WRCortese5's Training Journal


Spring Ball. Doin well in that. Some of the Cinco de Mayo parties got out of control, cops were called, fights, etc… I was gonna try and sleep for a couple hours cuz I had to be at work this morning at 4:45, but I ended up just staying awake. I had to work til 12:00 p.m. Lonnnnng day. I came home and fell asleep immediatley until 5:00 p.m.


Long weekend of partying, felt good to let loose a little bit and have fun. After all, I am in college haha isn’t that what it’s for? Nah but seriously, it was a good time. Kinda messed up my sleep patterns since I would come home at 4 in the morning and sleep til 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Back to normal now though. Just weights today, since I had biology tonight and couldnt go to spring practice.

-Squats 5x5,5,3,3,3 (275, 275, 295, 295, 295-Felt east)
-Bench Press 5x5,5,3,3,3 (175, 175, 185, 185, 195- Felt easier than usual)
-Lat Pulldowns 5x5 (160)

Unfortunatley that’s all I really had time for since I had to leave for position meetings.

Supplements: Powerdrive, Cytofuse, 1g Vit. C, GROW!, ZMA, 5g Creatine Monohydrate


Went to the football running workout today for the first time all year. Light stuff though cuz of Spring Ball.

-Long warm up, dynamic stuff, followed by 6-8 light 30 yard strides. Then did 4 30 yard sprints on grass in shoes. Nothin too hard. Then went to position meeting, followed by Spring Football practice. Had a good practice; thought I did better today on my releases against the press in one-on-ones, and ran some decent routes. Caught the ball well in drills, one-on-ones, 7on7…

Library tonight, have to type two summaries. Tomorrow will be Work at 9-1, weights at 3, followed by position meetings, then Spring Sports awards presentation, and last part of the day Biology Lab. School is out on the 17th… damn I can’t wait.

Supps: Grow!, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Multi-Vitamin, 5g Creatine Monohydrate, ZMA.


Soo today was a pretty fun day. Had work from 9-12, then I went to the track to run a 600m race with two of my teammates who have been calling me out all year to race them. They are distance guys (one is 800/1500, the other steeplechaser)… I take the challenge from them. Anyways, full warm-up, then proceeded to run the 600m.

My plan was to take it out and lead at around 55-56 seconds through 400m, but they had other plans. They went out faster than I thought they would, and we went through at 400m all together at 54.x seconds… Tried to pass on the outside of the last 100m, but my kick wasn’t enough to do anything on theirs. First was the 800/1500 guy at 1:26.9, second was the steeplechaser at 1:27.3, third was me at 1:28.4… Not bad for my first 600 all year with no endurance training like that under my belt haha… I was hurting pretty bad from lactic acid buildup afterwards for about 10-15 min, and my feet felt like they were on fire… Other than that, good to go…

Lat Pulldowns 5x5 (165)
Bench Press 5x5,5,3,3,3 (185, 185, 195, 195, 205)
Seated Cable Rows 4x5
Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers Superset 5x5
Dumbbell Shrugs 3x8

Spring Sports Awards dinner later, then Biology lab til 9… Now Im home… . Long day…


Last day of Spring Practice. We had a blue vs. red scrimmage, it was really fun. I got alot of playing time on my team (blue), and I had a TD on a diving grab on an in route in the end zone. Starting to get hot out now…


Only got about 5 hours sleep last night, went to bed at like 5:30 this morning, damn people wouldn’t leave my apt. Worked out later, mainly upper body lifts since my legs have been fatigued alot this week from the spring practices and that 600 I ran the other day.


Worked 9-1 this morning, then I had my biology final at 5:30. Glad that’s out of the way. Then, I went to the gym to test my lifts for football. Mainly upper session:

Bench Press: 205x10 reps (New PB)
Lat Pulldowns: 180x8 reps (New PB)

Im not gonna write down the other lifts, since they were the supplemental ones. I have Squats and Hang cleans left as my “big” lifts to test.

3rd week in taking creatine (5g/day).


Tested squats last night. Warm-up went:

95 lbs.x 8
135x 6
225x 5

Tested: 345x5 (Comes out to ~400 on a conversion chart) Not bad at 170 lbs. bodyweight eh?

Also did hang cleans : 185x7 reps… Eh… could be better, I havn’t been doing them latley.

Also did 4x6 of SLDL (95, 115, 135, 135)… Going to rest the remainder of this week, then resume training next week.

Im baaack…


After a much needed break from training, I started back up again today. It has been very hot latley, and that kind of made my running workout a bit miserable towards the end. I am going to be working on acceleration a lot since that is what football speed is mostly about. I am following a M-W-F Lifting routine, with sprinting on Mondays and Fridays, Tempo tuesday/Saturday, and a light routes on wednesday, with Thursday completley off. This week is a little modified, but next week will be normal.

Full warm up (didn’t take much, I was sweating my ass off after my 800m jog and 4x100m strides). Went ahead and did 4x20m, 4x30m, and 1x40m all from a 3-point stance. Felt fairly quick, no time on these since I was running by myself unfortunatley. Felt very tired afterwards, mainly because of the sun Im thinking.

Weights afterwards:
Bench Press (4x12,12,8,8)- 145, 145, 175, 175
Chin-Ups (3x12,10,8 @ BW)
Squats (4x12,12,8,8)- 195, 195, 235, 235
SLDL (4x6)- 95, 95, 105, 115
Hyperextensions (3x12)
120 total ab reps

Feeling good, have a re-newed passion/motivation to get better. I want to tear this football season up!


Wow, pretty damn sore today. 12x120 yards tempo runs today, all around 17.0-18.0 (had to use timer on my watch). Contrast shower after 3 minutes hot-1 minute coldx2 cycles. Stretched a lot later.

-My gloves came today, Cutters Original Receiver in Gray… I love these gloves.


Muscle soreness isn’t as bad yesterday, almost non existent except in my hamstrings and abs still for the most part… Got a solid 10 hours sleep last night, felt great. Went and saw the Longest Yard today, that movie is fuckin funny as hell…


Just weights today… Pissed I couldnt get my sprint workout in… Will make up for it on Thursday.

Hang Cleans: 3x5 (170 lbs.)
Squats: 4x12,12,8,8 (215, 215, 255, 255)
Bench Press: 4x12,12,8,8 (160, 160, 185, 185)
Pull-Ups: 3x10 @ BW
Single Leg Ham Curls: 3x12 (50 lbs.)
Hyperextensions: 3x12
Ab-wheel 5x10 reps (this thing is pretty tough suprisingly)


Tempo runs today, 10x110 yards. Not as sore like last week, good sign :smiley: Contrast shower when I got home, 2 sessions of 3 min. hot/1 min. cold, starting and ending with cold.


Short sprint workout today. Acceleration work; 4x20m, 3x30m, 2x40m @ max effort. I’m feeling a little stronger coming out on my first step and that’s a good sign. Went to go to the weight room at my old high school and it was closed :mad: … Oh well, I have to get ready to go to my sister’s graduation tonight anyways… Guess I will do weights tomorrow (higher reps-light intensity), then I am making a trip to the CIF State Trials in Sacramento. Should be fun!


Felt tired, sluggish today. Probably because I slept in til 12:30 :smiley:

Bench: 4x12,12,8,8 (145,145,175,175)
Chin Ups: 3x10
Rotator Cuff Work
130 Ab Reps
3x12 Hyperextensions

That was all. Wasn’t feelin anything else today.


Not much of anything today… Been playing the Star Wars Episode III game for PS2, kinda addicting… We had my sister’s graduation party tonight… Just found out my friend Fletcher Carlyle from my old high school (Vintage) is the 2005 CIF State Champion in the High Jump; he won it at 6’9" (PR is 6’10")… And we had a girl place 5th in the finals of the 800m with a time of 2:12.46 (Lea Wallace, only a junior)… Not a bad showing for us!


Whole lot of nothing today… I have been feeling ill these past few days and last night was by far the peak … I woke up every 2 hours, throat was on fire, tossed and turned all night… My tonsils are so swollen it makes it hard to swallow and it is very painful. Went to the doc today, find out I have strep throat. Greaaaat… At least I’m on anti-biotics now, hopefully this will go away quickly.

Ouch, that sounds like no fun. Take it easy and come back well-rested.

I seriously am going to flip if I don’t get a solid hour of sleep… This strep throat has kept me up for 2 nights, it’s 4 in the morning and I havn’t been able to fall asleep… My tonsils are so swollen that I can barley even talk… This is a great way to start summer.

well wellll … 6/8/05

Havn’t gotten any better even with taking anti-biotics… I went back to see the doctor today and he thought that I should see a specialist for ears/nose/throat. Went there, she sent me to get blood work done because of fear I might have Mononucleosis… Fuckin perfect timing. She thinks I have really bad accute tonsilitis, but just to make sure I had blood work done. I really hope it isn’t mono… Lost 4 pounds since Monday. :frowning:


Just found out I do have Mono … :mad: Post more later.