Who is fastest- oly lifters who don't sprint or sprinters who don't lift?

Chambers’ results wasn’t good
If your split time at 60 m was 6"41 with a 50-60 m split in 0"84 and the time at finish line was 9"97… i think there are some problems!

and, how ddi he improve since sevilla when he was 21 years old? 3 hundredth (ok, he ran 9"87 but with a wind of 2 m/s while in Munich the wind wasn’t good)?


Carl Lewis never touched weights until late 90’s? :smiley:
Same when Lewis says he never stretched during warm-up before a race. That’s completely untrue, i have video showing him stretching in Helsinki’83 and Rome’87.
Don’t believe all those myths, soon the legend will say that Lewis trained twice a week…


1.Wil do, I’ll see if I can find anything

2.Yes thats true, the added mass is is non functional, but even before he was still very large by sprinters standards(i know there is no cookie cutter mold, but he was still very large) suggesting as you said added mass works for some(him to an extent, which he passed), and not for others.


1.I think what you have shown is his power and acc., but nonfunctional mass slowing him down towards the end of races when his endurance cannot carry the load.

  1. He must find the compromise of what his greatest bodyweight is that improves his power to bodyweight ratio the greatest, in my opinion he had it before but now has passed it on the bodyweight side.

Ok ok, but here’s a question.

  1. Don’t you guys think that in a 50-55m race the weightlifter would be very close(assuming hes been performing a good amount of RFD exercises in conjunction with his limit strength exercises) because of the supierior acc., the weightlifter would only have to hold on for 10-20m at most.

  2. And also what if the wieghtlifter knew how to go through the acc phase the correct way(I think its supposed to stretch out 60m), would that make a diff?

  3. How important would diff between the two’s split times in the first 30-40m be important in the short race?

I remember seeing that on the old forum but that is gone now. I, and I’m guessing a lot of other people as well, would love to see the information about SMTC so if you have time to start a thread it would be much appreciated.

The reason why “A few” world class Olympic lifters have good speed is because they were gentically gifted with speed in the first place. Not all Oly lifters are quick. When I mean quick, I mean, Yeah! there quick, but there not lightning and all the oly lifting in the world ain’t gonna make them run like lightning.

  1. Do you not think he could have maybe benefieted though? And also look at Carl Lewis, he was a very muscularly developed guy. All Im saying is someone can reach their power to weight potential better with weights, yes kim collins does well, but adding functional muscle mass couldnt hurt…

Benefitted???.. He just won Gold at the World Championships and guys like Dwain Chambers got found out. Why strain like an idiot in the gym, when guys like Collins and Lewis are schooling guys without lifting weights. Collins is world champ, why the hell would he want to squat 800lbs like Dwain Chambers???.. To finish 4th???..

  1. do you know anything about Carl Lewis’ training or Kim Collins training?

Well apart from having the genetics only 1 in 3 billion people are genetically gifted with, he throws in Plyo’s and plenty of strength endurance without the added mass. You have to ask yourself, have I got the genetics.

  1. If it works for weightlifters, why not sprinters?

Apples & Oranges, If you want to be a weightlifter, you’ll be good a lifting weights, if you want to be a sprinter, you’ll be a good sprinter.

why change something if its working!!!

my question is,why did he change when things were going in the correct direction.maybe if he stayed with mcfarlane he could not be faster but more consistant in the 9.9 range.do you understand???

Bump, Bump, Bump. Like I said, Why would someone want to lift inhuman weights if there already at the top of the class.

you say KC should add on “functional muscle mass”,all i can say is dwain chambers.he ran 9.8 under the guidance of mike mcfarlane and then changed to remi,gained considerable muscle mass and the end result is a slow season.

This is the statement that opitimises what I always have believed in. Doing weights will one day turn against you in the bodyweight-power ratio deptpartment and thus you’ll get slower & slower. I have always belived that. That is not just in terms of endurance which in the end there is no coming back from, but sprinting too.

My training for soccer is always based around increasing strength & power without the weight gain of muscle. I believe Kim Collins has that way of thinking too, Dwain Chambers take note.

Dwain Chambers was always very muscular but this season he was huge.on this forum we all debated whether it would be good or bad,the results speak for themselves.

Bump, Bump, Bump, Bump… Go back to my last pargraph. In the end, it was so bad he came away from the games without a medal.

weight lifting is a general training element in 95% of sprinters but there will always be the remaining 5% replacing that stimulus with other methods.

Mainly genetics.

Chambers’ results wasn’t good
If your split time at 60 m was 6"41 with a 50-60 m split in 0"84 and the time at finish line was 9"97… i think there are some problems!

Again, could be a power-bodyweight ratio deficiency.

1.I think what you have shown is his power and acc., but nonfunctional mass slowing him down towards the end of races when his endurance cannot carry the load.

Not just endurance. His power wasn’t on the same par with his added bodyweight.

Ok ok, but here’s a question.

  1. Don’t you guys think that in a 50-55m race the weightlifter would be very close(assuming hes been performing a good amount of RFD exercises in conjunction with his limit strength exercises) because of the supierior acc., the weightlifter would only have to hold on for 10-20m at most.

  2. And also what if the wieghtlifter knew how to go through the acc phase the correct way(I think its supposed to stretch out 60m), would that make a diff?

Boy you sure like your weights, Is it a testosterone thing, you gotto look good for the girls right on a friday night???.. :wink:

Look, Not in a million years is a olympic weightlifter who lifts weights for a living ever going to beat a sprinter with good genetics. Never, Never, not in a million years. Take the fastest olympic lifter out of there gym, put them up against an out of form Tim Montgomery and there still going to get blown away.

What is the point of a weightlifter being able to keep up with a world class sprinter from 0-50m (I’m being nice) if there not going to get to the top, Its like being a golfer and playing on the circuit every week, “Ohhh, I will be happy coming in 68th place every week for the rest of my life”.

It just comes down to volume of training and recovery. If somebody is inspired by the Oly lifters then they’ve got to find a way to make sure they are not over-compramising.
Obviously if they copied an intermediate leval Bulgarian program or took drugs and did the advanced volume then they wouldn’t have enough time or energy for speed endurance or much peak velocity work.

The HSI club do a big volume of weights but they have to drop their weight training in the season so they have enough energy to fly.
Ben Johnson and coach found a way to have a low volume (36 reps a weak of squats at the most, no cleans, his other sprinters doing 24 reps
a weak of squats and 12 toatal reps a weak of oly lifts. Throw in a few reverse hypers etc, and that was that.)
Now ben’s strength was comparable to world class oly lifters of similar weight, even though they would have been shorter than him! )

Remnember that the reason Oly lifters do such a high volume is primarily becuase they have differant technical lifts to perfect.

Just take a dam good exercise (not even neccesarily the barbell squat, throw in the best auxilary exercises to assist your main exercise, do the right volume, eat buckets of protein powder with glucose and away you go. You should still have the time for all the neccesary sprint work.

  1. Yeh, they are lightening quick, great acc over 30-40m would qualify as lightening quick

  2. Like I said, yeh he won but in the slowest time ever and almost got chased down by a much more muscular Darrel Brown, good man to prove your point though winning the worlds in 10.11…

  3. Hmmm I didnt ask you this and its more than likely you havent a clue so please dont try and answer

  4. I’m saying using the two in conjunctions with each other would be best. If you train for power functional mass will be added by itself, and it will stop when at the point where it is no longer functional because you are training for functionality.

  5. Who said Collin’s didnt lift? I could be wrong and he is already where his max power to weight ratio is highest from functional training. Its different for everyone

  6. Yeh because they have turned agains the fastest sprinters of all time right?(Mo Green, Donovan Bailey, Tim Montgomery, Ato Boldon, Ben Johnson, the list goes on and on and on).

  7. Like I said above, Chambers was already a rather large sprinter(195 i believe) and now that hes in the 205-215 range its too much. Wow you made an actual good point.

  8. The talent factor, they already start out with a good base but use training to vastly improve upon it.

  9. Said that, but hey thats amazing acc. so like I said its more than likely an issue down the stretch with the little bit of extra non functional body mass ans SE

  10. How about I play football, you know the real kind, and it tends to be a good thing when you find a tool that makes one faster and bigger so I utilize both. I lift and I run, I get the best of both worlds. I lift for function, not body build, so no. Weights can’t be that bad, John Smith, Charlie Francis don’t think so and their stable of sprinters and their times seem to far surpass those of others, making their advise a lot better than yours. They advocate functional weight training as it does help with speed.

  11. Weightlifters lift, they dont care about 100m sprint times, and in terms of pure acc they beat sprinters. It was just an idea that since acc is the weak point of a sprinting why not lift like those with incredible acc. in conjunction with the sprint training forming a hybird that would only help.

Gee you like being slow and acting like what you do is right dont you? Its gotten you pretty far hasnt it…a no name telling others how and what to do…


Thank you, thats what I have been trying to say, lift similar, but adjuct volume and fequency accordingly to go with sprint training in order to get optimum results. Top speed and speed endurance are not the limiting factors in humans running faster, its their acc. so why not do something to improve it.

Just as a side note I found this on my computer…

If you watched Lance Armstrong win this years Tour, then you witnessed explosive power as he dispatched the best climbers in the world day after day. Lance’s power to weight ratio is higher than the other athletes.

This certainly applies to Kim Collins and how he despatched all the other guys in Paris.

Yes it is high for a distance event, but for 10 sec or momentary it doesnt even compare to that of an oly lifter or sprinter so dont even try to justify that. It has been shown several times that the second pull of an oly lift has the highest wattage of any sports movement.

  1. Yeh, they are lightening quick, great acc over 30-40m would qualify as lightening quick…

They have to be lightning quick over 100m, Like I said, competing upto 40m doesn’t even make the grade of lacing Kim Collins’s sprint shoes. If they can’t hack it after 40m of racing then they should get out of the kitchen.

  1. Like I said, yeh he won but in the slowest time ever and almost got chased down by a much more muscular Darrel Brown, good man to prove your point though winning the worlds in 10.11…

“The more muscular oly lifting, squatting, weight lifting Darrel Brown came 2nd to, I don’t lift weights, I’m 10 stone Kim Collins”.

The time was irrelevant, he won gold and beat what got put in front of him. It may have been a slow time, but it was the fastest time. And if it was a slow time, what does that say about his competetion.

  1. I’m saying using the two in conjunctions with each other would be best. If you train for power functional mass will be added by itself, and it will stop when at the point where it is no longer functional because you are training for functionality.

Huh, who was the most powerful guy in Paris???.. Kim Collins. I don’t see any added mass on him and he trains for power.

  1. Who said Collin’s didnt lift? I could be wrong and he is already where his max power to weight ratio is highest from functional training. Its different for everyone

Your wrong, he doesn’t lift. He said it at his post press conference after the 100m finals in Paris. And if you don’t believe that, open your eyes and look at the guy’s physique. I know some guys don’t respond to weight training but that’s silly.

  1. Yeh because they have turned agains the fastest sprinters of all time right?(Mo Green, Donovan Bailey, Tim Montgomery, Ato Boldon, Ben Johnson, the list goes on and on and on).

What did Mo Green, Tim Montgomery & Ato Boldon do at the World Championships again???.. Oh yeah, nothing…

  1. Like I said above, Chambers was already a rather large sprinter(195 i believe) and now that hes in the 205-215 range its too much. Wow you made an actual good point.

Well Thankyou… Regardless of how large he was, you don’t get the psychique of a bodybuilder taking a picnic.

  1. The talent factor, they already start out with a good base but use training to vastly improve upon it.

Seems to me, people use training to excessively. And excess can lead to a persons downfall.

  1. How about I play football, you know the real kind, and it tends to be a good thing when you find a tool that makes one faster and bigger so I utilize both. I lift and I run, I get the best of both worlds. I lift for function, not body build, so no. Weights can’t be that bad, John Smith, Charlie Francis don’t think so and their stable of sprinters and their times seem to far surpass those of others, making their advise a lot better than yours. They advocate functional weight training as it does help with speed.

Some people may disagree, including the world’s No.1 sprinter, Kim Collins. Carl Lewis may have an argument for you as well…

  1. Weightlifters lift, they dont care about 100m sprint times, and in terms of pure acc they beat sprinters. It was just an idea that since acc is the weak point of a sprinting why not lift like those with incredible acc. in conjunction with the sprint training forming a hybird that would only help.

On the basis the weightlifters parents blessed them with good genetics for speed, then they will be quick.

Gee you like being slow and acting like what you do is right dont you? Its gotten you pretty far hasnt it…a no name telling others how and what to do…

Well its gotten me to the point of being payed playing the sport I love. That is enough for me.

i’ll post a thread the UH/smtc progammes later so all can see the incline/decline workouts tapered throughtout the season so stayed tuned

Darrel Brown is 18, hes got a ways to go as far as his potential. How many gold medals and world championships does Collins have? So your saying Kim Collins is supierior to those sprinters? Hes not even close, let him win 5 worlds, gold medals, set world records, run 6 of the top ten times ever, then you can say hes something. Yeh and who did Carl Lewis lose too, Weightlifting Ben Johnson who eased up in the last 10m. Really I dont know why Im arguing with you, no matter what scientific and applied proof is presented your still sticking with your way. Go ahead make you 200 dollars a week, stay with your ways, tell the people who have put certain methods into practice and found they are the best that they are wrong. Oh yeh and quick refers to acc, not top speed nor speed endurance, so its kinda hard to be quick over 100m unless you can acc for that distance…

Thanks x-man

I wouldn’t be sensing any beef between us would I numba :smiley: .

I’m saying Kim Collins was superior to the other athletes when it mattered when it was his time to shine.

Yeh and who did Carl Lewis lose too, Weightlifting Ben Johnson who eased up in the last 10m.

Weightlifting Ben Johnson, love it… :smiley:

so its kinda hard to be quick over 100m unless you can acc for that distance…

What 40m???.. That is not the problem for an oly lifter, its the last part of the race he has to worry about when he’s left looking at a sprinters rump.

The note says climbers. Climbing is normally done uphill. Of course when gravity comes into play as strong as it does when you are pedaling up the side of a mountain, the power to weight ratio becomes more important.

Yeh, the last part has to do with speed/special endurance, the first 60m acc, and for about 20m top speed, so theres a diff, one may hav great acc and top speed but poor special/ speed endurance sop there is a diff. Why beef? No beef especially when I’m right.

The difference b/w sprinters and lifters is mainly top speed, not just speed endurance. A lifter couldn’t even dream of reaching the speeds an elite sprinter reaches. Anything after 20m the sprinter would dominate. There’s no guarantee that lifting will result in a better acceleration, for most it probably will but there are some in which it would be detrimental to lift weights. You also have sprinters like Ben Johnson, Maurice Greene, Bruny Surin… who have tremendous starts and I know of no lifter that could even keep up with their starts.

  1. I understand, but I was inquiring about the acc. phase(isnt it up to 60m?) so why couldnt they be competitive up to say 50-55m as that is still the acc phase, and possible ahead or tied with up to 30-40m?

  2. And also what Im saying is weight training is a very beneficial tool is it not?

  3. With the best starters you generally see weight training(not to say they genetically didnt have this ability, but it was improved upon with weights).