Why does Mike Dwyer have his sprinters do weights before the sprints?

Hey guys

Just wondering why Mike Dwyer up here in Canada has his sprinters do weights before the actual sprint practice?

What is the purpose behind this?

To get the CNS firing quickly before hitting the track.

Everytime I would see Mike @ York while I was training and he was still competing, I used to always be amazed how big this guys quads were. I mean huge!

Who is Mike Dwyer?

I don’t like weight training then sprinting. You never get enough range during the sprint. Your muscles become too bulky! Plus they are fatigued. So whats the use after all. It would all be endurance work after all!

apparently HSI members also do their weight training prior to lifting, so i guess there has to be a big reason behind it

apparently HSI members also do their weight training prior to lifting, so i guess there has to be a big reason behind it

as far as i know they performed weights after track.while doing the doc for eurosport last summer this was the case.prior track.

Just wondering why Mike Dwyer up here in Canada has his sprinters do weights before the actual sprint practice?

i’d like him to state his case as he may have better knowledge than myself but personally i think the risk of injury would be much greater.it also depends on what intensity and duration.can you post an example workout so i can take a look.

as sprinters i think the main event must come first.

How much time is there between their weight training and sprinting!?

Always do the highest priority work first after the warm-up. that way, if something has to be dropped due to fatigue etc it will be something of less consequence.

I do same…mind you i only do weight 2-3 times a week and run 5 times. Coach gets me to do more of a tempo session after to remind my legs(cns) of what they should be doing.

Anyway, does this coach get his sprinters to do speed work or tempo after weights? and is weights always followed by track?

just interested thats all

He was a nationally competitive hurlder.

any information on the actual training protocol?
Even here in italy, weights are often used before track W.o…

He was primarily a 100m man and ran on the 4x100m at the WCs in Rome

Ahh, I didn’t know that. If memory servers me right, it was Ben, Desai, Atlee who were the other runners, yes?

And now he is a coach I suppose, upthere in canada???And Charlie, maybe you answered this question before, but why do you think now In canada there are no more international class sprinters??Just e generational gap, lack of proper coaching, federation policies or what else??