Wind Assisted Training

During my speed session on Friday there was a gale blowing allowing me to do some wind assisted work.

What quidelines should be followed when doing this sort of training (volume, recovery etc).

I assume that due to the higher speed you’re putting a much higher stress on the CNS

would that do the same as towing?

Towing is completely different. More time on the ground, further ahead of dead center on ground contact, well you know the rest.
Charlie care to chime in?

Dan Fichter

you covered it… same goes for downhill running if the slope is too great. Another thing covered in detail in the new ebook!

But now back to the other question… Running with the wind at your back,does that put higher stress on your CNS since your moving faster? Lets assume its a real windy day.

I think the CNS will not be overloaded from the additonal speed (if it is nothing significant) but the motor engram would be enhanced.

The additional speed from the wind should be tolerable from a CNSperspective, but make sure you’re completely loose and warmed up, as a strong tailwind will lengthen your stride. If you have any tightness, run into the wind, as this will shorten the stride for safety.
Never use towing for top speed work as it alters your mechanics and increases ground contact time- the opposite of what you want.

This may seem very silly but here it goes. Has anyone thought to invent or use some type of giant fan that created a substantial wind for this type of “overspeed” training?

Their is one in Santa Fe. It’s underground next to the pit. The lobos don’t use it because the IAAF took the turbines out.