Do you guys think that this is a good way of strenghtening your core?
I just started using it, but I wanna be sure before I go in too deep into using it.
Do you guys think that this is a good way of strenghtening your core?
I just started using it, but I wanna be sure before I go in too deep into using it.
yes, i like it
i agree. i have a similar one.
just to add if you want to save lil cash just use a 45lb weight bar or ez curl bar with 25lb plates.
I bought my wheel for just over $10 so they’re pretty cheap.
They are a great addition to doing regular situps etc.
One of my favorite variations is rolling out onto your knees and coming down to where you’re just feeling like you’re gonna start to drop, go out another inch, hold then roll in slow.
All I can say is…RIIIIIPPPPP in the Abs. Great for your chest and arms as well.
i know they are cheap but some people may not have 9.50 to spend on a wheel.
Try a roll-out from standing. I can roll-out but cant hold it, then I collapse! It puts real tension on the abs, and seems to affect my lower abs more.
Any body who can do a standing roll-out, and roll back up is V strong in the mid-section
check out his videos. you will see some weighted standing rollouts, one-handed standing roll outs… crazy core strength
like the site some good tempo alt
When I was younger and learning more with training, I always thought ab wheels were some useless invention. Then I checked out EliteFTS exercise index videos and saw Jim Wendler suggesting them. It was pretty funny too, he did one standing roll out…he’s a very big man BTW.
You could also do jacknife pushups (no wheel needed), but it would only be an isometric contaction of the core. You can vary the intensity by placement of the arms and legs.
You could also do jacknife pushups (no wheel needed), but it would only be an isometric contaction of the core. You can vary the intensity by placement of the arms and legs.