WRCortese5's Training Journal


Just got out of school… Can’t wait til this shit is over, summer school is so stressful. An entire semester packed into 6 weeks… not fun. Anyways, I am going to be presenting an informative speech tomorrow on Maurice Greene. Was wondering what you all would talk about when giving an informative speech on a person? So far right now I divided it up into his early years, track career/accomplishments, and possibly current news or how he has been an inspirational figure head? Suggestions? My thesis right now is “Maurice Greene is a great sprinter”… (I had to change it to that from ‘Mo greene is one of the greatest sprinters of all time’ because that sounds a bit argumentative and almost the whole class had no idea who he is…) Anyways, any suggestions would be great. Also, have to go back to DMV today again to get a new liscense…

I HATE dealing with DMV… takes FOREVER!!

Haha yeah dmv takes forever. I have to go to summer school too its going to suck July 5th-August 15 for math 12-2 M-Th going to suck. What you in for? I think your theisis could be a little stronger or your opening hook could Their are many great sprinters that have infulence the world of track and feild today one such sprinter is world class runner Mo Greene yada yada. Yeah I had to take a writing and teacher always got at me for keeping my thesis and hook simple. Got a 90 in the class

Thanks, that does sound better… SO stressed out right now, I’m gonna flip here in a few minutes… calm… be calm… I’m so broke, runnin out of food, low on gas, no driver’s liscense, no phone, car insurance payment is coming up… fuck… this sucks…

I am a mess in football… Confused as all hell, hands not like they are usually… I want all this stress to be gone so I can relax and play like I usually do.


School, weights, position meetings…

Squats: 4x8,8,5,5 (255,255,275,275)
Bench: 4x8,8,5,5 (175, 175, 185, 185)
Chin-Ups: 3x10 @ BW

New roommate moved in today… Had to get settled in with that.


Conditioning/Speed session, lasted about an hour and 20 min. Full WU, shitload of core work, ~80 pushups, long dynamic warm-up, 4x40 yard buildups. Then sprint session:
2x80m, 2x40m. I was feeling a bit tight so I was focusing mainly on form and relaxation, probably at about 90-95%… Still ran well though. Then onto stadiums, agility ladder, and finally some bounding and plyometric stuff. Fairly tough workout. Now resting, then passing league at 6:30…

Worked Friday/Saturday… Did a quick upper workout on my 30 min. break

Bench Press: 4x8,8,5,5 (185,185, 205, 205)
Pull-Ups: 1x12, 2x10 w/ 10 lb. added

I am going to be increasing my caloric intake, I have been slacking latley. Read a bunch of artilces at john berardi.com, so I have more info on the P+C and P+F concepts for meals. Question… First meal of the day usually should be P+C, correct? If I don’t train until 3:30, should the meals after be mainly P+C… I have put somethin like this for myself… Meal1: P+C Meal 2: P+F Meal 3: P+C (workout/training here) Meal 4: P+C Meal 5: P+F(or C>?) Meal 6: P+F… Shooting for around 3500-4000 kcals…Want to gain some quality muscle this last month before August 1st when double days start…Currently at 171 lbs., want to be around 178-180… My resting metabolic rate is 2082 calories…


Good day of training. Speed workout; full warm-up, 4x20 pushups, shitload of core work (probably around 200-300 range), then 4x40 yard build-ups… Sprint workout was 4x25m, followed by stadiums and then plyometric stuff.

Later on passing league, our offense really did well today. Everyone stepped it up. I did really good today, had 5 or 6 grabs, including a couple circus catches :smiley: … Haha feels good to be back again.

love the circus catch… but BEWARE… that’s how I f-ed up my ankle originally and went from stud to slob.

Sounds beastly. keep it up!

haha yeah I know… afterwards cuz I landed a bit weird on my right knee, it was sore but its all good now. I tend to dive and like to lay out, needless to say it does impress people but time to stay safe for now; don’t want to risk anything at least before season actually starts.


Went to DMV today, took 3 hours to get my new liscense… Pain in the ass, but got it outta the way. Went to the bank, cashed some checks. Weights today:

Hang Cleans 3x5 (165)
Bench Press 5x8,8,5,5,5 (175, 175, 185, 185, 185)
Pull-Ups 1x12 (BW), 2x10 w/ 10 lb. attatched.
Reverse Leg Press 4x10 each leg
Single Leg Ham Curls 3x6 each leg

Good Session. Weighed myself today, with shoes 177.5… Not bad haha…


Speed/Conditioning… We did a shitload of stadiums today, it was nuts… 7on7 tonight, had some good catches, had a sick catch on a deep vertical route and came down hard on my right hip (I had to lay out for it)… Tried to go the next couple plays caught a ball and went to run out of the cut and hurt like hell! Little sore right now, swollen, red… Ice and advil tonight… Hope its better tomorrow. I think it is just a pretty good bruise, nothing too serious. It is very tender/sore on the bone. We’ll see how it feels tomorrow/


Did a bunch of work today at a non-profit group… Me and my friends helped load up a truck with a lot of stuff for a silent auction/fund-raiser tomorrow, gonna be a big one Im guessing. Took us about 4 hours to do everything. Pretty tired now. My hip is still pretty painful, I sneezed today and made it feel real bad, but it subsided after 10 minutes. Not as bad as yesterday but I know it’s still there.

Possible party tonight, we’ll see how things work out…


Slept in til 1:30 this afternoon… Hung out with some friends for a while… Now Im starting to research for my argumentative speech on the death penalty… Goin to take a while…

*I have a hip pointer on my right hip… Hurts pretty bad… Happened thursday night, bruising starting to show… Hurts to sneeze, cough, etc… ICE!!


School, then weights…

Flat Bench Press: 5x8,8,5,5,5 (165,165,175,185,185)
Incline Dumbbell Press: 3x8 (65 lb dumbbells)
Chin-Ups: 3x12
Seated Cable Rows: 4x10
Reverse Leg Press: 3x8 each leg
Single Leg Ham Curls: 3x8 each leg
Skull Crushers: 4x8 (75 lbs.)
Hyperextensions: 3x12 (w/ 35 lb. plate held on chest)

Creatine, Fish Oil Caps, Vit. C, ZMA, Grow!, usual sups…

Still cant squat or hang clean cuz of the damn hip pointer… Gettin better though.


Gave my speech today on the Death Penalty… went better than I thought considering I was up til 2:30 in the morning working on it…

Hip was bothering me today still. Still did the speed/conditioning workout. Tried to see how fast I could go on it and I was only able to go about 75-80% tops without feeling a slack in form or pretty good pain. Just ran real relaxed. Didnt feel much in the stadiums though.

7 on 7, still bugged me but towards the end I didnt feel much. Only time it really bugged me was when I had to cut to the right side on an out pattern… Did pretty well today though considering all that. Couple TD’s, good grabs… went well…


School, weights, position meetings.

Bench Press 5x8,8,5,5,5 (175, 175, 185, 195, 195)
Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8 (65’s, 70’s, 70’s)
Pull-Ups 3x12 BW
Chest Supported Rows 4x8
Reverse Leg Press 3x10 each leg
Single Leg Ham Curls 3x8 each leg (40 lb)
Leg Extensions 2x10
Leg Raises 3x20

Hip is getting better. Bodyweight still constant around 173-176… Feelin good.

Supplements: 5g creatine post workout, 3 scoops powdered gatorade, low carb Grow!, Fish Oil, Vitamin C/E, Multi-Vitamin


Up at 2:45 in the morning… havn’t posted in a few days, but here goes…

Thursday was an OK day at football, hip still bothered me, and felt like I re-aggravated it. I iced it when I got home and it’s finally starting to feel a bit better. Partied later that night and went to work the next morning at 9… Drove back to my parents house (hour drive from where I go to school), and my friend picked me up few hours later and went to Chico for the night. So I decided tonight to lay low key and not do anything like the last 2 nights; tomorrow I have to work, write my last speech of the summer semester (persuasive speech this time), and clean out some stuff from my room for a garage sale… Soo low on $ right now. Want to get FROST but will have to put that on hold for now… Testing 40’s on tuesday and VJ I believe on Thursday. Hoping to run in the 4.55-4.49 range… Last time we tested I ran 4.63 coming off of having mono and not working out for 2 1/2 weeks… Hopefully I can better that this time.


Bench Press 5x5,5,3,3,3 (185,185,200,200,200)
Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8 (65 dumbbells)
Towel Chins 4x10 @ BW
Bent Over Rows 3x8 (135)
Lateral Raises 3x10
Hyperextensions 3x12 w/ 35 lb. plate held to chest
Low Pulley Swiss Ball Crunches 4x12

Also tested vertical jumps today… 28 1/2 inches… Not bad… no real warm up… Did it before weights… I think I have 30"-32" potential… Tomorrow testing 40’s. Hoping for low 4.5-high 4.4 performance.


Tested for 40 yard dash today… Didn’t feel explosive… Anyways, ran 4.60 on the first one, 4.59 2nd time, and 4.60 for my 3rd run… Hip was bothering me still, but not as bad anymore… My 40 has stagnated since January at around 4.57-4.59 range… Sigh… Technique issue/start I think is my problem…

Passing league later tonight. Got a B on my last history test, and my speech yesterday on Organ Donation went very well… This is my last week of summer school, then next Tuesday are my finals and all done! can’t wait…

*Before passing league, we had to do five “Big 3’s” for a little punishment because of some of the guys being dumb and breaking one of the rules… Anyways, ONE Big 3 is: 100 yard bearcrawl, followed by 100 yard backpedal, and finally a 100 yard sprint… It was HORRIBLE… The worst were the bearcrawls… that was a total of 1500 yards of BIG 3’s… never again please… never again…


Shoulders/traps/low back sore, as well as most of the other guys from the team… Thinkin it was the bearcrawls… haha

Bench Press: 5x5,5,3,3,3 (200,200,215,215,215)
Squats: 4x5 (275,275,300,300-Last set busted 10 reps for the hell of it)
Pull-Ups: 4x10 @ BW
Lying Tricep Extensions: 4x10
Lying External Rotation/Rotator Cuff: 2x10 each arm
Hyperextensions: 3x15

Supplements: Creatine, Low Carb GROW!, Fish Oil, Multi, Vitamin C/E, Power Drive


Last night of passing league. I didn’t have a single drop. Made some good plays and catches. I was just having fun out there, I think that’s why I did so well.


Work, then total body weights.

Bench Press: 5x5,5,3,3,3 (215,215,225,225,235)
Squats: 4x5 (295,295,315,315)
Seated Cable Rows: 4x12
Tricep Pushdowns: 4x10
21’s: 3 sets
Abs: ~150 reps