Weight workout for 100m/200m

What do you think on following program:

10min Athletic-training(some exercises for stbilastion)

Weights(2 exercises combined): 75 min

3x8 lat pulldown–3xabdominals
Biceps – triceps 3x8
sth. for back – side abdominals
bench press-- Hyperextension for back
3x8 neck – hamstring curls
full Squats – calves

2-3 times a week.

And sometimes with 9-6-3 reps:

15min athletics/stabilisation for fuselage area

Lat - triceps
biceps - hamstring
bench press- back
Half squats – Neck

2-3 times track: sprints,acc,tempo,etc…

So, what do you think?

I would reorder things a bit…maybe something like:

full Squats – calves
bench press-- Hyperextension for back
3x8 neck – hamstring curls
Biceps – triceps 3x8
3x8 lat pulldown–3xabdominals
sth. for back – side abdominals

You want to put your most important exercises first so you are fresh and can do them with high quality.

I might eliminate calves, biceps, neck, and possibly hamstring curls.

Also I think 9-6-3 reps is too much of a change in reps in one workout. I’d maybe do sets of 9 for 3 weeks, then have an easy week, followed by sets of 6 for 3 weeks, etc.