No time on these, but used short recovery.

Back Squats: 5x5 (275,275,295,315,315)
Glute-Ham Raises: 5x10

Short but sweet on the weights. Felt good.


I’ve been busy the past few days with some things… I moved into my new apartment yesterday, took 12 hours to move out of my old place and get situated in the new place… I was exhausted. Today, worked 2-8:30… Double Days tomorrow…

Got into some trouble last weeked (23rd)… Have to talk to my coach tomorrow. Hopefully I’m not in any more shit than Im already in… Not drinking for a long time…


First day of camp… Morning practice, 9:00-11:00. Worked on technique, footwork, catching drills, team, routes… All that good stuff. Conditioning at the end of first session was 6 Gassers (Sideline-to-sidline= ~105 yards)… Felt good in the first 4, started to fade in the last two… Rest time was extremely short. Afternoon was 4:00 meetings, followed by 5:00-6:30 practice. Same as morning drills…


Day 2… Same format as day 1… Feeling better with my technique and my catching is really improving. I had no drops today in either practice. Conditioning at morning practice was 7 Gassers; finished 1st in the first 3, top 10 in the last 4… Are people holding back? haha whatver, still felt good…

Supps: GROW!, Fish Oil, Myoplex, Vit. C/E, Multi, ZMA, L-Glutamine.

8/3/05- Day 3

Meetings, Drills, more drills, routes, etc… Conditioning…

8/4/05- DaY 4

Meetings, Drills, routes, one-on-ones… Didnt do very well in that with catching but my routes are lookin good…

8/5/05- Day 5

Drills, one-on-ones, team period…
Frustrated… Dropping too many balls in one-on-ones…

8/6/05- Day 6

Same format… Did real good in one-on-ones, caught 3 of 4 passes (1 was overthrown). Conditioning was 6 gassers, gettin easier and easier now.

Weights on Saturday:

Bench Press: 185x10, 195x8, 205x6, 215x4, 225x3
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3x10
T-Bar Rows: 4x6
Skull Crushers: 3x10
Seated Cable Rows: 4x10
Barbbell Curls: 3x12
Abs: 100 reps

My inner left leg is feeling a bit tight/sore.


Havnt posted for a few days… Double days are over now… Have done pretty shitty when I get to one-on-ones… I can catch great in drills, against air, in team, and 7 on 7, but when I do one-on-ones, I go to shit… My routes are great, the catching is my problem right now… THats the BIGGEST thing that is holding me back from being in a rotation that will get sure playing time; Cuz right now I am in the 3rd receiver rotation (4 WR’s per rotation)… Anyways, been pretty frustrated but I’ll get over the slump. Felt really achy and feverish today after football, slept off and on from 2:45 in the afternoon til 10:45 tonight, now I’m up at 2:45 in the morning and I am feeling pretty good. I weighed myself yesterday, 177.5… Gettin up there! Bodyweight has maintained and even gone up a bit since double days started, and my strength hasn’t gone down at all. Good signs… We start in helmets/jerseys tomorrow, saturday afternoon we suit up in full gear. Havn’t worn full pads since my last game of my senior year ( November, 2003). Should be fun… I didn’t get to pick my #, but since all the sophs got to pick their #'s, most single digit numbers are all taken, so Im guessing they gave me something in the 80’s… I hope 83, 82, or 81…


This last week has been horrible… I went from catching great, to now I have almost no confidence in myself when I line up. I keep dropping balls in one-on-ones and 7 on 7, yet I never drop a single ball in drills or against air… I’m not concentrating enough on the ball… Anyways, that horrible week cost me to be dropped down into the 4th group… Horrible… I feel miserable out there and it’s frustrating when things don’t go the way you want them to…

Had a morning practice today, mainly special teams and some offense. Tonight we go full gear, regular practice, then monday is first day of school and ‘real’ practice. I got #84… oh well, at least I have a #.

Weights on Thursday:
Hang Cleans: 3x5 (165 lbs) felt hard, but I havn’t done them for so long.
Bench Press: 1x5-205 fast, 3x4- 225 lbs. (PR)
Pull-Ups: 4x10
Seated Cable Rows: 3x12
Bi/Tri superset: 2x12
External rotation work: 3x10 each arm w/ 15 lb. dumbbell.

Hope I bust out of this slump, because right now it feels like the coaches have almost zero confidence and/or respect for me as a receiver right now. My routes are great, I know all 4 WR spots, never late, good speed… only thing lacking right now is my f’ing Hands…the most important thing for a WR!!! … ahhh :mad: … Football is frustrating… but then again, everything is when things arent the way you want them to be…

Damn maybe you thinking to much. Try one day to just go out and have fun. Cause whenever you try to hard for something you never get it but when you bs you get it so easily. I dont know works for me. What school do you go to. Your still in hs or in college.

Yeah I’ve been thinkin way too much and letting stupid things get to me… I need to just have fun with it and quit thinking so much. I go to Santa Rosa Junior College in Santa Rosa, CA.


School started back up this week… Taking 4 classes (13 units) plus football and work… VERY BUSY now… Math, English, Sociology, and Humanities… Shouldnt be too bad if I keep up on homework.

Football has been OK for me. Doing much better with catching but havn’t seen much PT latley because of my lackluster last couple weeks… Im still going to compete to climb back up the chart…

Weights on Monday:
Squats(Light): 225x8, 245x8, 250x8
Incline Bench Press: 3x8 (175)
Bent Over Barbbell Rows: 4x6
Barbbell Curls/Skull Crushers: 2x10
Hypers: 3x15 w/25 lb. plate

Flat Bench Press: 4x5,4,4,4 (225 lbs.)
Dumbbell Bench: 3x10 (70 lb dumbbells)
Wide Grip Chins: 4x10,10,8,8
Seated Cable Rows: 3x8
Hypers: 2x12
Abs: 200 reps


Today was our intersquad scrimmage, “Blue vs. White” game… It was fun… I got in a 10 play series… Didnt have any catches, our group had the 4th and 5th qb’s; I didnt have any balls thrown my way but it’s OK I still had fun gettin out there. One of the qb’s threw a INT and I tried to run the CB down… I had a great angle on him about to make the tackle and out of nowhere I get a nice little earhole shot thanks to big ass defensive lineman… haha popped right back up though and had a huge grin on my face for some strange reason… I havn’t gotten popped like that for 2 years and it reminded me how fun football is :smiley:

Nothing get’s your blood pumping like a good earhole block. Reminds me when I thought I had a TD saving tackle on the RB in a scrimmage and then the TE just came in and laid me out.

Good to hear you got reps, that’s always one of the toughest parts, just getting on the field to show what you can do. Keep it up.


Monday was film review of the blue and white scrimmage. We looked good on the first series on offense, then after that it was like we went to shit… People taking plays off, lazy routes, no real effort on stalk blocks (not everyone but a select few)…

Weights on Monday:
Back Squats: 4x8 (245, 255, 265, 275)
Bench Press: 3x 14,10,10 ( 185 lbs.)
Chest Supported Rows: 3x12
Shrugs: 3x10
Barbbell Curls: 2x12 (65 lbs.)
Tricep Rope Extensions: 2x12
Abs: 150 reps

Practice was OK… lackluster practice. Offense played like shit… I played runningback on the prep offense team today for a bit against the first defense to run our first opponents offense… That sucked… Bad… My lineman werent the best, and my lead blocker was virtually not there… I got smashed more than a few times… Oh well… We did 7 gasser after practice, I won 5 of them… We did a BIG 3 after practice for dumbshits being idiots… gotta stop…


Wednesday practice was good. Same format as tuesday…

Today we went half gear, just helmets and shoulder pads. I did good in drills, got some reps in in 7 on 7… My routes are looking great, read progessions of the defenses are good, speed is there… Now the most important part has to come in to play… the confidence in my hands… I think if that goes up, I will be a real good receiver for this football team. Confidence is SO important at this level.


Been a while since I posted… Scrimmage on Saturday vs. Chabot went well, we dominated. I think if we were to keep score, it would’ve been something like 48-7 or something in that area. Our first game of the season is on Saturday against Mendocino College in Ukiah. Lookin forward to it… Hope to see some good playin time, but we’ll see…

Weights on Tuesday:
Squats: 3x8 (245, 255, 265)
Bench Press: 4x10,8,6,3 (185,195, 205, 225)
Pull-Ups: 3x10,8,8
Chest Supported Rows: 3x12
Skull Crushers: 2x10
Hypers: 3x12
Abs: 100 reps


First official game of the season kicks off tomorrow vs. Mendocino College. We come into the season ranked 14th in the state for JC’s in CA and I believe 6th in Nor-Cal… Today just walk throughs… I got bumped up to 3rd group because of injury to one of our guys… Good for me, but too bad he got hurt, he is a playmaker. Hope I get some decent time tomorrow, our receivers rotate alot because of the offense we run (4 and 5 wide, no huddle, pass heavy offense)…

Keep it up, and just take advantage of every opportunity you get. Make sure to keep us updated on how you guys are doing…


Just got back from the game… .We won 42-7… Sounds good, but we should’ve scored about 60 points in this game… We were up 21-7 at the end of the 3rd quarter…We had so many chances in the red zone and blew it. Need to fix some little mistakes… QB went 28-42,threw for 330 yards, 3 INT, 2 TD’s, and 1 rushing TD… Back up QB went 12-19, 104 yards, 1 INT and 1 TD… 540 total offense. Our defense had 6 INT’s, and about 8 sacks… Pretty good day though. No stats for me, but I had a few plays at the end of the game…

SRJC 42, Mendocino 7

Record: 1-0


Practice went well today… Ran the scout offense vs. the Defense… I caught some good passes against them, 12 yard in route, and a nice vertical route… in 1 on 1 session vs. the DB’s, I ran a vertical route that was overthrown but I had the DB beat by at least 3 yards, and I had one of the starting corners beat pretty good on a corner route… I came off the ball, took a slide step, had him head up, hinted to the post for 3 strides and broke it clean to the corner… QB threw it too late and the corner had time to make a break on the ball and broke it up… Coach liked the route though…