Ok, with the help of several people here and other places, ive tried making a routine for after football. It is a 10 week long routine, just to get my sprint training rolling off to a good start.
The set up will be like this:
Sunday: Off/Tempo
Monday: Acceleration development + Plyos + Weights
Tuesday: Off/Tempo
Wednesday: Speed Endurance + Weights
Thursday: Off/Tempo
Friday: Max Velocity + Plyos + Weights
Saturday: Off/Tempo
For the sprinting days, it will just be my own variation of ideas, like for acceleration for example 6x20 and 4x40, and try to progress overtime(any ideas on how to do that?). On the days im doing plyos, they will come after sprints. And after the sprinting (and plyos), after a good amount of rest time, i will work out with the weights, in a specified routine that i shall attach to this post. I am going into football season soon, and i am going to consider that my GPP work and main acceleration pre-100m training work. Anyways, that is all i guess.
A few notes about the weight routine i am enclosing. Weeks 1,3,5,7,9 are lighter, explosive strength weeks. Weeks 2,4,6,8,10 are heavier, limit strength weeks. I will change the assistance work often based on the guidelines. Be sure to check out the notes too! EDIT—Incase you guys dont understand, only weeks 1 and 2 are shown, but that is the general template for all 10 weeks, and i will be switching up the main lifts and assistance lifts based on the guidelines and notes.
Tell me what you think, i need all the help i can get!
Here it is…i cant attach it, so i copied a link to it: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=3702161
Oh, can anyone help me out with how to periodize my sprinting workouts? Thats a huge problem for me to grasp. Thanks