Welcome to GPP Essentials


GPP is regarded as one of the finest training products on the market for GPP. It uses a systematic approach to training, taking the viewer through numerous prepratory routines and is packed with material on how to properly execute your GPP phase.

We hope you find this thread enjoyable and we look forward to receiving your posts/ideas on GPP here in this thread.



I remember on the DVD that Charlie said that core work with the med ball is more intense than the 30 sec on 30 sec off ab routine. My question was can an athlete skip the abs and just do the med balls for core?


I’d turn the question around the other way. in other words, look for the lowest CNS stress to do every job as you will need all the CNS resources you can muster for the advancement of Speed and Strength.

I enjoyed the GPP DVD, I still have knee problems, but I hope to try it out this fall. My question is how would you stretch the GPP out a bit or is that even necessary? We might get snow anytime from the middle of October in these parts, so I would have to start the GPP on September 1 to even have a chance of 7 weeks. I have been out of track for three years. If I was planning on 3 major indoor meets ( January 7, February 4, March 3,4) would GPP from September to the 3rd week of October be enough, is the fourth week of October too early to start the SPP, or will this be covered in the new material? Just looking for a general idea.

i understand the problems with the weather, but before starting a full GPP, it might be a good idea to have some easy training before, getting used to things… because of your time out of track, i mean

if this is already done, i don’t see a problem in carefully planning a slightly longer GPP and even a SPP, as some aspects in your case might need more time to be further developed (top speed, for example)

hope it helps!
all the best with your come back!

You can start the GPP earlier- in mid August and stretch it out a bit as you’ve been off for some time. Perhaps 8 to 10 weeks

Thanks Charlie, and Nik.


On the GPP video you show a chart of med ball work, with one group bieng the throws, throws with hops Etc. The other group on the chart said “med ball accelerations”, are those just throws followed by a short run while the other group is just throws in place?

Yes. Followed by a short, fast run.

The med ball accels are demonstrated on the DVD (throws out into a push-up position followed by an accel)

Stupid Question:

Are those med Ball Throws into a Press-Up position sore on the landing? A lot of impact?
Are they done on the track?

I am probably missing something here- are we talking a squat throw from the chest explosively out into the press-up position?!

They’re best done on grass but indoors you can use a mat on either side to have your hands land on. In any case, if you go forward enough and throw in a forward trajectory, you’ll land from a lower height.

I had a little trouble finding this too! The Med Ball accelerations are the last two exercises demonstrated for Explosive Medball Work.