What to buy

I just ordered the two seminar videos. Should I still order the book or will i have everything covered in the videos?

I would get the ebooks anyway…they give you the skeleton while the videos flesh out the content.

iight i was going to order it anyways i’m just waiting until i get the money

The videos should give you plenty to mull over for quite a while. You probably won’t begin to absorb everything until the third viewing.

You won’t be disappointed. It’s one of the best investments you can make. You will also get a lot more out of the forum after watching the videos because they give you an overall integrated understanding of the training process. I just wish the third and fourth volumes were ready.

I’d get the books first - they’d definately preapare you to get more out of the vids

any idea how long it should take for me to get my order if I live in the US?

the books are almost immediate - u download em
as for vids - ask rupert