When to do Plyos/Weights?

Hi all,
Just unsure when to do plyos and weights in conjunction to Speed work.

  1. When to do plyos. Only on pure speed days ie not on speed endurace days?
    2.Weight after speed, however how soon after is OK?
    Thanks inadvance for your advice folks.

if you have the time you could follow our method: we do our speed or agility in the AM then take sometime off then come back in the PM and do our explosive strength training. if u dont have time to follow this method i find that its better to do speed and go stright to the weightroom, i just feel warm and more explosive.

For a single session the order could be: plyos (before any session changing the exes though), track session, weights.

If you can do a split session, I would try and avoid any speed work in the morning.

Hope this helps!

never do plyos before speedwork…

the reason being?


I would actually do the following in this order

drills and light plyos
full plyos

I wouldn’t do a full 90-100 contact plyo session before speed or you’ll be cooked. Incorporating light plyos in the warmup and then after speed is pretty safe though :slight_smile:

sorry if that was the confusion; yes, light plyos is my suggestion; afterwards you can do whatever you want -and can… :slight_smile:

I have always looked at MB and Plyos as the link between the speed and strength sessions. I would do weights, mb/plyos and then speed on acceleration emphasis day. Then speed, mb/plyos and weights on top speed emphasis day.

I usually do plyos/jumps on the same day as speed, but only after I’ve completed my sprinting reps. I’m beginning to wonder if plyos are just a bunch of hype. I haven’t noticed any improvement at all in my sprinting even though I do plyos and ALL of my weightlifing numbers are going up.

i like that setup…

Heatwave keep those plyos in the program as I feel this will convert the strength to speed

Depends on the level of the sprinter. this sort of set up could help a beginner to mid level sprinter by "priming the action’. For the top sprinter, plyos beforehand could conflict with the performance, BUT, the higher performance level (height of the stimulus) changes the stimulus carryover time from each activity (the amplitude affects the period), progressively moving it from minutes to hours, and, eventually, days, so you still get the priming effect even though the action is far removed.

i am still unsure about the initial question and its answer.

i am still in a gpp phase and my program is pretty mch exactly as on the gpp dvd.
so at the moment my week is pretty much:
monday - hills
tues - tempo, med ball accels, weights - jump squat, PC, 1 leg squat followed by depth jump, pullups, 1 leg sldl, pushpress followed by clap pushup.
wed - hills
thurs - tempo, med ball throws, weights
fri - hills
sat - tempo, med ball accels, weights
sun - off or swimming

now because of a crazy load in work i cant really get all these sessions in so i might miss a session here and there but its pretty much following that structure.

so the plyo’s that i do come under the med ball accels - single squat jump and throw, double squat jump and throw.
now i also got an idea from poliquin to do jump squats before cleans and from a sports science friend to follow a resistance exercise like 1 leg squat (or push press) with a plyometric exercise like depth jump or clap pushup.

so in my program i have medball accels, jump squats, depth jump and clap pushups as my plyometric exercises. Im going to start adding stadium steps (is this plyometric?) but what day should this be added. i also like box jump, bounding, hurdle hops but again when should i add these??

basically im still very much a beginner. i know what is good and bad in terms of exercise’s but tying it all together in a program so i dont burn myself out and get the best out of each workout is a big problem.

Charlie,sorry can you expand a little on this.
At the same time i think i didn’t get (my english is far from being perfect) the meaning.

If I may, I would suggest you stick with the basics -as described in the DVD, as you say and have seen. After you are comfortable and fully adapted to all its elements (and they don’t have to be introduced all at the same time), you can add something you regard as potentially helpful, but one at a time -and again, if needed! (especially because some consistency due to lifestyle may be lacking).
Otherwise, how would you possibly have a rough idea of what has worked and what hasn’t?
Hope it helps!

When a sprinter is very high level, he/she has a very high percentage of white fibre, which can be fatigued if too much is done before sprinting, but the concept of stimulus beforehand still holds because the power the high level sprinter can put out keeps the stimulus effect going for days and not hours. So, the plyos/weights done AFTER the previous speed session stimulate the next speed session two days later.

So, what do you think about following idea:

Split program1:

warm up, speed/tempos and after that 45min weight for upper or on other days for lower body.

Split program2:
weights and then tempos or plyos to “realize” the strength to your running.

I think plyos are done after weights, but as i can read here weights are done after speed work?!
BUT: do you think it is better do do 2 sessions on 2 days or to do split programs(weights: upper and lower body splitted over 2 days), where you can go 2 times on track after or before weight workouts?

i do my plyp’s after speed work, basically just jumps, either up, flat or down depending on which phase im in.

but would adding a couple of plyo’s after tempo work be of any help, i do med ball throws and multi jumps on tempo days, but would doing some other jumps either depth or sticking help??
obviously i would be keeping the volume low like even just 2 - 10 jumps.

what do you think???

What purpose would they serve on a low intensity/recovery day when you are already doing them on a high intensity day?

The medball and multi-jump work is probably more than enough to get the stimulus. I like to use big multi-joint throws in very low volume (<10) on recovery days (OHB) just to help reset the nervous system, but that’s about it.

i was thinking of adding them because i have a problem with my elastic energy(foot contact) and im not sure if i need to do more plyo’s to help this. i dont do any bounding, would bounding help???