Watched a sprint practice today..

I checked out the Simon Fraser University track practice today and I’m not really sure what kind of work the runners were doing though. They’d run a 200 in about 28-29 seconds, then jog 200, then run another 200, and then take a long 3-5 minute break and do it again maybe 6 sets.

I thought it was tempo but then why would the recoverys be so long? Also, after they finished a set they would stop and bend over as if they were going to pass out. Maybe a bit to intense for extensive tempo? who knows…

That is definitely not tempo. It’s intermediate speed or “Base” work, not good for a sprinter. It would be good for 800m if the rest was shorter. Maybe the coach felt they needed to be “Stronger”

Looks like an intermediate speed…

Perhaps though some kind of special endurance for 2nd 200m of the one-lap event?

not sure about the volume though; and the recoveries…

yeap, intermediate…

PS you can think about it for as long as you like, but since we don’t know anything else…