Which ZMA should I get?

Hey Guys,
Just curious, Dr. Victor Conte, is he and M.D., Ph.D., D.C. or N.D.??

Do stores exist that sell snac ZMA. I can’t oder it over the phone or online, I CAN’T.

Give someone you trust the cash and have them order it with your money…this could be a friends mom. :mad:

I told my Dad I would be able to sleep better if I took Zma thus being able to study more. So my Dad is going to buy it for me but he is still cautious because of the whole Zinc having a negative effect on alzheimers patients thing.

Tell your dad to ask his physician.
SNAC products can be found only from SNAC direct.

My Dad is a physician, he is an optimalogist.

Have decided to try ZMA and after reviewing the info on this site I still have 2 questions:

  1. Is it better to take everyday, or could it only be used on training days with similar results?

  2. I work at 8:30AM. If I know I can only be asleep for less than 7 hours should I still take? The threads refer to groggyness but how pronounced might I expect? Anyone have any bad experience with ZMA vs. The Office?



Would it be ok for female college athletes to take ZMA? (test levels will rise??)bad?

I read a report a month ago done by an independent company looking at Tribulus and ZMA. The company which came out top for there ZMA was Reflex Nutrition. link: http://www.monstersupplements.com/reflex.htm

Anyone got any opinions either way about Reflex nutrition products in general???

You would be better of thinking of it as stopping test levels falling rather than making them rise, which is how you should be thinking of supplements anyway. Even then, I am not that sure how effective ZMA is over a quality magnesium supplement for females anyway.

good point! im going to start another thread and include both our comments.

whats the point in taking ZMA, if you take a multi-vitm which has Zinc, Vit B12 IN.

The magnesium (M) will help you sleep. Zinc could help boost test in the zinc-deficient. Other than that maybe because it’s cheap?

This whole “ZMA conspiracy” is just a spinoff of one of Victor Conte’s brilliant marketing schemes. Do you really think there’s something that special about the minerals zinc & magnesium??? Probably not. Deficiencies in any vitamins or minerals will have a negative affect on the body. Don’t buy into the hype. If you have any knowledge about BALCO you will know what I’m talking about. Give the book “A Game of Shadows” a read.

I know the section you’re referring to … the number of subjects who completed the study.

listen i don’t want a link to a article.

Is ZMA, worth while if i take a multi-vit with Zinc Magnessium and Vit-b12 in, is it still usefull after training before bed.

Probably not really. You could just take another multi-vit before bed. The timing (bedtime) of the zinc/mag is of some importance.

I’m sure others’ opinions may differ.

Could be due to the fact that other vitamins and minerals in a multi may compete with one another with absorption rates, etc… Could be wrong though.

Plus, you’re getting way more Zinc and Magnesium from ZMA than any multi would give you.

Then again, many have stated that if your diet is optimal, additional zinc and magnesium may not be necessary if you’re already getting plenty from your food.

I personally like ZMA and have used it for a few years. From my experiences, at the least I feel the sleep quality is much better if anything.

The best ZMA by far is one that has the SNAC stamp of approval. One such product is TwinLab ZMA. I’m having the best sleep of my life while using this ZMA. By far the best.