WRCortese5's Training Journal

What sort of rotator cuff exercisors do you do.

I would like to know.

Internal/External rotation with light dumbbells. I do them usually lying on my side or standing up. Ever heard of the shoulder horn? I don’t even know if that thing exists anymore, but I read it’s supposed to put your arms at correct placement to do rotator cuff exercises.


Starting to feel better. Every day is progressing towards feeling ‘normal’ again. Mono really gets to you. I slept til 1:30 this afternoon, it’s 4:45 right now in the afternoon and it feels like I need to go sleep again… Fatigue is really present with this virus. I’ve been increasing my water intake, drinking gatorade, making lots of shakes, starting to gradually eat solid foods (tonsil swelling is decreasing finally), and can take down multi’s and vitamin c without cringing in pain. I also have been using 10g of glutamine, but will probably increase to about 20g to help with the immune system. Looking to return to full speed by the end of June/1st of July hopefully… Also, my bodyweight went from 172 on Monday to 164 as of yesterday… Son of a bitch! haha… I think I’ll be able to gain it back no sweat.


Almost back to normal again… Only thing that is bugging me is a little sore throat, nothin big, and more tired than usual. Taking this week off again from training just to be safe. Summer session started today, Im taking History and Speech Mon-Thurs starting from 9:45 am- 1:45 p.m.

study hard my boy…
hey good thing you save the major illness for off season.
fyi, we are beggining training for a 4x100 here in hawaii; all slightly under or at 11sec guys; Joe hasnt taken a baton handoff in over a year…
usatf with chance of air/trav assistance to Indianapolis.

just lite running intervals and some hills, will start accels and work into short to mid speed sessions asap.
he took 4 weeks off, and only grudgingly agreed to let go off round the clock “cruising” the island. guy doesnt get excited about reaching his potential :confused:

trials in 4-5 weeks… any tips for conditioning with in that time, and on the 4x100? he will be 2 or 3 position.


Starting back up w/ football tomorrow after a 2 week layoff… Blah… Already one week into summer school, 5 left… Anyways, this will be the template that I am following the rest of the summer until double-days start… ( this is our team schedule)

Monday: Weights, Position Meetings
Tuesday: Speed/Conditioning, Passing League
Wednesday: Weights, Position Meetings
Thursday: Speed/Conditioning, Passing League
Friday: Weights
Saturday: ? (Maybe tempo here?)
Sunday: Off

Any suggestions to make the best from this schedule? I know that my speed days aren’t on the days we do weights, but it’s pretty much out of my control… Thoughts?


Weights today… Felt a little tired, and I feel that I did lose some strength, but I was expecting that since I have been sick for 2 weeks… Felt a little more tired than usual, but still got some work done.

Hang Cleans- 3x5 (165- Felt harder than usual)
Bench Press- 4x12,12,8,8 (135,135,165,165- Last set was hard)
Lat Pull-Downs- 3x12 (130)
Dips- 3x12 Bodyweight
Side Raises- 2x12 w/ 15 lb. dumbbells
Bicep Curls- 3x12

5g creatine, ZMA Later, 1000mg Vitamin C, 400 I.U. Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin, GROW!..

Position meetings after weights… Now time to do homework…hooray… We are supposed to test 40’s tomorrow so I wanted to keep my legs fresh otherwise I would’ve done squats today. Not sure if we still are or not but we’ll see…


School 9-2 like always… Have a speech tomorrow to present… 4-5 minutes… Havn’t even started yet :eek: I have some work to do tonight…

Went to the track for our speed/coditioning work at 3:30…

Full warm up, 60 pushups, bunch of core work (~200 ab reps) 4x50m buildups, then: 4x60m and 4x20m, and ended with stadiums (3 sets of 3 flights… 9 flights done) Was fatigued but still kept up on all the runs… Still feel a little sluggish but I’m slowly coming back from the mono…

Now taking a break before our passing league (7-on-7) vs. some local high schools… lasts until about 8:30, then coming home and starting on my outline for my speech…

Supplements today: Creatine, Multi, Vitamin C/E, Flax Seeds, ZMA, GROW!..

Just was looking at my profile… As of today, it has been one year since I joined up at CF.com:smiley: Kinda cool…

**Also just finished preparing my speech for tomorrow… Going to be on Anti-oxidants in the diet vs. supplementation… Hope it goes well… (Now 4:30 a.m… sleeping til 11, class at 12… not good not good… )


Weights and position meetings today. I am very, very sore, but I did some microstretching tonight; felt a bit better afterwards. 40 yard dash testing tomorrow, maybe shuttle and vert too… Not sure.

Bench Press: 4x12,12,8,8 (145,145,175,175)
Pull-Ups: 3x8
Seated Cable Row: 3x10
Barbell Curls: 3x12 (50 lbs)
Rope Pushdowns: 3x12
Hyperextensions: 3x12 w/ 25 lb plate held on chest.

Wanted to keep my legs fresh… They are very sore just from the running and passing league last night… Also my right shoulder is a bit sore, came down on it last night going up for the high point on a deep ball that was underthrown… Hurt… also smacked my head pretty good hitting the ground. Shook up a bit, but Im fine now.

Creatine, ZMA, Flax Seeds, GROW!


Tested 40’s today… Wasn’t expecting a PB, with me just getting over mono, legs extremley sore still (along with the rest of my body)… almost didn’t want to test… 4.63, not my best whatever though… I’ll run low 4.5-high 4.4 when I’m 100% fresh and ready to go… No big deal… Passing league tonight, then hangin with some friends. Go back to work tomorrow morning! It’s been a while… 3 weeks about…

Damn still nice 40 time.

thanks… I’ve done better though, 4.55 handheld… My start is horrible though. We had a handful of kids run sub 4.5 yesterday it was nuts… I would say about 5 or 6 were under 4.4, 6 or 7 in the 4.4 range, handful in the 4.5 range… Not bad not bad eh?


Well the day started off well… Had a good weights session…

Warm up on stationary bike… then

Hang Cleans 3x5 (155, 155, 165)
Squats 4x12,12,8,8 (225,225,275,275)
Bench Press 4x12,12,8,8 (160, 160, 185, 185)
Pull-Ups 3x8 @ BW
Seated Cable Rows 3x12 (120)
Rope Pushdowns 3x12
Hyperextensions w/ 25 lb. plate 3x10
Abs ~100 reps

Feelin good after that, then I go out to my car that was parked in a mall parking garage… Get in, it’s a fuckin mess… What do you know, some fuckheads stole my wallet, cell phone, oakley sunglasses, and 2 sub speakers in my trunk… My car was locked and everything. But that goes to show you DON’T LEAVE ANYTHING OF VALUE IN YOUR CAR UNATTENDED… Lesson to be learned, now Im kicking myself in the ass… Hard… Had to file a police report, cancel my bank accounts, going to have to call the DMV, social security place, set up a new bank account, get a new cell phone, file a claim with the insurance company… :frowning: This day started out good and ended horribly… At least I get to hang out with this hot girl tonight…

That sucks. Well look on the bright side they left you the car. That really does suck

yeah… oh well… live and learn I guess…

Man, you sure do leave a lot of stuff in your car. The only thing I keep in my car are my sunglasses and a frisbee (so I have something to do when my car breaks down, a rather common occurrence for me). Do you know if your insurance will be covering everything yet? Oh yeah, and howd it go with that girl too :cool:

haha yeah I hardly ever leave anything in my car like that, and today I just happened to and what do you know… gets stolen…

Things went well Mister C… very well :cool:
“Heh heh… allllllright”- Quagmire


Just work today… Read alot, caught up on homework for my summer school classes…

Just heard from my man Fletcher Carlyle (CA State High Jump Champ this year) that he cleared 7’1" today at a meet for his summer track club… :eek: He would’ve qualified for the world juniors team with that mark!!


Work again… Read another 60 pages in “Warriors Don’t Cry”… Good book about the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in the 1950’s… Im halfway through in 2 days… Just finished up an outline for my informative speech due Tuesday. I am doing mine on Maurice Greene… I thought it looks decent so far, probably will revise it again before presenting on Tues.


Bench Press 4x8,8,5,5 (165, 165, 175, 175)
Pull-Ups: 3x12,10,10
Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x10
Rope Pushdowns: 3x10
Dumbbell Curls: 3x10 each arm
Back Hypers w/ 25 lb. plate: 3x12

Testing verts tomorrow…