Weights after track

When I weight train after track my strength is down. I feel this mainly due to CNS fatigue especially for upper body. Therefore, I feel that unless I do weights first, the post track weights may be pointless unless for a maintainance session. Then if I did weights first would a speed session on the track suffer?

I know I answered my own question, but since so many people seem to do a track and weights session per day, I wanted to know if it was just me who suffered CNS fatigue so detrimentally.

Didn’t you kind of answer your own question. If you do the weights first, then you will be fatiguing the CNS with the weight training, so you speed session will go down unless you limit your weight intensity. It’s really a question of priorities.

BTW, you will get used to a post-track weight session and while your volumes may not ever be as high, you will usually find that you can move some big weights for low reps once you have done it for a while.


I find that the fatigue from sprinting mostly affects my olympic lifts. I can usually do pretty good on the squats and bench is minimally impacted.


this is my first training week that i did my track work before my weights (priorities), this is what i observed.

  1. Unlike xlr8, my strength lifts suffered(squat) and olympic lifts were about the same.?
    2)I think if you want to get a good weight workout, you really have to watch when you start to slow down in your sprinting- I think this is the key to getting good work on the track and then in the weight room- try and avoid fatigue by getting good rest in between reps.

I was a little suprised that my squat suffered-(you can check my thread-athlete’s training journal), but accumulation will take time

What would be the effects of lifting several hours after track instead of 30 minutes. Any able to do this - does CNS recover enough for decent lifts?

I did speed and weights today.

I found I couldnt handle as much volume on weights but felt REALLY good on the squat.

It is a great way to do things if you are time constrained.

Plus you dont need to perform two warmups or cooldowns. ALSO you get extra CNS recovery time between sessions AND your volume requirements are lower.

I did:

Warmup jog, drills, stretching and 3x30meter accelerations

3repsx2sets of 30 meter sprints (lying starts timed)

5 flying 40 meter sprints


4 sets of back squats with a set of jump squats in between each set of back squats (Total of three sets of jump squats with 50% bodyweight)

3 sets good mornings

3 sets explosive standing calf raise

the squat weight was decent (went up to 275 for 3 buried OLY style RAW and felt really explosive. It was definitely worthwhile for me to do weights immediately after speed and now I can spend my afternoon recovering instead of trying to get physched up for weights…
